"Darwin was the first to use data from nature to convince people that evolution is true, and his idea of natural selection was truly novel. It testifies to his genius that the concept of natural theology, accepted by most educated Westerners before 1859, was vanquished within only a few years by a single five-hundred-page book. On the Origin of Species turned the mysteries of life's diversity from mythology into genuine science." -- Jerry Coyne
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Hey Christian assholes, you wanted a missing link. Here's your missing link you fucking retards.
Our ancestors who lived three million years ago could walk upright but still had no problem climbing trees. They had features of both modern human apes and our ancient ape ancestors.
From today's New York Times: Lucy’s Kind Had Joints Fit for Climbing Trees
Last year the discovery of a foot bone revealed that, more than three million years ago, the hominid species whose most famous member is known as Lucy probably walked upright.
From today's New York Times: Lucy’s Kind Had Joints Fit for Climbing Trees
Last year the discovery of a foot bone revealed that, more than three million years ago, the hominid species whose most famous member is known as Lucy probably walked upright.
Zeray Alemseged/Dikika Research Project
The research is based on the analysis of the shoulder bones of "Selam", an Australopithecus afarensis 3-year-old.
Observatory: The Trick to the Archer Fish’s Powerful Attack(October 30, 2012)
RSS Feed
Now a new study reveals that the species, Australopithecus afarensis, was also quite apelike, and very capable of climbing trees. The research is based on the analysis of the shoulder bones of Selam, a 3-year-old of the same species.
“The position or orientation of the shoulder joint was very gorillalike,” said Zeresenay Alemseged, a paleoanthropologist at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco and one of the study’s authors.
“We compared it to the primate database,” Dr. Alemseged said. “This is the earliest, most complete scapula ever analyzed.”
He and his colleague David J. Green, an anatomist at Midwestern University, report their findings in the current issue of the journal Science.
Dr. Alemseged speculates that Lucy, Selam and their kin climbed trees to hide from predators and search for food, and perhaps even to nest.
Exactly how much time they spent in trees is hard to say. Other research has revealed that many traits of the species’ hip bone, lower limb and foot are humanlike and well suited for upright walking.
Dr. Alemseged was part of the team that discovered Selam in 2000, in Ethiopia. It took about 10 years to analyze the paper-thin scapula, which was embedded in sandstone, Dr. Alemseged said.
Lucy, a partial skeleton of the species, was discovered in 1974.
If you Christian scum want more missing links that are no longer missing, read this: This is for the Christian assholes who say there are no transitional fossils.
If you uneducated morons still want to deny your evolutionary relationship with chimpanzees then see my 97 posts about the evidence for evolution at http://darwinkilledgod.blogspot.com/search/label/evidence%20for%20evolution.
There's many reasons why Christians are terrified of science. Their breathtaking stupidity is part of the problem. Another reason for their total ignorance of reality is America's incompetent science teachers. The easiest way to solve that problem would be to immediately throw all Christian teachers out of our public schools. Christians are not qualified to teach science because they don't even know what science is. It's not fair to students to get stuck with an idiot teacher who believes in the Magic Jeebus Man. They need to be fired now.
If you Christian scum want more missing links that are no longer missing, read this: This is for the Christian assholes who say there are no transitional fossils.
If you uneducated morons still want to deny your evolutionary relationship with chimpanzees then see my 97 posts about the evidence for evolution at http://darwinkilledgod.blogspot.com/search/label/evidence%20for%20evolution.
There's many reasons why Christians are terrified of science. Their breathtaking stupidity is part of the problem. Another reason for their total ignorance of reality is America's incompetent science teachers. The easiest way to solve that problem would be to immediately throw all Christian teachers out of our public schools. Christians are not qualified to teach science because they don't even know what science is. It's not fair to students to get stuck with an idiot teacher who believes in the Magic Jeebus Man. They need to be fired now.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Christian scum are voting for Romney for the wrong reasons.
I'm an economic conservative so of course I'm voting for Romney instead of the incompetent liberal loon who now occupies the White House.
This is a disgusting truth: Romney would never have any chance of defeating President Obama without the Christian retards who are voting for him. And in most cases they are voting for Romney because even though he belongs to a different cult, he is considered more religious than Obama who by the way in my opinion is really an atheist (which is a good thing). They should be voting for Romney because he can fix our broken economy but instead they prefer Romney because he's god-soaked.
It's impossible to be more brain-dead fucking stupid than the idiots who visit Kentucky's magical creationism museum, but they're voting for Romney.
This is a link to a British news website. Notice how the British keep misspelling words. For example colors is spelled "colors", not "colours". You would think the people who invented English would be able to spell English words properly like we Americans do.
Just off Interstate 275, across the Ohio River from Cincinnati, you’ll find a sophisticated museum that transports you back to the time of the dinosaurs. No, not back to the Triassic Period, said to have been 230 million years ago. Only back 6,000 years, to when T. Rex and others roamed the planet along with humans.
Mr. McGonigal, a Baptist from Pennsylvania, says that his belief very much colours his voting preferences. “It’s important that our leaders adhere to biblical principles,” he said. “That’s the only way they can be moral men.” For him, that means voting for Mitt Romney.
This is a disgusting truth: Romney would never have any chance of defeating President Obama without the Christian retards who are voting for him. And in most cases they are voting for Romney because even though he belongs to a different cult, he is considered more religious than Obama who by the way in my opinion is really an atheist (which is a good thing). They should be voting for Romney because he can fix our broken economy but instead they prefer Romney because he's god-soaked.
It's impossible to be more brain-dead fucking stupid than the idiots who visit Kentucky's magical creationism museum, but they're voting for Romney.
