I wrote these comments at Criticizing evolution now protected in Tennessee and a Bible thumping retard says that's a good thing.
"To evolution's true believers, there is no other side worth mentioning."
Is that what you call all the world's biologists, "evolution's true believers"?
Biologists are called "biologists". It's not necessary to say they
completely accept the established truth of evolution because every
educated person already knows that.
Also, it is not correct to say biologists "believe" in evolution.
Belief is a word for ideas that have no evidence (for example all the
childish religious fantasies that uneducated morons use to replace the
science of evolutionary biology). Biologists "accept" evolution because
it has massive and extremely powerful evidence from many branches of
science including molecular biology.
"Today, we bow before science, not because it has all the answers, but
because we have been taught to believe that the latest scientific
theory is the best explanation, even if that theory is not supported by
the actual scientific method."
Since there are millions of species there will always be research opportunities in evolutionary biology and that's a good thing.
Evolution is not supported by the actual scientific method?
You should tell that to the brilliant molecular biologists at Harvard and MIT then watch what happens.
I'm sorry sir, but you obviously know nothing about biology or any
other branch of science and you're not qualified to write about. You
are only interested in inventing hiding places that don't exist for
your god of the gaps.
What you call "academic freedom" is freedom for incompetent god-soaked
biology teachers to lie to their students about science. Instead of
making their incompetence legal, these worse than worthless teachers
should be fired and publicly humiliated.
Unfortunately you are only one of millions of uneducated people who
think they know more about biology than all the world's biologists. The
truth is you science deniers know absolutely nothing about the science
that makes your magic Jeebus man cry. Instead of hiding in the
everything-is-magic fantasy world you live in, you should read Why
Evolution is True by Jerry Coyne, then learn how to grow up and face
is probably no other notion in any field of science that has been as
extensively tested and as thoroughly corroborated as the evolutionary
origin of living organisms.
-- Encyclopedia Britannica
"Weylan Deaver earned a B.A. degree (Bible/Philosophy) from Freed-Hardeman University, and an M.B.S. degree from the Bear Valley Bible Institute."
He's a professional bible thumper!!!
And this uneducated moron thinks he's qualified to write about science.
The stupidity burns out of control in Idiot America.
"Darwin was the first to use data from nature to convince people that evolution is true, and his idea of natural selection was truly novel. It testifies to his genius that the concept of natural theology, accepted by most educated Westerners before 1859, was vanquished within only a few years by a single five-hundred-page book. On the Origin of Species turned the mysteries of life's diversity from mythology into genuine science." -- Jerry Coyne
Monday, April 30, 2012
3,000 people murdered for the childish idiotic Dark Ages god fantasy.
After September 11, 2001 anyone who is still gullible enough to believe in a god fairy with unlimited magical powers is a cowardly stupid asshole.
Religious biologists disgrace their profession.
I wrote the following comment at Find out why evolution matters in America:
"Why is evolution under attack in America?"
Because the Christian death cult makes stupid people even more retarded.
"(Ken Miller) served as lead witness for the plaintiffs in Kitzmiller v. Dover, the so-called 'Intelligent Design trial' in federal court."
Mr. Miller did an excellent job at that trial and I thank him for that.
Also, Ken Miller on a Rhode Island public radio station gave the best speech about evolution I ever heard in my life. I wrote the whole thing down. See the Ken Miller label on my blog to find the post. Type "darwin killed god" in the google search box then click the I'm Feeling Lucky button.
Or try this link: If there's anything that might make Christians understand why denying evolution is a waste of a life, it is this speech by Ken Miller.
Unfortunately I have some problems with Ken Miller. For example there's the title of one of his books: "Finding Darwin's God".
Charles Darwin might have called himself an agnostic to avoid upsetting his religious wife, but most likely he was an atheist. In any case he didn't invoke a god fairy in any of his books. Therefore "Darwin's God" is just plain dishonest. Ken Miller should have called his book "Finding Miller's God".
Another problem with Mr. Miller -- why does he disgrace his profession with his childish idiotic god fantasy? There's no excuse for it. This is the 21st century, not the Dark Ages.
Ken Miller calls himself a Catholic which is one of the branches of the Magic Jeebus Man cult. All Christians must believe in the magical resurrection of the dead Jeebus into a zombie (or whatever). Does Ken Miller, a brilliant biology professor at one of the best universities in the world, really believe the disgusting Jeebus Zombie myth? I doubt it. If he does deny the resurrection stupidity, then he's not a real Christian and he should stop pretending to be a Christian.
"Why is evolution under attack in America?"
Because the Christian death cult makes stupid people even more retarded.
"(Ken Miller) served as lead witness for the plaintiffs in Kitzmiller v. Dover, the so-called 'Intelligent Design trial' in federal court."
Mr. Miller did an excellent job at that trial and I thank him for that.
Also, Ken Miller on a Rhode Island public radio station gave the best speech about evolution I ever heard in my life. I wrote the whole thing down. See the Ken Miller label on my blog to find the post. Type "darwin killed god" in the google search box then click the I'm Feeling Lucky button.
Or try this link: If there's anything that might make Christians understand why denying evolution is a waste of a life, it is this speech by Ken Miller.
