Monday, December 20, 2010

Five years ago, "intelligent design" ruling in Dover case set a legal landmark

I left the following comment at this news website.

It's interesting that the creationists who tried to force the beliefs of their Christian death cult into science education not only lost in court, not only wasted one million dollars of taxpayer money, but every single biology teacher in Dover refused to cooperate. They refused to talk about magical intelligent design creationism in their science classrooms. Creationists should have learned a lesson from all this. They should have learned how to shut up because their opinions don't matter. Their opinions don't matter because they're uneducated morons.


  1. "I don't think you understood Neil deGrasse Tyson at all. Mr. Tyson wrote "A century later, the French astronomer and mathematician Pierre-Simon de Laplace confronted Newton's dilemma of unstable orbits head-on. Rather than view the mysterious stability of the solar system as the unknowable work of God, Laplace declared it a scientific challenge."

    The point is Newton's belief in a magical god most certainly did stifle Newton's genius and his curiosity. Instead of solving this problem, he gave up and invoked the same magical god you believe in. It took another century before a scientist without the god problem was able to find the real solution, instead of the worthless god solution which didn't solve anything."

    First I don't think Tyson was implying that God stiffled Newton's genius, but what your saying is if Newton hadn't beleived in God maybe he would have given it another go and figured it out. It's a little silly to think that every scientist who couldn't figure a problem out in their lifetime should have just tried harder. A belief in God doesn't stiffle genius or creativity, it just changes your motive. Newton was discovering the laws God set in place to govern the universe, atheist scientists are discovering the laws that nothing set in place to govern the universe.

    “If the omniscient author of nature knew that the study of his works tends to make men disbelieve his Being or Attributes, he would not have given them so many invitations to study and contemplate Nature”
    - Robert Boyle

    I think you probably fall into this category.

  2. "but what you're saying is if Newton hadn't beleived in God maybe he would have given it another go and figured it out."

    That's what Neil deGrasse Tyson said and he was right. Newton was a genius. He could have solved the problem he invoked a god for. Even if he couldn't have solved that problem, he should never have invoked god for it, because a century later another scientist solved it without invoking supernatural magic. It was one less hiding place for the god of the gaps, and now here in the 21st century there's virtually no gaps left.

    Try to imagine how much scientific progress will be made in the next thousand years. Do you seriously think anyone, even non-scientists, will be invoking a god for anything in the year 3010?

    Religion stands still, permanently stuck in the Dark Ages. In one thousand years or less, every religious belief will be thrown out, including the childish ridiculous idea there's a supernatural magician hiding somewhere in the universe, making things out of nothing with a magic wand. If I'm wrong about that, that means there will still be backward superstitious hicks living in the world, and who cares what they think about anything? Scientists most certainly don't care about them now.

    Just to be on topic, this post is about the evolution deniers who wasted one million dollars of taxpayer money in a federal court. Isn't it interesting that cowardly Christians attack science education when it's them more than anyone who need to study science.


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