Monday, May 14, 2012

A Christian demonstrates why Christians must be science deniers to defend their death cult.

Please see the insane bullshit at What I believe about origins.

This Christian believes all the fantasies of the magic Jeebus man religion, except he seems to prefer theistic evolution instead of magical creationism out of nothing. His problem is the word theistic is bullshit and has nothing to do with any branch of science including evolutionary biology. Christians can not call evolution theistic and then pretend they accept evolution. If they pollute evolution with their dead Jeebus they are evolution deniers.

In a hopeless attempt to convince the Christian to grow up I wrote this comment:
Human Ape said...
"The only view that all Christians must reject is the naturalistic view, namely that we are here solely because of purposeless chance."

There's that word "chance" again. Natural selection is not chance.

"I believe that God somehow created humans specially. We are especially in His image, we have dominion over other living things, and Christ appeared on earth in human form."

This is a terrible idea and it also has the disadvantage of being ridiculous. It's terrible because Christians use "we have dominion over other living things" as an excuse to trash the environment and wipe out endangered species. It's ridiculous because any educated 12 year old would laugh at it.

"God somehow created humans specially."

Therefore we are separate from nature instead of part of nature. We are special according to your religious fantasy.

The truth is we are just one small insignificant twig on the vast evolutionary tree of life, and your wishful thinking will never change this basic scientific fact.

"We are especially in His image"

Your fairy looks like a human ape and I suppose you also think it has male sex organs.

Everything with you is "I believe". I don't see any "I have evidence for this idea". And this is why scientists laugh at gullible Christians, so willing to believe any fantasy if they were brainwashed to believe in it.

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