Unfortunately I have some problems with Ken Miller. For example there's the title of one of his books: "Finding Darwin's God".
Charles Darwin might have called himself an agnostic to avoid upsetting his religious wife, but most likely he was an atheist. In any case he didn't invoke a god fairy in any of his books. Therefore "Darwin's God" is just plain dishonest. Ken Miller should have called his book "Finding Miller's God".
Another problem with Mr. Miller -- why does he disgrace his profession with his childish idiotic god fantasy? There's no excuse for it. This is the 21st century, not the Dark Ages.
Ken Miller calls himself a Catholic which is one of the branches of the Magic Jeebus Man cult. All Christians must believe in the magical resurrection of the dead Jeebus into a zombie (or whatever). Does Ken Miller, a brilliant biology professor at one of the best universities in the world, really believe the disgusting Jeebus Zombie myth? I doubt it. If he does deny the resurrection stupidity, then he's not a real Christian and he should stop pretending to be a Christian.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
If Genesis is bullshit then the entire Bible is bullshit. If the entire Bible is bullshit, then every branch of the Christian death cult is bullshit. If Christianity is bullshit, then the world's gullible Christians need to grow up and throw it out.
anything is absolutely, rock-bottom true, it’s that life evolved,
beginning about 4 billion years ago, and that the creation myth of
Genesis is completely wrong."
The quote is from Jerry Coyne's blog. Jerry Coyne is a biologist at the University of Chicago. He wrote a book which everyone in the world has to read if they want to call themselves educated. Stolen quotes from Mr. Coyne's book can be found here.
In this blog I criticize all religions but I usually attack Christianity because it's the majority religious cult where I live (the United States of Jeebus).
After I finish completely eradicating Jeebus fantasies from America I will then work on eradicating other cults like Islam (the world's largest terrorist organization) and Judaism (the magic fairy's chosen assholes).
It should be easy to get rid of Christianity because it's so obviously the most ridiculous invention of the human race. For example the most important fantasy of Christianity is the disgusting idea that a human god, after being executed (he probably had it coming), and after he had been decomposing for 3 days, somehow was able to magically become a zombie. I have nothing against zombies. My favorite TV show is called the Walking Dead, but I know zombies are not real. Even children should be able to figure that out. Dead animals stay dead whether or not they pretend to be a god.
Christianity also depends on the Bible. If any myth of Christianity is real, then at least some of the Bible has to be true. But why bother pretending the Bible has any value when every educated person knows the first chapter is 100% pure idiotic bullshit, no matter how it's translated.
Most Christians solve this problem by denying the 19th century science that makes Genesis even more ridiculous than it always has been. If a religion completely depends on denying basic scientific facts how long can that cult last?
19th century science I'm talking about is of course Darwin's idea that
all life evolved from a common ancestor thanks to a non-random
mechanism called natural selection. Evolution works. 21st century
biologists know it works because the evidence is so massive and so
powerful that only the most deranged fucking idiots could deny it.
Other Christians (who think they are sophisticated but really they're cowardly idiots) pretend they accept evolution but are they really accepting it if they stick their dead Jeebus in there somewhere? These sophisticated morons are not accepting evolution if they pollute evolution with their supernatural fantasies. You Christian tards have to accept evolution as the completely natural process it is. Every natural process does not need a god to invent, use, or guide it. If you call yourself a theistic evolutionist you're really an evolution denier because there's nothing theistic about any branch of science.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Anyone can see evidence for evolution with their own eyes.
Really bad joke everyone has already heard before: Where does an 800 lb. gorilla sleep? Anywhere it wants to.
I looked it up. Gorillas weigh only 600 pounds or less (about equal to a fat American who eats cake all day). Fortunately they are friendly creatures and they even have a sense of humor that's equal to or better than what human apes have.
For example there's this thing I didn't see but I read about it. At a zoo a crowd was watching a large family of gorillas. The largest male gorilla there started chasing a baby gorilla, looking like he wanted to kill the baby. After a long chase all over the place, the baby gorilla turned around and made a threatening gesture to the 600 pounder who was chasing him. To the great relief and laughter of the crowd, the huge gorilla pretended to look horrified and he turned around and ran for his life as the baby gorilla chased the gigantic gorilla all over the place. Obviously these are extremely intelligent creatures.
I also read about a young boy at another zoo who was goofing off (young boys are experts at getting themselves in trouble) and fell over the railing, landing among a large number of gorillas. A huge female gorilla picked up the little boy and held him in her arms to keep him safe until the zoo keepers were able to take the boy from her. That young guy got his money's worth for his zoo visit that day. How many people can say their life was saved by a lady gorilla? I repeat, these are extremely intelligent and altruistic creatures which is what I would expect from one of our closest non-human cousins.
At Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo (it's free) I was standing not more than one foot away from a huge gorilla who was sitting on a stool. We were separated by very thick glass. I turned my head away from him to talk to some friends. Meanwhile this very intelligent ape was planning a practical joke and I was going to be his victim. As I turned my head again to face him, the 600 pound gorilla with perfect timing threw his entire massive weight at me at full speed. He knew that in the one second I had to react I would forget about the thick glass separating us and he was right. He could see the horror on my face as he smashed into the glass with his entire gigantic body. It was a perfectly planned and executed trick he played on me.
