Monday, February 25, 2013

Is it silly to think that Allah split the moon, or that an undead Christ flew into space?

The question is from Yahoo Answers at Is it silly to think that Allah split the moon, or that an undead Christ flew into space?.

One of the best answers was from a person named "John":

Both are exceedingly possible. Meanwhile, back to my medication.

This was my answer:

"Silly" is not strong enough a word. These fantasies require extreme stupidity, gullibility, and insanity.

The Muslim fantasy about the moon is ridiculous. The Christian fantasy about the resurrection of the stinking dead magic jeebus man is equally ridiculous but even worse it's disgusting. Unless of course a person likes zombies.

Christians will complain "Jeebus did not become a zombie" "Jeebus was not undead" "Jeebus did not fly into space".

Really? Then what would you call a decomposing three day old corpse that left its grave? Normal people would call it a zombie. Zombies are "undead". In the movies the solution is to shoot the zombie in the brain. Of course zombie movies are fantasy. The Jeebus zombie is also a fantasy.

According to the disgusting resurrection myth after the dead Jeebus became undead he went up to a magical heaven. How is that not flying into space?

Grow up Christian scum and stop disgracing my country. You idiots have made America a laughing stock. It's for a good reason civilized countries call the USA "Idiot America" and that reason is you sick-in-the-head Christians.

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