Tuesday, March 8, 2011

All religious science teachers should be fired and publicly humiliated.

All religious science teachers should be fired and publicly humiliated. If anyone disagrees I would ask them "If you were a student would you rather have a teacher who was normal or would you prefer to be taught science by a superstitious idiot?"

“The administration looked into the matter and found that one LHS science teacher was referencing creationism in a unit on evolution,” District 128 spokeswoman Mary Todoric wrote in an email. “Steps have been taken to ensure that this teacher will no longer use creationism as part of his classroom instruction. Furthermore, the district has taken appropriate steps to ensure that all science teachers are not referencing or teaching creationism.”

This isn't good enough. The teacher who was sticking Jeebus into his or her science classroom is obviously not qualified to teach biology or any other branch of science. The incompetent teacher should be fired immediately. It's not fair to students to be taught by an uneducated moron who should never have been allowed to graduate from high school.

1 comment:

  1. Youv'e just gotta love intellectual religiots, even though it's contradictory. The faith industry is full of supposed "intellectuals". These are intellectuals that really do believe, with all their heart that there are talking snakes, virgin births, parting the Red sea etc. etc. The nonsense never ends and now, we hear of somethings called "Doctors of theology". a Doctor of what? A doctor of superstitious nonsense. What on earth do theology students do at class? They must all sit around doing crosswords or something. Probably watch Benny Hinn on the telly. But they are allowed to be called doctors, these theology people. Doctors cure people. What on earth, apart for eating and sh*tting does a theologist do? As for religious intellectuals, that's an impossibility.


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