Even more amazing was his reaction when he saw me shaking my finger at him (as in you naughty gorilla). The gorilla was laughing. Because of the thick glass I could not tell whether or not his laughter could be heard but most definitely he was laughing just like any human ape would laugh. And he was laughing for the same reason any human would laugh which was his completely successful attempt to terrorize me without actually harming me.
What I witnessed, what I saw with my own eyes, was evidence for the evolutionary relationship between modern human apes and modern gorilla apes. I saw a gorilla act exactly like a human would act under the same circumstances (except a human could never have performed this practical joke so successfully). This similar behavior (a mean sense of humor and the ability to laugh and the intelligence required to think something was funny) between people and gorillas is strong evidence for the idea we share an ancestor with these priceless creatures, an ancestor who according to DNA evidence lived about nine million years ago (according to http://timetree.org/).
There is of course much stronger evidence for our evolutionary relationship with the other Great Ape species, for example the predictions biologists made about human chromosome two and the evidence from ERVs. My point is what I saw was evidence for evolution and it most certainly was not evidence against evolution. The intelligence of the other ape species only makes sense if evolution is true.
At Chicago's Field Museum I had just looked at a fossil of a small dinosaur. I walked around a corner and then I saw a skeleton of a modern ostrich. This was a long time ago when the idea that modern birds have an evolutionary relationship with one lineage of dinosaurs was still controversial. It's now considered fact thanks to recent fossil discoveries in China.
When I saw the ostrich skeleton I noticed it looked a lot like the small dinosaur I had just seen. I walked back and forth between these two exhibits and I kept noticing many similarities between these creatures, separated in time by more than 65 million years. I was seeing with my own eyes evidence for the evolutionary relationship between modern birds and dinosaurs.
In both of these examples, (the intelligent gorilla with a sense of humor, the ability to make me look like a fool, and the ability to laugh at my horror) and (the similarities between a small dinosaur and an ostrich), I was not looking for evidence for evolution but I found it anyway. I should not have been surprised to see it. Everything in nature only makes sense if evolution is true. Some evidence is not very strong and some evidence is extremely strong, but all evidence is for evolution. There is no evidence against evolution (despite what dishonest know-nothing Christian tards say about it).
Knowledge about evolution makes nature many times more interesting. A person who understands science can both appreciate the beauty of nature and what makes it beautiful.The Bible thumpers and the terrorists who deny the 150 years of scientific progress that has repeatedly shown evolution is true don't know what they're missing.
"The religious imagination is paltry and petty compared to the awesome reality."
-- PZ Myers
2012/04 APRIL,
evidence for evolution,
PZ Myers
Amateur idiots invoke professional idiots to justify their idiocy.
One of my hobbies is looking for idiots to ridicule. I noticed idiots are very easy to find in idiot-infested Idiot America.
There are many kinds of idiots. The idiots I'm interested in are American Christian science deniers who go way out of their way to know nothing about the science they are denying. Our Christian idiots also go way out of their way to disgrace my country. Thanks to American Christian idiots we have entire states that have become an international laughing stock. There is for example Louisiana and Tennessee where legislation has been passed that make it possible for hundreds or thousands of incompetent biology teachers to lie to their students about the foundation of biology.
Visitors from normal countries (anywhere except Idiot America) might be interested to know that here in the United States of Jeebus it's not really necessary for our science teachers to know anything about science. Our biology teachers can be biology deniers and there's no problem with that whatsoever. The victims of these idiot teachers (the students) never complain about getting stuck with a moron science teacher. They only complain when an excellent biology teacher has the nerve to teach the foundation of biology (evolution) in their biology classrooms. Then our idiot students have been known to cry like babies. Really. American students really are that mentally disturbed.
A quote from The Greatest Show on Earth, the Evidence for Evolution by Richard Dawkins:
In October 2008 a group of about sixty American high-school teachers met at the Center for Science Education of Emory University, in Atlanta. Some of the horror stories they had to tell deserve wide attention. One teacher reported that students 'burst into tears' when told they would be studying evolution. Another teacher described how students repeatedly screamed 'No!' when he began talking about evolution in class. Another reported that pupils demanded to know why they had to learn about evolution, given that it was 'only a theory'. Yet another teacher described how 'churches train students to come to school with specific questions to ask to sabotage my lessons'.
Can you imagine being a biology teacher and the students start crying when you teach them the subject that you are suppose to be teaching. I'm not sure what I would do, but I think I would tell these brainwashed idiots to grow up or get out of my classroom.
Why are there millions of idiots in Idiot America? Part of the problem is there is a huge industry in Idiot America that is totally devoted to making sure Americans are as stupid as they can possibly be. I'm talking about our professional liars for the magic Jeebus man. They work for anti-science organizations like for example the Christian Creationist Discovery Institute. Many amateur idiots depend on these professional idiots to help them defend their magical fantasy world. When I find these imbeciles on the internet they often invoke their favorite professional asshole. They copy and paste professional bullshit to justify their denial of basic scientific facts like evolution.