This is a link to a British news website. Notice how the British keep misspelling words. For example colors is spelled "colors", not "colours". You would think the people who invented English would be able to spell English words properly like we Americans do.
Just off Interstate 275, across the Ohio River from Cincinnati, you’ll find a sophisticated museum that transports you back to the time of the dinosaurs. No, not back to the Triassic Period, said to have been 230 million years ago. Only back 6,000 years, to when T. Rex and others roamed the planet along with humans.
Mr. McGonigal, a Baptist from Pennsylvania, says that his belief very much colours his voting preferences. “It’s important that our leaders adhere to biblical principles,” he said. “That’s the only way they can be moral men.” For him, that means voting for Mitt Romney.
I found some interesting bullshit in the Bible.
Christian scum don't call their dead preacher the Magic Jeebus Man so what do they call the stupid asshole?
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
If you guessed the retards call Jeebus "Jesus" you might be wrong. It all depends on which bullshit in the Bible is true (as if any of its magical nonsense could be called true).
From Wikipedia:
Matthew 1:21
Matthew 1:23
So which is it Christian tards? Is your magical son of the magical god fairy Jesus or Emmanual? If you're gullible enough to believe a magical master of the entire fucking universe is going to give special treatment to this tiny planet in the middle of nowhere, can't you at least agree what to call the magical god-man it magically created for you brain-dead assholes? And why do you believe in an ancient book that can't go two verses without contradicting itself?
One more question Christian morons: When are you fucking idiots going to grow up?
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Professional Christian assholes are fucking liars and of course they're incredibly stupid.
It's very interesting and the bit about the science denying assholes of the Christian Creationist Discovery Institute is entertaining.
The Mystery of the Missing Chromosome (With A Special Guest Appearance from Facebook Creationists)
Many more explanations of this undeniable evidence for the evolutionary relationship between human apes and chimpanzee apes can be found at Human chromosome 2 and chimpanzee chromosomes 2p & 2q.
If you're a science denying Bible thumper or a science denying terrorist, don't bother with it because you're too fucking stupid to understand anything.
Whenever I encounter a creationist I say "I noticed you're a science denier. What's your problem? Does science make you cry?"
And that's it. It would be a waste of time to say anything else to a fucking idiot who prefers magic instead of reality. The stupidity of evolution deniers is breathtaking. But these drooling morons are more than just extraordinarily retarded. They are way beyond insane. Also, they're cowards, they're dishonest, and they're fucking assholes who attack science education, brainwash innocent children, and fly airplanes into buildings. I would rather have a conversation with a dog.
Many more explanations of this undeniable evidence for the evolutionary relationship between human apes and chimpanzee apes can be found at Human chromosome 2 and chimpanzee chromosomes 2p & 2q.
If you're a science denying Bible thumper or a science denying terrorist, don't bother with it because you're too fucking stupid to understand anything.
Whenever I encounter a creationist I say "I noticed you're a science denier. What's your problem? Does science make you cry?"
And that's it. It would be a waste of time to say anything else to a fucking idiot who prefers magic instead of reality. The stupidity of evolution deniers is breathtaking. But these drooling morons are more than just extraordinarily retarded. They are way beyond insane. Also, they're cowards, they're dishonest, and they're fucking assholes who attack science education, brainwash innocent children, and fly airplanes into buildings. I would rather have a conversation with a dog.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
I wish, I wish, oh how I wish Ohio voters choose Romney instead of the liberal loon.
For many reasons it's very important for me that Romney wins the election. Of course it's up to Ohio voters. Before I read Why Romney Doesn’t Need a Poll Lead in Ohio I had given up all hope of Romney winning in Ohio. Now I'm not sure. I hope this article is something more than wishful thinking.
What are those reasons? Why am I so obsessed with throwing Obama out of the White House?
Obama violated my basic human right to spend my hard earned income any way I want. Even though Obama works for me (Politicians don't own America. We own America. Politicians are just our employees.) Obama had the nerve to tell me how I must spend my paycheck. His liberal Obamacare requires me to purchase health insurance even though I don't want it and don't need it. Where did Obama get the idiotic idea he has the right to tell me how I should spend my money?
Oh right, he got that idea from his opponent who as a governor signed legislation that required Massachusetts citizens to buy health insurance. What are the odds? Anyway, Romney has said he would never make this mistake as president so I have tried to forgive him.
Getting back to why I want to get rid of Obama:
Obama would never have these wonderful ideas Romney has:
Lower tax rates for everyone while not allowing excessive deductions for rich pigs.
Romney wants to completely eliminate taxes for dividends and capital gains for taxpayers who make less than $200,000 a year. This means I wouldn't have to share my retirement income with the government. Instead of stealing my savings Romney wants to let me keep it so I can grow my nest egg faster, and then have a more comfortable and worry-free retirement.
What's not to like about Romney? He will respect my human rights including my right to spend my money any way I want to spend it. Romney will increase my take home pay and he will make it easier for me to save for the future.
I suppose if I was very interested in protecting the right of women to murder their unborn babies I would vote for Obama. They should have that right, but I'm just not interested in that subject.
I suppose if I lived off of taxpayer handouts and if I was too lazy to get a job I would vote for Obama, but I would rather carry my own weight instead of being a leech who depends on hard working people to get free food.
I suppose if I was a liberal idiot I would be voting for Obama but I think the word "liberal" is an insult.
Anyway, hopefully the article I linked to at the beginning of this post is more than wishful thinking, and Romney despite all the odds wins Ohio. Because whoever wins Ohio will be our next president.
