Saturday, May 26, 2012

There is no evidence for magical intelligent design creationism.

Hello Bible thumpers and terrorists, this post is for you. I will write about a fantasy shared by both Christians and Muslims. It's a story from the Bible and from the Qur'an. It's currently called magical intelligent design creationism which are code words which mean magical Bible creationism and magical Qur'an creationism. In the rest of this post I will call it magical creation.

The idea called magical creation means that a god fairy waved its magic wand to instantly create every species on earth out of nothing. According to this religious fantasy there has been no development of new species since this mother of all magic tricks.

There's something very interesting about magical creation (beside the fact it's insane). It has no evidence. Not one shred of it. There are absolutely no evidences for magical creation. It's an idea that requires faith, lots of faith.

The Bible thumpers and the suicide bombers like to pretend there's evidence for their magical creation of every creature out of nothing. What they like to do is something like this: "This creature is too complicated to have evolved from an ancient species, therefore it was magically created out of nothing."

They don't understand the power of natural selection over a long period of time. They also don't understand that natural selection is a non-random process for the same reason artificial selection is non-random.

Even if their idea that a creature is too complex to have evolved was true (it's not true) that would not be evidence for their magical creation out of nothing. Evidence against something (whether the evidence is real or imaginary) is not evidence for anything else.

When faced with these obvious facts the terrorists and Bible thumpers will say something ridiculous like "It takes greater faith to believe in evolution than it does in Christ the Creator." A Wisconsin preacher actually said that. Preachers will say anything to defend their worthless careers. "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his job depends on not understanding it." -- Upton Sinclair

The problem with that idea (faith required to accept evolution) is it's wrong to pretend a basic scientific fact like evolution, supported by 150 years of scientific discoveries and overwhelming evidence, is something that requires faith. The magic Jeebus man certainly requires faith but basic facts of science don't require faith.

Christians and Muslims (and members of other science denying cults), your choice is magic or science. Normal people prefer science. You prefer magic. I suggest you have mental problem. You might want to work on getting your disease cured.

One more thing. If you science deniers ever decide to grow up and accept the massive powerful evidence for evolution you're going to have to throw out your supernatural god. A wimpy atheist will tell you it's possible to accept both religion and science, but as you probably already know, that atheist wimp is a liar. You won't find any dishonesty on this blog. I check my facts and I'm honest about everything. I would never tell Christians or Muslims they can accept 21st century science and still have supernatural fantasies. I would never say that because I have moral values. There can be nothing more important than being honest. A person's reputation depends on it. I might not be perfect, but I make sure nobody can ever accuse me of being a liar.

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