I tell these drooling morons they are never going to learn anything if they get all their information from professional retards, but they don't care. Christians don't want to learn anything. They think their stupidity is a virtue. Whatever pleases Jeebus is the only thing they care about.
What this country needs to do to get out of the idiocy hole it has dug for itself is start firing bad teachers. Polls show that about 72% of high school biology teachers in America need to be fired immediately. These are the teachers who either ignore the evolution lessons or they spread lies about evolution. Some of these asshole teachers illegally teach their magical creationism fantasy, or if they work in Louisiana or Tennessee they legally teach supernatural magic instead of science.
The stupid, it burns.
Another professional asshole organization is called Answers in Genesis. The scum who work at this bullshit website are no less insane than the Discovery Institute subhumans but unlike the Christian Discovery Institute the Answers in Genesis imbeciles are at least honest about their fantasies. For example they don't dishonestly call their god-did-it bullshit "intelligent design" which are code words invented by the fucking assholes of the Discovery Institute.
A young lady who was born into an idiot family wrote at PZ's blog that she “read everything Ken Ham wrote” which would have made my head explode. Ken Ham (he owns Answers in Stupidity) is a professional child abuser. His career is destroying the minds of innocent children. If it was up to me Mr. Ham would be tortured for several days before throwing him into a pit full of hungry rats. And even that would be way too nice for what this worthless piece of shit has done to children. (If I wrote this at PZ's blog a hundred liberal loons would start crying like babies.)
What was amazing about the young lady is she is now an atheist (AKA normal person) despite the brainwashing she endured. These people are rare but they have what it takes to throw out the insanity. All they need is to be exposed to people who haven't been abused like she was. Her interesting story is at http://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2012/04/29/why-i-am-an-atheist-libby-anne/.
A good example of Ken Ham's insanity (and the insanity of the fucking idiots who trust him) is at Thank you for the clarification, Ken Ham!. Mr. Ham invoked his Bible ten times to explain why the magic Jeebus man was not a zombie. I wrote this reply to another comment there:
humanape says:
I wrote about my experience at a Pentecostal church at I got invited to go to a Pentecostal church and at The incurable disease.
There are many kinds of idiots. The idiots I'm interested in are American Christian science deniers who go way out of their way to know nothing about the science they are denying. Our Christian idiots also go way out of their way to disgrace my country. Thanks to American Christian idiots we have entire states that have become an international laughing stock. There is for example Louisiana and Tennessee where legislation has been passed that make it possible for hundreds or thousands of incompetent biology teachers to lie to their students about the foundation of biology.
Visitors from normal countries (anywhere except Idiot America) might be interested to know that here in the United States of Jeebus it's not really necessary for our science teachers to know anything about science. Our biology teachers can be biology deniers and there's no problem with that whatsoever. The victims of these idiot teachers (the students) never complain about getting stuck with a moron science teacher. They only complain when an excellent biology teacher has the nerve to teach the foundation of biology (evolution) in their biology classrooms. Then our idiot students have been known to cry like babies. Really. American students really are that mentally disturbed.
A quote from The Greatest Show on Earth, the Evidence for Evolution by Richard Dawkins:
In October 2008 a group of about sixty American high-school teachers met at the Center for Science Education of Emory University, in Atlanta. Some of the horror stories they had to tell deserve wide attention. One teacher reported that students 'burst into tears' when told they would be studying evolution. Another teacher described how students repeatedly screamed 'No!' when he began talking about evolution in class. Another reported that pupils demanded to know why they had to learn about evolution, given that it was 'only a theory'. Yet another teacher described how 'churches train students to come to school with specific questions to ask to sabotage my lessons'.
Can you imagine being a biology teacher and the students start crying when you teach them the subject that you are suppose to be teaching. I'm not sure what I would do, but I think I would tell these brainwashed idiots to grow up or get out of my classroom.
Why are there millions of idiots in Idiot America? Part of the problem is there is a huge industry in Idiot America that is totally devoted to making sure Americans are as stupid as they can possibly be. I'm talking about our professional liars for the magic Jeebus man. They work for anti-science organizations like for example the Christian Creationist Discovery Institute. Many amateur idiots depend on these professional idiots to help them defend their magical fantasy world. When I find these imbeciles on the internet they often invoke their favorite professional asshole. They copy and paste professional bullshit to justify their denial of basic scientific facts like evolution.
I tell these drooling morons they are never going to learn anything if they get all their information from professional retards, but they don't care. Christians don't want to learn anything. They think their stupidity is a virtue. Whatever pleases Jeebus is the only thing they care about.
What this country needs to do to get out of the idiocy hole it has dug for itself is start firing bad teachers. Polls show that about 72% of high school biology teachers in America need to be fired immediately. These are the teachers who either ignore the evolution lessons or they spread lies about evolution. Some of these asshole teachers illegally teach their magical creationism fantasy, or if they work in Louisiana or Tennessee they legally teach supernatural magic instead of science.
The stupid, it burns.