Update 10/28/2012:
Obama, Romney tied in Ohio
Update 10/29/2012
Election 2012: Ohio: Romney 50%, Obama 48%
This is what I wrote at an Ohio news website:
Middle class taxpayers in Ohio should know Romney will lower your tax rate so you can have more take home pay. Middle class taxpayers who invest in dividend paying stocks to have an income for retirement should know that Romney will completely eliminate the tax on dividends and capital gains for taxpayers earning less than $200,000 a year. Romney will help you make more money and he will help you save for the future. The future of the entire country depends on Ohio voters. Please help throw our liberal president out of the White House.
In a previous comment somebody suggested this poll was not accurate because it didn't call people who use cell phones. But from another news website about the same Ohio poll: "The Ohio newspaper poll used landlines and cellphones to reach 1,015 likely voters across the state from Oct. 18 through 23."
I know Ohio doesn't have the unemployment problem the rest of the country has, but still there are 23 million desperate Americans who can't find jobs, and a record high 47 million Americans depend on food stamps to survive. America can do better but only if Ohio helps the rest of the country throw Obama out of the White House.
What are those reasons? Why am I so obsessed with throwing Obama out of the White House?
Obama violated my basic human right to spend my hard earned income any way I want. Even though Obama works for me (Politicians don't own America. We own America. Politicians are just our employees.) Obama had the nerve to tell me how I must spend my paycheck. His liberal Obamacare requires me to purchase health insurance even though I don't want it and don't need it. Where did Obama get the idiotic idea he has the right to tell me how I should spend my money?
Oh right, he got that idea from his opponent who as a governor signed legislation that required Massachusetts citizens to buy health insurance. What are the odds? Anyway, Romney has said he would never make this mistake as president so I have tried to forgive him.
Getting back to why I want to get rid of Obama:
Obama would never have these wonderful ideas Romney has:
Lower tax rates for everyone while not allowing excessive deductions for rich pigs.
Romney wants to completely eliminate taxes for dividends and capital gains for taxpayers who make less than $200,000 a year. This means I wouldn't have to share my retirement income with the government. Instead of stealing my savings Romney wants to let me keep it so I can grow my nest egg faster, and then have a more comfortable and worry-free retirement.
What's not to like about Romney? He will respect my human rights including my right to spend my money any way I want to spend it. Romney will increase my take home pay and he will make it easier for me to save for the future.
I suppose if I was very interested in protecting the right of women to murder their unborn babies I would vote for Obama. They should have that right, but I'm just not interested in that subject.
I suppose if I lived off of taxpayer handouts and if I was too lazy to get a job I would vote for Obama, but I would rather carry my own weight instead of being a leech who depends on hard working people to get free food.
I suppose if I was a liberal idiot I would be voting for Obama but I think the word "liberal" is an insult.
Anyway, hopefully the article I linked to at the beginning of this post is more than wishful thinking, and Romney despite all the odds wins Ohio. Because whoever wins Ohio will be our next president.
Update 10/28/2012:
Obama, Romney tied in Ohio
Update 10/29/2012
Election 2012: Ohio: Romney 50%, Obama 48%
This is what I wrote at an Ohio news website:
Middle class taxpayers in Ohio should know Romney will lower your tax rate so you can have more take home pay. Middle class taxpayers who invest in dividend paying stocks to have an income for retirement should know that Romney will completely eliminate the tax on dividends and capital gains for taxpayers earning less than $200,000 a year. Romney will help you make more money and he will help you save for the future. The future of the entire country depends on Ohio voters. Please help throw our liberal president out of the White House.
In a previous comment somebody suggested this poll was not accurate because it didn't call people who use cell phones. But from another news website about the same Ohio poll: "The Ohio newspaper poll used landlines and cellphones to reach 1,015 likely voters across the state from Oct. 18 through 23."
I know Ohio doesn't have the unemployment problem the rest of the country has, but still there are 23 million desperate Americans who can't find jobs, and a record high 47 million Americans depend on food stamps to survive. America can do better but only if Ohio helps the rest of the country throw Obama out of the White House.
Wimpy atheists are worse than the religious scum they suck up to.
I totally agree with this comment a real atheist wrote to respond to the atheist wimp at A young atheist's lament:
In a war of ideas, surrender is the worst possible option in all worlds.
Giving these religious madmen free reign over our lives without fighting back is such a bad idea I can't even express my opposition for it properly, being intellectually taken aback and stunned by the very proposition.
It is our ethical obligation to fight this war, and our greatest weapon is ridicule. Dogma doesn't respond to logic, else it would not exist... making people question it requires something stronger.
And when it comes to legal discrimination in favor of religion, and public funds being used for religion, we need to make an endless and tireless stand against it. To do otherwise is madness.
In a war of ideas, surrender is the worst possible option in all worlds.
Giving these religious madmen free reign over our lives without fighting back is such a bad idea I can't even express my opposition for it properly, being intellectually taken aback and stunned by the very proposition.
It is our ethical obligation to fight this war, and our greatest weapon is ridicule. Dogma doesn't respond to logic, else it would not exist... making people question it requires something stronger.
And when it comes to legal discrimination in favor of religion, and public funds being used for religion, we need to make an endless and tireless stand against it. To do otherwise is madness.
Victims of religious indoctrination have to make a decision. They can waste their entire lives believing in bullshit or they can grow up.
Victims of religious indoctrination can grow up and throw out the magical bullshit, or they can forever remain cowardly retards.
Normal people are able to grow up. Drooling morons would rather hide in their childish everything-is-magic fantasy world.
Normal people become atheists. Assholes for Jeebus and Mohammed become Bible thumpers or suicide bombers.
How hard is it to grow up? Apparently it's very difficult to grow up in Idiot America because Christian scum are still the majority of our population.
