Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Christians are stupid fucking assholes.

I have worked for many corporations. Not often but sometimes there would be a meeting to help solve some problem. For some strange reason we never started these meetings with praying to the Magic Jeebus Man. We wouldn't do that because it would be a ridiculous waste of time, and employees would probably quit their jobs.

But here in Idiot America, a backward country infested with Christian assholes, our local and state governments often try to get away with this praying to Jeebus bullshit. But isn't this an obvious violation of the Establishment Clause of our Bill of Rights? Of course it is. But Christian assholes don't care because they're fucking assholes.

Imagine being a Jew or an atheist at a city's monthly town board meeting which is open to the public. You arrive there hoping to express your opinion about something the city government wants to do. When the meeting begins a fucktard preacher man starts praying, saying some gibberish like "In the name of the Lord and Savior Jeebus Christ, who lives with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever."

If I had this experience I would stand up in the middle of the prayer and say as loudly as possible "What the fuck is this place, a fucking church?"

This bullshit happens all the time in Idiot America. Christian assholes are constantly trying to find out what they can get away with. Their goal is to make America a Christian theocracy.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 6th, 2013, the United States Supreme Court will be making a decision about the Christian assholes of the City of Greece in New York State who start their monthly town hall meetings with a preacher praying to the dead Jeebus.

Our wimpy Supreme Court will probably make this decision: "You fucktards can pray in your government meetings but only if you pray to a magic god fairy. You can't pray to the Magic Jeebus Man because that would be endorsing a religion which violates the Establishment Clause."

What the Supreme Court would say if they weren't wimps: "You fucking assholes have a lot of nerve wasting taxpayer money on this bullshit. If you have to show off how holy you are you can do that in your worthless churches. You can't pray to your god fairy or any other fairy in a government building."

Fuck off and die Christian scum.

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