Another professional asshole organization is called Answers in Genesis. The scum who work at this bullshit website are no less insane than the Discovery Institute subhumans but unlike the Christian Discovery Institute the Answers in Genesis imbeciles are at least honest about their fantasies. For example they don't dishonestly call their god-did-it bullshit "intelligent design" which are code words invented by the fucking assholes of the Discovery Institute.
A young lady who was born into an idiot family wrote at PZ's blog that she “read everything Ken Ham wrote” which would have made my head explode. Ken Ham (he owns Answers in Stupidity) is a professional child abuser. His career is destroying the minds of innocent children. If it was up to me Mr. Ham would be tortured for several days before throwing him into a pit full of hungry rats. And even that would be way too nice for what this worthless piece of shit has done to children. (If I wrote this at PZ's blog a hundred liberal loons would start crying like babies.)
What was amazing about the young lady is she is now an atheist (AKA normal person) despite the brainwashing she endured. These people are rare but they have what it takes to throw out the insanity. All they need is to be exposed to people who haven't been abused like she was. Her interesting story is at http://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2012/04/29/why-i-am-an-atheist-libby-anne/.
A good example of Ken Ham's insanity (and the insanity of the fucking idiots who trust him) is at Thank you for the clarification, Ken Ham!. Mr. Ham invoked his Bible ten times to explain why the magic Jeebus man was not a zombie. I wrote this reply to another comment there:
humanape says:
Hmm. And all of Ham’s evidence comes from a single old book. No corroboration at all. Seems weak to me!The Bible thumping is good enough evidence for Ken Ham’s customers. At a Pentecostal church I visited when the preacher man invoked the Bible (about once a minute) the congregation would say Hallelujah and The Word. Their Bible is sacred, written by the magical master of the entire universe. There couldn’t possibly be more stronger evidence, which might explain the out of control creationism disease in Idiot America.
I wrote about my experience at a Pentecostal church at I got invited to go to a Pentecostal church and at The incurable disease.
Dishonest atheist wimps are as worthless and as stupid as the Christian scum they suck up to.
If you're an atheist and you tell Christians they can both worship their magic Jeebus man and accept evolution then you're a fucking idiot.
I wrote the following comment at a website that is infested with dishonest atheist wimps.
Human Ape | April 29, 2012 3:10 AM
I wrote the following comment at a website that is infested with dishonest atheist wimps.
Human Ape | April 29, 2012 3:10 AM
studies show that telling audiences that it is possible to be religious
and to accept evolution is one of the most effective ways to change
their mind about evolution, and those studies are backed by years of
experience by activists on the ground.”
The problem with telling religious morons they can believe in idiotic magical things and still accept evolution is it’s dishonest. Christians are not too bright (they’re all retards) but they can recognize a liar when they see one.
I’m honest with Christians who complain about the religious implications of evolution. I tell them they’re right, evolution does threaten their childish fantasies, and that’s a good thing. I remind them that the dead Jeebus they believe in was a creationist. I remind them that their dead Jeebus was an ape as are all other humans. I ask them why do they worship a dead ape. That’s a good example of the religious implications of evolution. Jeebus the science denier was an uneducated moron and he was just an ape. And atheist wimps want to pretend it’s OK to believe in the magic Jeebus anyway as long as Christians accept evolution, even though they always pollute evolution with their supernatural fantasies.
I noticed that wimps who suck up to Christian stupidity have not accomplished very much. I still live in an idiot country infested with science deniers. The dishonesty of wimpy atheists is not working.
America will always be an idiot country unless some way can be found to completely eradicate every branch of the Christian death cult. Wimpy suck-ups just make the religious insanity problem worse. Liars who say it is possible to both believe in the magic Jeebus man and accept evolution are part of the problem. These wimpy atheists are part of the religious indoctrination problem (AKA child abuse) and they are part of the religious violence problem. They are as immoral as the subhumans who attacked us on 9/11/2001.
Type darwin killed god in the google search box then click the I’m Feeling Lucky button.
The problem with telling religious morons they can believe in idiotic magical things and still accept evolution is it’s dishonest. Christians are not too bright (they’re all retards) but they can recognize a liar when they see one.
I’m honest with Christians who complain about the religious implications of evolution. I tell them they’re right, evolution does threaten their childish fantasies, and that’s a good thing. I remind them that the dead Jeebus they believe in was a creationist. I remind them that their dead Jeebus was an ape as are all other humans. I ask them why do they worship a dead ape. That’s a good example of the religious implications of evolution. Jeebus the science denier was an uneducated moron and he was just an ape. And atheist wimps want to pretend it’s OK to believe in the magic Jeebus anyway as long as Christians accept evolution, even though they always pollute evolution with their supernatural fantasies.
I noticed that wimps who suck up to Christian stupidity have not accomplished very much. I still live in an idiot country infested with science deniers. The dishonesty of wimpy atheists is not working.
America will always be an idiot country unless some way can be found to completely eradicate every branch of the Christian death cult. Wimpy suck-ups just make the religious insanity problem worse. Liars who say it is possible to both believe in the magic Jeebus man and accept evolution are part of the problem. These wimpy atheists are part of the religious indoctrination problem (AKA child abuse) and they are part of the religious violence problem. They are as immoral as the subhumans who attacked us on 9/11/2001.
