For help you can contact the National Center for Science Education. Josh Rosenau, policy director of the National Center for Science Education, said "The situation has gotten better during the past decade or so, but that often his organization finds that it discovers a school teaching creationism only when a student or family raises a ruckus — there’s no lawsuit until there’s a plaintiff, after all."
Don't let Christian assholes ruin your education. Our country depends on America's students to get all Christian scum thrown out of our public schools.
You shouldn't call the people who tell you these things "assholes", because they are only sharing the truth about life to you. When WE share our beliefs, its because we care enough about the world to try and show people the way to Heaven. I am a Christian, but if someone from another religion, say Jehovah's Witness, told me their beliefs on how to get to Heaven, I would be thankful that they care enough about me to put themselves out there to try and get me to paradise to be with my loving God and Savior.
ReplyDeleteYou Christians destroy the lives of children with your god bullshit. Every one of you Christian retards is a stupid fucking asshole.
ReplyDeleteTake your loving magic god savior and shove it up your ass. You tards are no better than terrorists.
By the way you fucking idiot, where did you get the idea that people who try to destroy everyone else's science education are not assholes?
ReplyDeleteFuck off and die you stupid piece of shit.
What I know about Elise: East Setauket, New York arrived from on "Darwin killed God: If you're a student and your teacher teaches magical creationism, do what you have to do. Get that Christian asshole publicly humiliated and fired." by searching for how to get your teacher to be a christian.
ReplyDeleteShe used google to find out how students can preach the Bible to their teachers. What a fucking asshole.
Jehovah's Witnesses aren't Christians? This is news to them.