Saturday, February 5, 2011

Who said this, creationist asshole Ken Ham or the President of the United States?

The Lord and Savior bullshit I would expect from a creationist subhuman, but this quote came from America's president.

Does President Obama really believe Jeebus is his savior? Does Obama really believe there's something to be saved from? Is Obama really a retarded Christian?

Of course he doesn't believe any of the Christian bullshit. The Christian idiots know it and the normal people (also known as atheists) who voted for him know it.

The next election for president is on November 6, 2012, almost two years from now. Obama's reelection campaign began with his Lord and Savior speech. In hick-infested America politicians have to at least pretend to be stupid enough to suck up to the dead Jeebus or they will never be elected to anything. In normal countries nobody cares about it. For example there's Australia -- Prime Minister Julia Gillard says she has no intention of pretending to believe in God to attract religiously-inclined voters. If President Obama said this he would most certainly lose the 2012 election. The USA is called Idiot America because Americans are idiots.

The Prime Minister of Australia is a normal person (an atheist).

This brilliant woman talks about her not being a theist in these YouTube videos:

Australia's New Prime Minister Is An Atheist

Q&A - Julia Gillard and Atheism

Another video about something else:

Julia Gillard's Speech Over Opposition's Sexism, Misogyny

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