Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A research opportunity is not an excuse to invoke bullshit.

This is a brief summary of what I've been writing about and what I think I accomplished.

I accomplished nothing. My goal was to convince science deniers to grow up. Unfortunately stupid can't be fixed.

However this blog has been good for at least two things.

It's been a convenient place to save my growing collection of evidence for evolution. I especially like what I saved at Human chromosome 2 and chimpanzee chromosomes 2p & 2q. If science deniers weren't so afraid to make Jeebus cry this one post alone should be enough for them to get interested in science instead of complaining about it.

The other post I like (which is priceless because I didn't write it) is a radio speech by Ken Miller who is brilliant despite being infected with the Christian disease. What he said was the most eloquent speech I ever heard that explains why evolution is important. Visitors can listen to it here and they can also read it because I wrote the whole thing down and as far as I know I'm the only person who bothered to do that.

I've been trying to explain a few things, for example what is bullshit and what is real.

Here's an incomplete list of the bullshit: every magic god fairy ever invented, every religion, every religious belief, all of theology, and all of philosophy.

Some bullshit makes stupid people even more retarded. Other bullshit makes deranged assholes even more insane. The most ridiculous bullshit ever invented, a second existence in a magical heaven, can make gullible morons dangerous.

Here's an example of what is real: the basic facts of evolutionary biology including the evolutionary relationship between all species and every other species which means, for example, people share an ancestor with cockroaches.

There is a scientific explanation for everything. If that scientific explanation is still unknown, it's a research opportunity, not an excuse to invoke bullshit.

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