So instead of learning about the natural world, Americans learn how to defend their god fairy's magic wand.
Instead of raising normal children, they brainwash their children with the exact same death cult they inherited from their idiot parents. And this is why Idiot America will always be a nation of fucking idiots.
Normal people are able to grow up. Drooling morons would rather hide in their childish everything-is-magic fantasy world.
Normal people become atheists. Assholes for Jeebus and Mohammed become Bible thumpers or suicide bombers.
How hard is it to grow up? Apparently it's very difficult to grow up in Idiot America because Christian scum are still the majority of our population.
So instead of learning about the natural world, Americans learn how to defend their god fairy's magic wand.
Instead of raising normal children, they brainwash their children with the exact same death cult they inherited from their idiot parents. And this is why Idiot America will always be a nation of fucking idiots.
Friday, October 26, 2012
President Obama is not qualified to be President of the United States.
This is all President Obama has to offer to fix our broken economy, from today's news:
"And I think the key that the American people want right now is for us to tackle some big challenges that we face in a commonsense, balanced, sensible way." That was a reference to one of his biggest differences with Romney — his insistence that tax cuts be allowed to expire at upper incomes on Dec. 31, as opposed to Romney's insistence that they be extended.
Obama thinks he can fix our unemployment problem by raising taxes for job creators. I don't get your logic Mr. Obama. How exactly will stealing money from job creators encourage those job creators to create jobs?
Your problem, Mr. President, is you're a fucking idiot. You know absolutely nothing about free enterprise.
You work for us, Mr. President. We gave you a chance but you fucked up. We are going to have to throw you out the window.
Our freedom, what it means to be an American, has been defined and sustained by the liberating power of the free enterprise system.
"And I think the key that the American people want right now is for us to tackle some big challenges that we face in a commonsense, balanced, sensible way." That was a reference to one of his biggest differences with Romney — his insistence that tax cuts be allowed to expire at upper incomes on Dec. 31, as opposed to Romney's insistence that they be extended.
Obama thinks he can fix our unemployment problem by raising taxes for job creators. I don't get your logic Mr. Obama. How exactly will stealing money from job creators encourage those job creators to create jobs?
Your problem, Mr. President, is you're a fucking idiot. You know absolutely nothing about free enterprise.
You work for us, Mr. President. We gave you a chance but you fucked up. We are going to have to throw you out the window.
Our freedom, what it means to be an American, has been defined and sustained by the liberating power of the free enterprise system.
The good news is all 40 victims were Muslim scum.
Every single day one or more Muslim assholes blow themselves up.
Today's news from the religion of peace:
Suicide bomber kills 40 at Afghanistan mosque
Everyone who belongs to the Islam terrorist organization is a fucking idiot.
Today's news from the religion of peace:
Suicide bomber kills 40 at Afghanistan mosque
Everyone who belongs to the Islam terrorist organization is a fucking idiot.
2012/10 OCTOBER,
Muslim scum,
religious violence
Thursday, October 25, 2012
America's wealth comes from the efforts of people striving for success.
Private Commercial Supporting Republican Party by former Socialist Citizen
This video will make liberal crybabies cry like babies.
President Obama hates success and that's why he wants to raise taxes for successful people.
Work hard all your life. Live frugally so you can accumulate wealth. Then watch President Obama steal your retirement income so he can pay for his trillions of dollars of debt.
47 million Americans on food stamps thanks to President Obama.
From a Wall Street Journal editorial:
President Obama didn't focus on the economy because he didn't and still doesn't understand how the private economy works. He doesn't understand that incentives matter, or how government policies and regulation can sabotage growth. He really believes that government is the engine of economic prosperity.
This video will make liberal crybabies cry like babies.
President Obama hates success and that's why he wants to raise taxes for successful people.
Work hard all your life. Live frugally so you can accumulate wealth. Then watch President Obama steal your retirement income so he can pay for his trillions of dollars of debt.
47 million Americans on food stamps thanks to President Obama.
From a Wall Street Journal editorial:
President Obama didn't focus on the economy because he didn't and still doesn't understand how the private economy works. He doesn't understand that incentives matter, or how government policies and regulation can sabotage growth. He really believes that government is the engine of economic prosperity.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Christian retards (and their Muslim terrorist friends) can't provide evidence for their magical creationism fantasies, so they invent imaginary evidence against evolution.
Science deniers pretend their imaginary evidence against evolution is evidence for their magical creation out of nothing. They are wrong. Evidence against something, even if that evidence was real, would not be evidence for anything else. The creationists have to provide evidence FOR their god fairy's magic wand, instead of evidence AGAINST something else.
Our Lord and Savior Jeebus Christ
The Magic Jeebus Man is very popular in Idiot America even though this idiot preacher man has long ago decomposed into nothing.
A google search with quote marks for "Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" gave about 3,490,000 results.
Christian retards and Catholic scum misspell the name of their dead god-man. It's Jeebus, not Jesus.
Only a small number of people get the spelling right. A google search for "Our Lord and Savior Jeebus Christ" gave only 4 results.
What is this "Savior" business? The idea which was repeatedly burned into my brain by the ugly nuns at the Catholic school I wasted my youth at is "Christ died for your sins".
What's a sin? Sin is a religious word for "you did a bad thing". As if little children commit violent crimes all the time.
Why did Jeebus get himself executed for our imaginary crimes? That's something the nuns never bothered to explain and their victims (the students) never bothered to ask about it. Heck, we never questioned anything. The nuns terrified us. We just obeyed and some of the more stupid students believed everything, even after they grew up and should have known it's all bullshit.
