Monday, February 7, 2011

Muslim terrorists love the Christian Creationist Discovery Institute.

Last year I visited some Muslim blogs and I learned a few things (besides the fact Muslims are stupid assholes, I already knew that).

All Muslims are evolution deniers. Unlike some Christians who accept evolution but pollute it with their god fairy's magic wand (which is worse than denying the whole thing) Muslims completely reject evolution. Muslims, as retarded as they are, understand the religious implications of evolution. If a Muslim accepts evolution, he or she throws out Islam at the same time.

Many Muslims pretend to be moderate but virtually all of them suck up to terrorists, just like "moderate" Christians suck up to Bible thumpers. They don't call terrorists "terrorists". They call terrorists "martyrs".

There are no moderate religious people because there's nothing moderate about being a superstitious idiot.

Because all Muslims are evolution deniers, all Muslims (including the terrorists) love the stupid dishonest assholes of the Christian creationist organization called the Discovery Institute. To defend their dead Mohammed and their imaginary Allah, Muslims frequently invoke the Christian Creationist Discovery Institute to attack science, especially evolutionary biology.

Therefore the Christian creationist assholes of the Discovery Institute, besides attacking America's science education, support the terrorist organization called Islam.

With their attacks against America's science education and their support for the terrorists, it's fair to say the Christian creationist Bible thumpers of the Discovery Institute are traitors, enemies of America, and equal to the terrorists who love them. Therefore the assholes of the Discovery Institute belong in prison. If it was up to me their fate would be much worse than that.

Last year I wrote a few comments about the Discovery Institute terrorist organization and one of their creationists responded on their website (which doesn't allow comments for obvious reasons, they would be overrun by biologists telling them why they're wrong about everything and by everyone else to tell them to fuck off).

I wrote these comments (using the name bobxxxx) on a university website. Another comment was written by RickK.

bobxxxx says:

“Intelligent design” which means “The Magic Man Did It” was invented by the dishonest morons of the Christian creationist organization called the Discovery Institute, which employs mostly lawyers who have never discovered anything. Their goal is to destroy science education in America to please their uneducated Christian hick customers.

bobxxxx says:

Robert Crowther, who left a comment here, is one of the compulsive liars who works for the Christian creationist organization called the Discovery Institute (also known as the Dishonesty Institute).

Here’s information about Crowther from the Dishonesty Institute website. Notice that Crowther is not a scientist, and obviously he doesn’t even know what science is.

“Robert Crowther holds a BA in Journalism with an emphasis in public affairs and twenty years experience as a journalist, publisher, and brand marketing and media relations specialist. From 1994-2000 he was the Director of Public and Media Relations for Discovery Institute overseeing most aspects of communications for each of the Institute’s major programs.”

Crowther and the rest of the theocratic morons of the Dishonesty Institute are traitors who want to destroy America’s science education. If it was up to me they would be put in prison for treason. They are enemies of America, no better than terrorists, and they should be treated like terrorists.

RickK says:

Robert Crowther needs to acquaint himself with the actual contents of “Signature in the Cell”, which after 150 pages of Stephen Meyer’s self-congratulatory personal biography, goes on to COMPLETELY miss the point on evolution. Meyer works very hard to build up the strawman that life jumped into complex existence through some random event. He fails to mention what anyone who has ever written a simple evolutionary algorithm understands – IT ISN’T RANDOM.

Meyer is clever, no doubt. And as he stated in “The Wedge”, he will use that cleverness and will use “Design Theory” as a mechanism to make science more accepting of the Christian God. That’s his goal, spelled out in black and white.

Mr. Crowther – if the Discovery Institute is supposed to be doing research into “Intelligent Design”, why does it seem to consist primarly of journalism majors and lawyers? Why does the visible output from the Discovery Instutute seem to consist solely of press releases and blogs that don’t allow comments?

