Friday, December 24, 2010

Christian retards keep repeating the same bullshit year after year no matter how many times they are corrected.

"Many argue that teaching creationism in schools violates our First Amendment rights and the principle of keeping church and state separate."

Many? Is that what you call the entire Supreme Court, every federal judge in America, and everyone who isn't a theocratic asshole like you Christian subhumans.

"Did a higher being create us with a purpose for the world or did we randomly evolve?"

A higher being (your magic fairy) did not create us or anything else, you brainwashed uneducated moron.

Natural selection is not random you stupid hick.

"Neither creationism nor evolution can be proved, which is why they are theories. So it is safe to say that believing in either one requires faith."

The stupidity burns.

Your magical creationism is not a scientific theory. It's 100% pure bullshit.

Of course you don't know what a scientific theory is. You don't even know what science is you Christian imbecile.

A theory is the highest level of understanding in science. See this for the correct definition of theory from the National Academy of Sciences, which by the way knows a bit more about science than this airhead from a Virginia community college.

Evolution is a basic scientific fact. Facts don't require faith, you retarded piece of shit.

"The U.S. Supreme Court has decided that it is unconstitutional to prohibit a teacher's right to teach evolution, but in public schools it can be taught only as scientific fact."

Evolution is a scientific fact you pathetic brain-dead liar for Jeebus. The basic facts of evolution are the strongest facts of science, supported by 150 years of scientific discoveries, and massive scientific evidence you don't even know about because you would rather pray to your dead Jeebus than educate yourself. You, Ms. Airhead, should learn how to shut the fuck up about what you know absolutely nothing about, and you know nothing about science.

Hello Christians. Do you ever wonder why everyone ridicules you? Do you think it might be because you're too fucking stupid to understand even the most simple concepts?

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