But why the adjective "Savior"? The idea is Jeebus, who is suppose to be the son of the asshole god of the Old Testament, dropped dead so that the magical asshole of the universe wouldn't torture us for eternity. All we have to do is believe all the Jeebus bullshit and we get a free "get out of hell" card.
Or something like that. Who gives a shit? It's all bullshit for cowardly imbeciles. The brainwashing convinces enough gullible morons to keep the money making machine going forever. That's what it's all about, the never ending handouts from the idiot customers for the asshole priests and preachers who are too lazy to get a real job.
Praise the Magic Jeebus Man.
Christians are the most brain-dead fucking idiots in the history of the human race.
A google search with quote marks for "Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" gave about 3,490,000 results.
Christian retards and Catholic scum misspell the name of their dead god-man. It's Jeebus, not Jesus.
Only a small number of people get the spelling right. A google search for "Our Lord and Savior Jeebus Christ" gave only 4 results.
What is this "Savior" business? The idea which was repeatedly burned into my brain by the ugly nuns at the Catholic school I wasted my youth at is "Christ died for your sins".
What's a sin? Sin is a religious word for "you did a bad thing". As if little children commit violent crimes all the time.
Why did Jeebus get himself executed for our imaginary crimes? That's something the nuns never bothered to explain and their victims (the students) never bothered to ask about it. Heck, we never questioned anything. The nuns terrified us. We just obeyed and some of the more stupid students believed everything, even after they grew up and should have known it's all bullshit.
But why the adjective "Savior"? The idea is Jeebus, who is suppose to be the son of the asshole god of the Old Testament, dropped dead so that the magical asshole of the universe wouldn't torture us for eternity. All we have to do is believe all the Jeebus bullshit and we get a free "get out of hell" card.
Or something like that. Who gives a shit? It's all bullshit for cowardly imbeciles. The brainwashing convinces enough gullible morons to keep the money making machine going forever. That's what it's all about, the never ending handouts from the idiot customers for the asshole priests and preachers who are too lazy to get a real job.
Praise the Magic Jeebus Man.
Christians are the most brain-dead fucking idiots in the history of the human race.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Who will be the leader of the free world? Everything depends on Ohio.
The 2012 election for President of the United States will be decided in Ohio. If there are still any undecided voters in Ohio they should read this.
If you're saving for the future, for example if you are buying dividend paying stocks, you should know Romney wants to completely eliminate taxes on dividends for taxpayers who make less than $200,000 a year.
If you want to share your retirement income with the federal government you should vote for Obama. If you want to have a comfortable retirement, or save money for a vacation, you should vote for Romney.
For the same taxpayers Mr. Romney wants to completely eliminate taxes on capital gains. That means if you want to change an investment you have in the stock market, you won't have to pay the government capital gains taxes just because you prefer another investment instead of what you have now.
Everyone wants to have a future they don't have to worry about. It doesn't help when the federal government is constantly stealing your retirement income. Unless you love government handouts because you're too fucking lazy to get a job, you should vote for Romney.
What I wrote here are just facts. This is what Romney said at one of the debates. If you're a retarded liberal crybaby you will cry like a baby. If you're a normal person who just wants to have a happy worry-free life then you just might agree it's easier to save for the future if the government is not constantly stealing your savings.
If you're saving for the future, for example if you are buying dividend paying stocks, you should know Romney wants to completely eliminate taxes on dividends for taxpayers who make less than $200,000 a year.
If you want to share your retirement income with the federal government you should vote for Obama. If you want to have a comfortable retirement, or save money for a vacation, you should vote for Romney.
For the same taxpayers Mr. Romney wants to completely eliminate taxes on capital gains. That means if you want to change an investment you have in the stock market, you won't have to pay the government capital gains taxes just because you prefer another investment instead of what you have now.
Everyone wants to have a future they don't have to worry about. It doesn't help when the federal government is constantly stealing your retirement income. Unless you love government handouts because you're too fucking lazy to get a job, you should vote for Romney.
What I wrote here are just facts. This is what Romney said at one of the debates. If you're a retarded liberal crybaby you will cry like a baby. If you're a normal person who just wants to have a happy worry-free life then you just might agree it's easier to save for the future if the government is not constantly stealing your savings.
Monday, October 22, 2012
25 percent of Americans with graduate degrees believe dinosaurs and humans romped together before Noah’s flood.
I provide this link because it's important:
What's the Matter With Creationism?
25% of Americans with graduate degrees believe people lived with dinosaurs.
This shows two things:
1. Americans are fucking idiots.
2. Educated people can be and often are fucking idiots.
Please see What's the Matter With Creationism?
It's better than anything I wrote on this blog.
What's the Matter With Creationism?
25% of Americans with graduate degrees believe people lived with dinosaurs.
This shows two things:
1. Americans are fucking idiots.
2. Educated people can be and often are fucking idiots.
Please see What's the Matter With Creationism?
It's better than anything I wrote on this blog.
2012/10 OCTOBER,
Christian retards,
Idiot America
This world is infested with thousands of Muslim terrorists and every single one of them is a creationist.
Hey Christian scum, look at what you have in common with suicide bombers. A childish idiotic belief in magical creation out of nothing. You Bible thumping assholes believe the exact same bullshit, the same magical creationism, the same magic god fairy fantasy, and the same cowardly belief in a magical heaven that makes terrorism possible.
You asshole Christians even use the same techniques Muslim terrorists use to brainwash innocent children.
Christians are equal to terrorists. Equally stupid and equally insane. We hunt down and kill terrorists. Christians deserve the same treatment.
You asshole Christians even use the same techniques Muslim terrorists use to brainwash innocent children.
Christians are equal to terrorists. Equally stupid and equally insane. We hunt down and kill terrorists. Christians deserve the same treatment.