Type darwin killed god in the google search box then click the I’m Feeling Lucky button.
Totally off topic post: some music I like
I of course have excellent taste in music and if you disagree you're an idiot.
Some of my favorite music on a few dozen YouTube videos:
I like to listen to music while I play chess on the internet. I wrote three off topic posts about chess at http://darwinkilledgod.blogspot.com/search/label/chess.
I like to listen to music while I play chess on the internet. I wrote three off topic posts about chess at http://darwinkilledgod.blogspot.com/search/label/chess.
I often call the country I live in Idiot America but the truth is I'm proud to be an American and this video reminded me why.
The link between creationism and climate change
I wrote this comment at http://shroudofturin.wordpress.com/2012/04/29/and-i-dont-like-p-z-myers-either/:
Right now in April 2012 Venus is unusually bright because it's on the same side of the sun as Earth.
The link between creationism and climate change
I wrote this comment at http://shroudofturin.wordpress.com/2012/04/29/and-i-dont-like-p-z-myers-either/:
PZ wrote “Perhaps you’re a
moderate, you support good science, education, and the environment, you
just love Jesus or Mohammed, too. I’m sorry, but I don’t like you.”
You wrote “And I don’t like P. Z. Myers, Either”
You should like PZ because he’s trying to help you. Christians who think they’re moderate are not moderate because there’s nothing moderate about believing in the magic Jeebus man. This is the 21st century and Christians are permanently stuck in the Dark Ages.
If you people ever learn how to think, instead of blindly believing every fantasy you were brainwashed to believe, you might be able to figure out that in a world of never ending scientific progress, your miracle fantasies, which always were idiotic ideas, are now more ridiculous than ever.
Consider the advantages of growing up. You have probably already thrown out the tooth fairy. Your god fairy is equally childish and it’s time to throw it out too.
Type “darwin killed god” in the google search box then click the I’m Feeling Lucky button.
You wrote “And I don’t like P. Z. Myers, Either”
You should like PZ because he’s trying to help you. Christians who think they’re moderate are not moderate because there’s nothing moderate about believing in the magic Jeebus man. This is the 21st century and Christians are permanently stuck in the Dark Ages.
If you people ever learn how to think, instead of blindly believing every fantasy you were brainwashed to believe, you might be able to figure out that in a world of never ending scientific progress, your miracle fantasies, which always were idiotic ideas, are now more ridiculous than ever.
Consider the advantages of growing up. You have probably already thrown out the tooth fairy. Your god fairy is equally childish and it’s time to throw it out too.
Type “darwin killed god” in the google search box then click the I’m Feeling Lucky button.
Christian assholes, if you can’t grow up, educate yourselves, and face facts, and it’s obvious you can’t do that, at least try to stop lying about your own fantasies.
In 1987 the United States Supreme Court told America's Christian scum they can't stick their "creation science" into public school science classrooms because creation science is not science. It's a religious fantasy and the Establishment Clause does not allow religious bullshit in public schools.
To solve this problem America's theocratic Christian assholes (and I can not stress the word assholes strongly enough) threw out the code words creation science (which really means "The Magic Man Did It"). They invented new code words called intelligent design (which also means "The Magic Man Did It").
In 2005 a federal court told America's Christian scum they can't stick their "intelligent design" into public school science classrooms because intelligent design is not science. It's a religious fantasy and the Establishment Clause does not allow religious bullshit in public schools.
In 2012, and probably until the end of time or the end of the Christian Death Cult, whichever comes first, dishonest Christian imbeciles continue to call supernatural magic "design". Why do they do this? Isn't it enough for them to spread lies about science and scientists? Do they really have to be dishonest about their own childish fantasies?
Apparently Christian scum do have to be dishonest about everything. How else can they defend the Dark Ages they hide in?
I wrote these three comments at a website owned by a Christian science denier (they're all science deniers unless you want to pretend there's something scientific about the resurrection of the magic Jeebus man into a zombie).
February 5, 2012 at 10:03 pm
Everyone knows “intelligent design” are code words dishonest Christians use when they really mean “supernatural magic”. Invoking intelligent design equals invoking a fairy’s magic wand.
I once went to a website infested with magical intelligent design creationists and I tried to explain they were invoking magic. Either they were being dishonest or they were just plain stupid, but they kept denying they believed in magic.
Creationists don’t understand science and they don’t understand their own fantasies.
By the way every scientist who has ever heard of your Magic theorist, Bill Dembski, agrees he’s a liar and an idiot. You shouldn’t invoke professional idiots unless you enjoy being laughed at.
This is your other problem: “many people who are interested in the debate”
There is no debate. Evolution has been an established truth for more than a century and today it’s the strongest fact of science. Magical creationism, also known as magical intelligent design creationism, is a childish idiotic religious fantasy for uneducated morons.
To solve this problem America's theocratic Christian assholes (and I can not stress the word assholes strongly enough) threw out the code words creation science (which really means "The Magic Man Did It"). They invented new code words called intelligent design (which also means "The Magic Man Did It").
