Monday, August 15, 2011

What I write on the internet when I encounter a retarded Christian asshole who prefers magical creation instead of evolutionary biology.

What I write on the internet when I encounter a retarded Christian asshole who prefers magical creation instead of evolutionary biology:

Just because you're too bloody stupid to understand evolution and too cowardly to study evolution doesn't change the established truth of evolution which is the strongest and most important basic fact of science.

You have a lot of nerve to think you know more about biology than all the world's biologists. You're an uneducated moron and you know nothing.


I learned a long time ago it's pointless to try to explain to a Christian tard how evolution works and why massive powerful evidence makes evolution the strongest fact of science. Stupid can't be fixed. Insanity can't be fixed.

I also noticed when Christian assholes (they're all assholes) ask a question about evolution, they are not interested in the answer and they wouldn't understand it anyway. They are only interested in wasting people's time. They must think their dead Jeebus loves stupid assholes.

1 comment:

  1. They believe what they want to believe. Knowledge wouldn't make a difference anyway.


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