The Texas State Board of Education is infested with science deniers, and the governor of Texas is a science denier.
Then of course in Texas the harassment of biology teachers never ends. Christian assholes are winning their war against science education in Texas.
There is some hope. A geologist is trying to get elected to the Texas State Board of Education. Lots of luck with those idiot Texan voters Mr. Schafersman.
STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION: Candidate Schafersman says evolution should be taught
There is some hope. A geologist is trying to get elected to the Texas State Board of Education. Lots of luck with those idiot Texan voters Mr. Schafersman.
STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION: Candidate Schafersman says evolution should be taught
What's the difference beween a theist and an agnostic?
There's really not much difference at all.
A theist is a fucking idiot.
An agnostic is a full-of-shit fucking idiot.
There is only one kind of person more fucking retarded than a creationist. They are called agnostics.
They believe it's impossible to say with 100% certainty there's no magical fairies hiding somewhere in the universe.
Do they make the same claim about magical Easter Bunnies? Probably not. Therefore magical fairies are more likely than magical rabbits.
Sure, that makes sense.
I never met an agnostic who wasn't a fucking asshole. Agnostic scum are worse than terrorists and they need to be exterminated.
A theist is a fucking idiot.
An agnostic is a full-of-shit fucking idiot.
There is only one kind of person more fucking retarded than a creationist. They are called agnostics.
They believe it's impossible to say with 100% certainty there's no magical fairies hiding somewhere in the universe.
Do they make the same claim about magical Easter Bunnies? Probably not. Therefore magical fairies are more likely than magical rabbits.
Sure, that makes sense.
I never met an agnostic who wasn't a fucking asshole. Agnostic scum are worse than terrorists and they need to be exterminated.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
cauldron: a large deep pot (used especially by witches) for boiling things in.
There is reality. Everything else is bullshit.
Why is the title of this post a definition of a cauldron?
The word "cauldron" was used to ridicule a Catholic idiot at the CNN news website in the comments.
The Catholic pope invoked more magic for his magical Catholic death cult. This important news was reported all over the place including at CNN. The stupid, it burns.
Of course CNN pretended this story wasn't a bunch of stinking bullshit, but that's what comments are for.
Here's the comments from Mother Marianne becomes an American saint. We are still waiting for Mr. Billingsworth's reply, but I doubt the fucking idiot wants any more abuse.
Later I found out Billingsworth is just a kid, a 20 year old who pretends to be the smartest retard in the universe. Notice the Ego Sum Melior Quam Vos. Totally full of shit. What a fucking asshole.
Why is the title of this post a definition of a cauldron?
The word "cauldron" was used to ridicule a Catholic idiot at the CNN news website in the comments.
The Catholic pope invoked more magic for his magical Catholic death cult. This important news was reported all over the place including at CNN. The stupid, it burns.
Of course CNN pretended this story wasn't a bunch of stinking bullshit, but that's what comments are for.
Here's the comments from Mother Marianne becomes an American saint. We are still waiting for Mr. Billingsworth's reply, but I doubt the fucking idiot wants any more abuse.
Later I found out Billingsworth is just a kid, a 20 year old who pretends to be the smartest retard in the universe. Notice the Ego Sum Melior Quam Vos. Totally full of shit. What a fucking asshole.
James Billingsworth, Ego Sum Melior Quam Vos
Someone gets recognized for being compassionate and the ignorant trolls are out to diminish their name. This is why the world is such a crappy place to live sometimes.
I don't think anyone is making light of her generosity. But there's plenty of fun to make out of people that believe she had magic powers.
James Billingsworth, Ego Sum Melior Quam Vos
Your comment illustrates your ignorance. Please educate yourself.
educate myself on what? magical powers? Do I need a cauldron for that?
2012/10 OCTOBER,
Catholic scum,
religious stupidity
Another off-topic post about the 2012 election for the American president.
Everyone agrees Romney won the first debate. Obama made up for it in the 2nd debate by being an asshole. But still the 2nd debate was only a draw or very close to a draw.
Obama's problem is he's incompetent, 23 million unemployed, there's no excuse for it. "It's not my fault" doesn't work anymore.
Lazy people who depend on government handouts (and their liberal asshole friends) will vote for Obama.
People who love free enterprise will vote for Romney.
Everything depends on Ohio voters.
I'm expecting Obama to win Ohio and the election. Then we can look forward to trillions more dollars of debt with nothing to show for it, as is the situation right now.
The 23 million desperate Americans who can't find work should vote for Romney but most of them prefer the handouts. Why work when Obama will feed you with other people's money?
Do scientists shoot 14 year old girls in the head for wanting to go to school? No, only religious assholes do that.
Do scientists fly airplanes into buildings?
Do scientists harass and threaten biology teachers?
Do scientists raise their arms into the air to praise the Magic Jeebus Man?
Do scientists call themselves "god's chosen people"?
Do scientists go to insane asylums called churches to listen to professional idiots babble about magic fairies, magical heavens, and magical hells?
Do scientists blow themselves up to murder innocent people?
Do scientists invoke magic to solve scientific problems?
Do scientists brainwash children with magical bullshit that couldn't possibly be true?
Do female scientists hide their entire bodies with a black tent with veiled holes for their eyes?
Do scientists riot and murder whenever somebody ridicules one of their ideas?
Do scientists call their ideas "the one true hypothesis"?
Do scientists refuse to throw out old ideas when massive new extremely powerful evidence repeatedly shows beyond any doubt those old ideas are bullshit?
Do scientists deny basic scientific facts that have been tested thousands of times and are supported by overwhelming extremely powerful evidence and more than a century of scientific research?