There was a reply on their Discovery Institute website which was written by the creationist John West who used to be a "political scientist" (he never had a real job and he knows nothing about biology). Here it is:

Supporters of Darwin's theory continue to distinguish themselves on America's college campuses--not for their reason and logic, but for their incredible ill manners and an almost pathological inability to engage in civil discussion. Last week, a factually-challenged attack on intelligent design was published in The Nevada Sagebrush, the student newspaper at the University of Nevada, Reno. Nothing new in that; I see ill-informed articles on intelligent design all the time. But after my colleague Rob Crowther posted a short comment suggesting that readers might actually want to hear from intelligent design proponents themselves (imagine that!), the Darwinist thought-police came out in force. One writer who is so courageous that he hides behind the pseudonym "bobxxxx" fulminated:

Robert Crowther... and the rest of the theocratic morons of the Dishonesty Institute are traitors who want to destroy America's science education. If it was up to me they would be put in prison for treason. They are enemies of America, no better than terrorists, and they should be treated like terrorists.

Traitors? Terrorists? Enemies of America? ID proponents should be "put in prison" for freely expressing their views?!! Perhaps the University of Nevada should consider requiring its students to take a course on the First Amendment. It's pretty obvious that some of them don't understand the value of free speech.

Mr. John B. West, you fucking moron, I wasn't complaining about your breathtaking stupidity. Your problem, which anyone with any moral values can't ignore, is you retards attack America's science education every chance you get. That's your career. You're an asshole and a traitor. Putting you in prison would be too nice. You deserve the same treatment we give to the terrorists who love you.

Say what you want, asshole. Every time you show off your stupidity you disgrace your Christian death cult, which is fine with me. What you got to stop doing is supporting the science deniers in our local school boards and state legislatures. You got to stop attacking science education. Of course you won't do that because lying for Jeebus is too lucrative for an asshole like you. So expect never ending harassment and ridicule from myself and thousands of other rational people who are fed up with scum like you Mr. West.

Mr. John West of the Discovery Institute, even some Christians think you are scum. Here's an example:

Your Discovery Institute is a horrific mistake, an epic intellectual tragedy that is degrading the minds of those who consume its products and bringing dishonor to you and to the church. It is for good reason that Casey Luskin is held in such extreme contempt by your movement's critics, and there's something truly sick about the pattern of attacks that your operatives launched in the weeks after the Biola event. It's clear that you have a cadre of attack dogs that do this work for you, and some of them seem unconstrained by standards of integrity. I can't state this strongly enough: the Discovery Institute is a dangerous cancer on the Christian intellect, both because of its unyielding commitment to dishonesty and because of its creepy mission to undermine science itself. I'd like to see you do better, but I have no such hope for your institute. It needs to be destroyed, and I will do what I can to bring that about.

Mr. John West of the Discovery Institute, you assholes are constantly spreading lies about science and you're constantly spreading lies about your own childish religious belief in magical intelligent design creationism (which is identical to the magical creationism Bible thumpers and Muslim terrorists believe in). Here's the truth about your anti-science religious beliefs, written by somebody named Mike Toreno:

ID creationism is misrepresented by its adherents, not its critics.

The various statements of what ID creationism is are simply obfuscations of the following argument:

I don't understand the reason for X phenomenon. Therefore X phenomenon originated by magic.

For example, take the contention that the bacterial flagellum could not have originated through a step by step process. That's an obfuscation of the true argument, which is "I don't understand how the bacterial flagellum could have originated through a step by step process."

The response, of course, is:
Well, maybe you not understanding something doesn't mean it can't be understood. There are other reasons why you might not understand something. Maybe you're just stupid.

Dembski gave some talk in Oklahoma, and he got totally pwned. He talked about the bacterial flagellum, and some guy in the audience, during the question and answer session, said, I can explain how the bacterial flagellum could have originated through a step by step process, and did it. Of course, then Dembski wanted more steps. No matter how many steps you present, the ID creationist wants more. This is a slight variation of the ID creationist argument, and reads as follows:

I won't admit that X phenomenon could have originated through natural means. Therefore, X phenomenon must have originated by magic.

And the answer, of course, is: Well, maybe you're just a liar.

The idea that proponents of ID creationism have been discriminated against is based on a misconception - namely, that every idea is of equal merit. ID creationists aren't able to gain acceptance for their ideas not because of philosophical resistance, discrimination, or conspiracy, but because their ideas are stupid. I mean, when a real scientist explains phenomena that an ID creationist says is unexplainable, is the ID creationist still entitled to a respectful hearing for his claim?

ID creationism adherents believe in ID creationism because they haven't considered, or don't want to consider, the possibility that they're just retarded. Well, it's time for them to consider it.

-- Mike Toreno

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