Monday, July 4, 2011

Americans are stupid assholes.

American assholes throw their garbage everywhere, including out their car window into other people's front yards. Americans throw their trash everywhere except into a garbage can. All public garbage cans are surrounded by garbage thrown by assholes too lazy to walk two feet. These slobs should be executed.

American assholes can't go anywhere without their bad music. In a public park, instead of listening to the sounds of nature, American retards listen to their irritating noise, forcing everyone nearby to listen to it. Walk into any American grocery store (including in wealthy communities) and expect to be forced to listen to the worst American music. They never let customers shop in peace and quiet. Instead there's always bad music playing (and it's never classical music).

American idiots have never tasted a fresh vegetable or fresh fruit. They eat only factory food. If some crap is advertised on TV, Americans will buy it and eat it.

American television is horrible but Americans watch it anyway. The comedy programs are typical. They are boring, not funny, and there's canned laughter after every sentence. When American tards watch these worthless TV shows they look like zombies. Two young ladies visiting from England told me American TV is terrible, but I already knew that.

If you like stupid people, if you like junk food, if you like the ground to be covered with stinking garbage, and if you like polluted rivers and lakes, you should visit Idiot America.

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