Do scientists exterminate millions of people just because they believe the wrong childish fantasies?
Do American scientists waste taxpayer money trying to defend their disrespect for the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution?
Do scientists attack science education to defend everything-is-magic bullshit?
Do scientists believe a retard who calls himself "the son of god" can become a zombie after being dead for three days?
Do scientists believe the Earth's moon was magically split in half and then magically put back together again?
When scientists are unable to solve a scientific problem do they give up and say "The Magic Man did it"?
Do scientists believe in childish cowardly bullshit like a magical heaven because they're terrified of reality?
Do scientists pray to invisible fairies?
Do scientists give away their hard-earned money to professional assholes who brainwash innocent children?
Do American scientists end speeches with bullshit words like "god bless America"?
Do scientists believe the entire fucking universe was magically created out of nothing 6,000 years ago?
If you believe there's a god fairy waving its magic wand somewhere in the universe, you're a fucking idiot. The world becomes a better place whenever one of you fucking retards drops dead.
Do scientists harass and threaten biology teachers?
Do scientists raise their arms into the air to praise the Magic Jeebus Man?
Do scientists call themselves "god's chosen people"?
Do scientists go to insane asylums called churches to listen to professional idiots babble about magic fairies, magical heavens, and magical hells?
Do scientists blow themselves up to murder innocent people?
Do scientists invoke magic to solve scientific problems?
Do scientists brainwash children with magical bullshit that couldn't possibly be true?
Do female scientists hide their entire bodies with a black tent with veiled holes for their eyes?
Do scientists riot and murder whenever somebody ridicules one of their ideas?
Do scientists call their ideas "the one true hypothesis"?
Do scientists refuse to throw out old ideas when massive new extremely powerful evidence repeatedly shows beyond any doubt those old ideas are bullshit?
Do scientists deny basic scientific facts that have been tested thousands of times and are supported by overwhelming extremely powerful evidence and more than a century of scientific research?
Do scientists exterminate millions of people just because they believe the wrong childish fantasies?
Do American scientists waste taxpayer money trying to defend their disrespect for the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution?
Do scientists attack science education to defend everything-is-magic bullshit?
Do scientists believe a retard who calls himself "the son of god" can become a zombie after being dead for three days?
Do scientists believe the Earth's moon was magically split in half and then magically put back together again?
When scientists are unable to solve a scientific problem do they give up and say "The Magic Man did it"?
Do scientists believe in childish cowardly bullshit like a magical heaven because they're terrified of reality?
Do scientists pray to invisible fairies?
Do scientists give away their hard-earned money to professional assholes who brainwash innocent children?
Do American scientists end speeches with bullshit words like "god bless America"?
Do scientists believe the entire fucking universe was magically created out of nothing 6,000 years ago?
If you believe there's a god fairy waving its magic wand somewhere in the universe, you're a fucking idiot. The world becomes a better place whenever one of you fucking retards drops dead.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
A fucking idiot from Idiot Tennessee throws out all of science to defend his Magic Jeebus Man.
At the end of every post on this blog there are labels. For example this post uses the labels evolution, religious stupidity, and Christian retards. If you click on a label you will see other posts with the same label. For example if you click on the label Christian retards you will be able to read the 287 posts I wrote about Christian retards.
Obviously I don't have a very high opinion of Christian retards. There's something about their extreme stupidity I just don't like. I never met a Christian who wasn't a fucking idiot. And they're all science deniers unless you think there's something scientific about the resurrection of the dead stinking decomposing Magic Jeebus Man into a zombie.
I mean really, this is the 21st century and still there are drooling morons who believe in magical miracles. In Idiot America there's millions of these fucking assholes. And in some states like Idiot Tennessee they are virtually the entire population.
What motivated me to write my 287th post about Christian retards was a news website in Tennessee where a fucking idiot invoked his idiotic Bible while denying 150 years of scientific progress in biology.
The stupidity burns completely out of control at Bill Nye is wrong about creationism, evolution.
I wrote the following comments for the Jeebus-soaked asshole:
Vince Cowan of Bluff City, Tenn. is a science denier and he doesn't know what he's talking about. Mr. Cowan should google "evolution evidence" to find why evolution (both macro and micro) is the strongest fact of science. Also, Mr. Cowan should grow up and stop pretending his god fairy's magic wand is real.
Everything he wrote is just plain stupid.
For example: "The absolute absence of transitional fossil".
This shows Mr. Cowan is uneducated and not too bright. And I'm being extremely nice so I don't get censored. If Mr. Cowan really wants to know what I think about his denial of basic scientific facts like evolution he can visit my blog at http:// darwinkilledgod.blogspot.co m/.
God says in Proverbs 1:7: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction." Psalms 53:1 says: "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."
I'm not surprised the uneducated Mr. Cowan is a Bible thumper. And I'm not surprised Mr. Cowan uses his worthless idiotic Bible to insult people. I never met a god-soaked science-denier who had any moral values.
"Creationism never hinders true science. Many renowned creationist scientists, now deceased, believed in a personal creator God and the Bible, and professed faith in Jesus Christ."
According to Mr. Cowan magic (or what he calls creationism) never hinders science, as if real scientists invoke magic to solve scientific problems. Then Mr. Cowan invokes his Magic Jeebus Man as if worthless dead preachers have anything to do with science.
By the way Mr. Cowan there are exactly zero "creationist scientists" living in the 21st century. Real scientists do not invoke magic, including your childish idiotic magical creationism.
I mean really Mr. Cowan, do you really think scientists say "I can't solve this problem, and every scientist in the world and every scientist of the future will never be able to solve this problem, therefore the Magic Jeebus Man did it."
