From the point of view of Christians, I would say most definitely liberal atheists disgrace atheism.
Why would Christians who are interested in things like having a family want to listen to liberal atheists who think disgusting ideas like abortion and same-sex marriage are wonderful? Why should a Christian trust liberal atheists who think out-of-control government spending and raising taxes to pay for it is good for the economy? Why shouldn't a Christian complain about liberal atheists who ridicule the Magic Jeebus Man while tolerating the terrorist organization called Islam?
Christians should know most atheists are not liberals. It might seem like most atheists are liberals but that is only because liberals are crybabies who make a lot of noise. It's more likely the majority of American atheists are economic conservatives who want to limit the size of government and who respect the idea of having families. While they don't think it's right to stick their noses into other people's private lives, they would almost never think it's a good idea to terminate a pregnancy. And they would not be pleased if their son or daughter was only interested in the same sex because like every other normal person they want to be grandparents.
I'm an economic conservative and I'm an atheist. I'm disgusted with liberals who cheer wildly when a politician says he wants to make abortion legal. I agree abortion should be legal but I wouldn't be screaming "kill the fetuses" like liberals like to do. I also don't think we should throw out the dictionary definition of marriage to accommodate a small minority of perverts.
Like most Christian conservatives I don't understand why liberals (both atheist and theist) think it's a good idea to punish success with higher taxes. People who work hard all their lives, live frugally, and save and invest all the money they can, should not be punished just because thanks to their hard work they have become successful and wealthy. If liberals don't think they are being taxed enough I invite them to make a contribution to the United States Treasury.
Christians, there are wacko atheists and there are normal atheists. Please ignore the wackos. They don't matter because most of them, while they might be educated, are just plain stupid.
The normal atheists are just like you Christians. The only difference is we don't have any supernatural beliefs. If you ever want to throw out your magic Jeebus man, that doesn't mean you have to throw out everything else. Your desire to have a family and eventually become great grandparents is good thing. You can keep that and everything else if you ever decide to join us normal atheists here in the 21st century.
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