In 2005 a federal court told America's Christian scum they can't stick their "intelligent design" into public school science classrooms because intelligent design is not science. It's a religious fantasy and the Establishment Clause does not allow religious bullshit in public schools.
In 2012, and probably until the end of time or the end of the Christian Death Cult, whichever comes first, dishonest Christian imbeciles continue to call supernatural magic "design". Why do they do this? Isn't it enough for them to spread lies about science and scientists? Do they really have to be dishonest about their own childish fantasies?
Apparently Christian scum do have to be dishonest about everything. How else can they defend the Dark Ages they hide in?
I wrote these three comments at a website owned by a Christian science denier (they're all science deniers unless you want to pretend there's something scientific about the resurrection of the magic Jeebus man into a zombie).
February 5, 2012 at 10:03 pm
Everyone knows “intelligent design” are code words dishonest Christians use when they really mean “supernatural magic”. Invoking intelligent design equals invoking a fairy’s magic wand.
I once went to a website infested with magical intelligent design creationists and I tried to explain they were invoking magic. Either they were being dishonest or they were just plain stupid, but they kept denying they believed in magic.
Creationists don’t understand science and they don’t understand their own fantasies.
By the way every scientist who has ever heard of your Magic theorist, Bill Dembski, agrees he’s a liar and an idiot. You shouldn’t invoke professional idiots unless you enjoy being laughed at.
This is your other problem: “many people who are interested in the debate”
There is no debate. Evolution has been an established truth for more than a century and today it’s the strongest fact of science. Magical creationism, also known as magical intelligent design creationism, is a childish idiotic religious fantasy for uneducated morons.
The curiosity of children is a precious thing because curiosity is what makes scientific progress possible. Christianity kills their curiosity.
This letter to the editor of the New York Times shows one of the many reasons why religious indoctrination is child abuse.
April 27, 2012
The Creationist and the Polar Bear
To the Editor:
Re “Investigating Mysteries of Polar Bears’ Ancestry With a DNA Lens” (news article, April 20):
What child isn’t fascinated by the size, color and power of polar bears? Or further intrigued to learn that these beautiful creatures aren’t simply recent descendants of the brown bear but, as discovered through DNA study, split from a common ancestor more than 600,000 years ago?
How does the creationist science teacher offer such interesting material to the curious child without dulling that curiosity by denying both the evolutionary evidence and thus the DNA science that leads to such curiosity in a potential budding scientist?
Bristol, R.I., April 20, 2012
The best biology teachers make evolution (the foundation of biology) a major part of every biology lesson. One reason this is important is evolution by natural selection is the most interesting fact of science. Teach evolution and students learn how to love science. Throw out evolution (which is what Christians want) and students learn how to hate science. They hate it because they think it's boring. They think science is boring because their biology teacher is incompetent and should be fired. Most American biology teachers don't properly teach biology. They teach evolution for only a small part of the year, or they dumb down or throw out evolution to avoid harassment from Christian thugs, or they are not qualified to teach biology, or they illegally teach magical creationism. Every American student has the right to receive an excellent education. That's why bad teachers need to be thrown out the window.
The best biology teachers are knowledgeable about evolution and they teach it every day. And when a Christian parent or Christian student complains about her teaching the foundation of biology in her biology classroom, she tells the Christian tard to fuck off.
Bristol, R.I., April 20, 2012
The best biology teachers make evolution (the foundation of biology) a major part of every biology lesson. One reason this is important is evolution by natural selection is the most interesting fact of science. Teach evolution and students learn how to love science. Throw out evolution (which is what Christians want) and students learn how to hate science. They hate it because they think it's boring. They think science is boring because their biology teacher is incompetent and should be fired. Most American biology teachers don't properly teach biology. They teach evolution for only a small part of the year, or they dumb down or throw out evolution to avoid harassment from Christian thugs, or they are not qualified to teach biology, or they illegally teach magical creationism. Every American student has the right to receive an excellent education. That's why bad teachers need to be thrown out the window.
The best biology teachers are knowledgeable about evolution and they teach it every day. And when a Christian parent or Christian student complains about her teaching the foundation of biology in her biology classroom, she tells the Christian tard to fuck off.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Muslim Scum vs the rest of the World
I didn't much care for the music in this video so I hit the mute button, but the video is excellent and honest.
Muslim Scum vs the rest of the World
Imagine trying to convince a Muslim asshole to accept the massive powerful evidence for evolution. It's difficult enough to convince Muslim scum it's not in their best interest to blow themselves up. Extreme stupidity and extreme insanity can't be fixed.
Muslim Scum vs the rest of the World
Imagine trying to convince a Muslim asshole to accept the massive powerful evidence for evolution. It's difficult enough to convince Muslim scum it's not in their best interest to blow themselves up. Extreme stupidity and extreme insanity can't be fixed.
"You can't ever solve the problem of creationism without dealing directly with the false doctrines of religion."
Americans will never accept the established truth of evolution until the Christian death cult is completely eradicated from this country. Christianity makes stupid people even more retarded. They have no chance of understanding science unless something can be done to fight back against the child abuse called religious indoctrination. My idea is evolution must be taught starting at age 6 in First Grade, before idiot preachers and idiot parents can permanently destroy children's minds. This is the only possible way to get rid of the Magic Jeebus Man bullshit that is destroying my country.