Unlike you Mr. Cowan, scientists are not insane. And thank goodness scientists are not uneducated nutjobs like you because then we would all be living in the Dark Ages. You Mr. Cowan are still living in the Dark Ages. You live in a childish everything-is-magic fantasy world, but you still have the nerve to insult all the world's biologists with your denial of the foundation of biology which is evolution.
"For all of those who do see the overwhelming evidence of natural selection and life's descent from ancestors, and the immense span of time over which the story of life unfolded, it is, to put it mildly, baffling how so many still do not. It is absolutely astonishing and often infuriating that some take it so far as to deny the immense foundation of evidence and to slander all the human achievement that foundation represents."
-- The Making of the Fittest: DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Evolution by Sean B. Carroll
Mr. Cowan, please grow up or shut up. You are disgracing your country and you should be ashamed of yourself.
"Macro-evolution is a theory".
What Mr. Cowan meant was "Macro-evolution is JUST a theory." Mr. Cowan doesn't know what a scientific theory is. Mr. Cowan doesn't know anything.
By the way Mr. Cowan evolution is called "evolution". You don't need the adjectives micro and macro because it's all the same thing.
A quote from the National Academy of Sciences:
THEORY: In science, a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses. The contention that evolution should be taught as a "theory, not as a fact" confuses the common use of these words with the scientific use. In science, theories do not turn into facts through the accumulation of evidence. Rather, theories are the end points of science. They are understandings that develop from extensive observation, experimentation, and creative reflection. They incorporate a large body of scientific facts, laws, tested hypotheses, and logical inferences. In this sense, evolution is one of the strongest and most useful scientific theories we have.
Obviously I don't have a very high opinion of Christian retards. There's something about their extreme stupidity I just don't like. I never met a Christian who wasn't a fucking idiot. And they're all science deniers unless you think there's something scientific about the resurrection of the dead stinking decomposing Magic Jeebus Man into a zombie.
I mean really, this is the 21st century and still there are drooling morons who believe in magical miracles. In Idiot America there's millions of these fucking assholes. And in some states like Idiot Tennessee they are virtually the entire population.
What motivated me to write my 287th post about Christian retards was a news website in Tennessee where a fucking idiot invoked his idiotic Bible while denying 150 years of scientific progress in biology.
The stupidity burns completely out of control at Bill Nye is wrong about creationism, evolution.
I wrote the following comments for the Jeebus-soaked asshole:
Vince Cowan of Bluff City, Tenn. is a science denier and he doesn't know what he's talking about. Mr. Cowan should google "evolution evidence" to find why evolution (both macro and micro) is the strongest fact of science. Also, Mr. Cowan should grow up and stop pretending his god fairy's magic wand is real.
Everything he wrote is just plain stupid.
For example: "The absolute absence of transitional fossil".
This shows Mr. Cowan is uneducated and not too bright. And I'm being extremely nice so I don't get censored. If Mr. Cowan really wants to know what I think about his denial of basic scientific facts like evolution he can visit my blog at http://
God says in Proverbs 1:7: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction." Psalms 53:1 says: "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."
I'm not surprised the uneducated Mr. Cowan is a Bible thumper. And I'm not surprised Mr. Cowan uses his worthless idiotic Bible to insult people. I never met a god-soaked science-denier who had any moral values.
"Creationism never hinders true science. Many renowned creationist scientists, now deceased, believed in a personal creator God and the Bible, and professed faith in Jesus Christ."
According to Mr. Cowan magic (or what he calls creationism) never hinders science, as if real scientists invoke magic to solve scientific problems. Then Mr. Cowan invokes his Magic Jeebus Man as if worthless dead preachers have anything to do with science.
By the way Mr. Cowan there are exactly zero "creationist scientists" living in the 21st century. Real scientists do not invoke magic, including your childish idiotic magical creationism.
I mean really Mr. Cowan, do you really think scientists say "I can't solve this problem, and every scientist in the world and every scientist of the future will never be able to solve this problem, therefore the Magic Jeebus Man did it."
Unlike you Mr. Cowan, scientists are not insane. And thank goodness scientists are not uneducated nutjobs like you because then we would all be living in the Dark Ages. You Mr. Cowan are still living in the Dark Ages. You live in a childish everything-is-magic fantasy world, but you still have the nerve to insult all the world's biologists with your denial of the foundation of biology which is evolution.
"For all of those who do see the overwhelming evidence of natural selection and life's descent from ancestors, and the immense span of time over which the story of life unfolded, it is, to put it mildly, baffling how so many still do not. It is absolutely astonishing and often infuriating that some take it so far as to deny the immense foundation of evidence and to slander all the human achievement that foundation represents."
-- The Making of the Fittest: DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Evolution by Sean B. Carroll
Mr. Cowan, please grow up or shut up. You are disgracing your country and you should be ashamed of yourself.
"Macro-evolution is a theory".
What Mr. Cowan meant was "Macro-evolution is JUST a theory." Mr. Cowan doesn't know what a scientific theory is. Mr. Cowan doesn't know anything.
By the way Mr. Cowan evolution is called "evolution". You don't need the adjectives micro and macro because it's all the same thing.
A quote from the National Academy of Sciences:
THEORY: In science, a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses. The contention that evolution should be taught as a "theory, not as a fact" confuses the common use of these words with the scientific use. In science, theories do not turn into facts through the accumulation of evidence. Rather, theories are the end points of science. They are understandings that develop from extensive observation, experimentation, and creative reflection. They incorporate a large body of scientific facts, laws, tested hypotheses, and logical inferences. In this sense, evolution is one of the strongest and most useful scientific theories we have.
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