Friday, December 10, 2010

An important quote from Jerry Coyne, author of Why Evolution is True

What is most contemptible about Christians is what they do to their own children (and what they would do to everyone else's children if they could get away with it). Christianity exists only because Christians have no moral values and because they have no problem with destroying the minds of innocent children.


But, as Lovan noted in his piece, “83 percent of home-schooling parents want to give their children ‘religious or moral instruction.’” I weep for those children. For many of them are simply being brainwashed by their parents. Yes, that’s what it is—brainwashing. For a parent to ignore 150 years of solid science, feeding their children lies based on theology, is to deprive those children of the wonder of the universe—a wonder based on truth rather than medieval superstition. It kills off the part of a child that most needs nurturing: her sense of wonder, and all the possibilities of life that are opened up by that wonder. How many budding biologists have been stifled by their parents’ willful ignorance of science, and on their insistence that the Bible is the real source of biological information? Generation after generation of ignorance and religious dogmatism, all perpetuated by religously based home-schooling.

Jerry Coyne

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