Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Religious indoctrination is child abuse. The child abusers belong in prison.

At Catholic school (I endured 9 years of it, Kindergarten thru 8th grade) the brainwashing is intense. A big part of that child abuse was "The Catholic Church is the One True Religion" which is an idea I heard a few thousand times. Their logic (the ugly fat nuns) was the Catholic Church is older than the other Christian cults, therefore it is real and the newer cults are false. 

Some people grow up and throw out the ridiculous bullshit. Other people never grow up. Those other people are called Bible thumpers and terrorists.

What happens when two ridiculous cults decide to get violent because the other cult is wrong? A good example is what's going on in Syria right now.

All the trillions of dollars spent on religious wars and spent on defending a country from future religious attacks, maybe there could be some better use for that cash. Like for example scientific progress. Or science education. Or just give it all to me.

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