Saturday, February 19, 2011

I'm proud to be a PZ minion, but I don't agree with him about everything.

PZ has the best pro-science anti-religion blog on the internet. For a good reason it's extremely popular. For every comment I get here, PZ gets one million comments.

Like many normal people, also known as atheists, PZ is a looney liberal. Other than that he's a genius.

In this post PZ cheers for the liberals of Wisconsin who want to tax and spend their state into bankruptcy. I was there to provide this link to a Wall Street Journal editorial that explains why most Wisconsin voters chose the Republicans in the last election. They want to keep government spending under control, even if that means forcing government employees to live as frugally as everyone else.


  1. Contrary to what Christians believe, atheists do not have authority figures who tell us what to think and believe. We think about things, research to find out the truths, and make up OUR OWN MINDS. We don't slavishly follow Dawkins, Hitchens, PZ or Darwin.

    note: to the relatives of the Christians who read the previous paragraph, my apologies for the clean-up you have to do now that their brains have exploded. Sorry. It had to be said.

  2. The only thing atheists definitely have in common is they're not theists. I like to think atheists are likely to be in favor of better science education and protecting the environment, but perhaps the vast majority of atheists don't care about those things. It's possible most atheists don't bother to pay any attention to the Christian war against science education, Muslim terrorism, or anything else. I know an atheist who only cares about playing tennis. Nothing else matters. Perhaps that's a good philosophy.


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