When I discover an important post about the out of control religious stupidity problem in Idiot America, I provide a link to it here.
At The Problem of Evolution in America Larry Moran (a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Toronto) wrote about what Jerry Coyne (a biologist at the University of Chicago) wrote about which is this:
American resistance to accepting evolution is uniquely high among First World countries. This is due largely to the extreme religiosity of the U.S., which is much higher than that of comparably advanced nations, and to the resistance of many religious people to the facts and implications of evolution. The prevalence of religious belief in the U.S. suggests that outreach by scientists alone will not have a huge effect in increasing the acceptance of evolution, nor will the strategy of trying to convince the faithful that evolution is compatible with their religion. Since creationism is a symptom of religion, another strategy to promote evolution involves loosening the grip of faith on America. This is easier said than done, for recent sociological surveys show that religion is highly correlated with the dysfunctionality of a society, and various measures of societal health show that the U.S. is one of the most socially dysfunctional First World countries. Widespread acceptance of evolution in America, then, may have to await profound social change.
The idea called "the strategy of trying to convince the faithful that evolution is compatible with their religion" is extremely dishonest. Evolution is not compatible with any branch of any religion and to claim otherwise is just plain lying. Since Christians can, despite their stupidity, recognize a liar when they see one, it's pointless to tell them they can accept both the magic Jeebus man and the science of evolution. It's pointless for many reasons including the fact that the dead Jeebus was an uneducated moron who didn't even know what evolution is.
Instead of being a wimpy suck-up liar, it's better to tell the truth about the religious implications of evolution which is this: Evolution, besides being the strongest fact of science, has the advantage of making every religious fantasy even more ridiculous than it already was. It's impossible for an honest person to accept the scientific fact that people are nothing more than apes who developed thanks to natural processes and only natural processes, and still believe in a god with unlimited magical powers. All of science, especially evolutionary biology, has repeatedly shown beyond any doubt that god fairies, besides being a childish idiotic fantasy, are completely unnecessary. And if you don't like that then you're a fucking moron who shouldn't be allowed near innocent children.
When I discover an important post about the out of control religious stupidity problem in Idiot America, I provide a link to it here.
At The Problem of Evolution in America Larry Moran (a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Toronto) wrote about what Jerry Coyne (a biologist at the University of Chicago) wrote about which is this:
American resistance to accepting evolution is uniquely high among First World countries. This is due largely to the extreme religiosity of the U.S., which is much higher than that of comparably advanced nations, and to the resistance of many religious people to the facts and implications of evolution. The prevalence of religious belief in the U.S. suggests that outreach by scientists alone will not have a huge effect in increasing the acceptance of evolution, nor will the strategy of trying to convince the faithful that evolution is compatible with their religion. Since creationism is a symptom of religion, another strategy to promote evolution involves loosening the grip of faith on America. This is easier said than done, for recent sociological surveys show that religion is highly correlated with the dysfunctionality of a society, and various measures of societal health show that the U.S. is one of the most socially dysfunctional First World countries. Widespread acceptance of evolution in America, then, may have to await profound social change.
The idea called "the strategy of trying to convince the faithful that evolution is compatible with their religion" is extremely dishonest. Evolution is not compatible with any branch of any religion and to claim otherwise is just plain lying. Since Christians can, despite their stupidity, recognize a liar when they see one, it's pointless to tell them they can accept both the magic Jeebus man and the science of evolution. It's pointless for many reasons including the fact that the dead Jeebus was an uneducated moron who didn't even know what evolution is.
Instead of being a wimpy suck-up liar, it's better to tell the truth about the religious implications of evolution which is this: Evolution, besides being the strongest fact of science, has the advantage of making every religious fantasy even more ridiculous than it already was. It's impossible for an honest person to accept the scientific fact that people are nothing more than apes who developed thanks to natural processes and only natural processes, and still believe in a god with unlimited magical powers. All of science, especially evolutionary biology, has repeatedly shown beyond any doubt that god fairies, besides being a childish idiotic fantasy, are completely unnecessary. And if you don't like that then you're a fucking moron who shouldn't be allowed near innocent children.
It's interesting that 100% of evolution deniers are creationists.
This post is a conversation between me (not italics) and my invisible friend (italics).
It's both.
The backward excessively religious country I live in, Idiot America, is infested with millions of evolution deniers.
What is evolution?
The only scientific explanation for the development of new species.
What is an evolution denier?
A drooling moron who says evolution can't explain the diversity of life despite extraordinarily powerful evidence for evolution from molecular biology and many other branches of science, and despite the complete acceptance of evolution by every scientist and every educated person in the world.
Why are evolution deniers called creationists?
The uneducated morons who deny evolution are called creationists because to explain the diversity of life they invoke a fantasy called magical creationism.
What is magical creationism?
It's a supernatural fantasy about a deity who uses its unlimited magical powers to create millions of species out of nothing.
Is there more than one version of magical creationism?
Yes. There is a version called magical intelligent design creationism.
What is magical intelligent design creationism?
It's a supernatural fantasy about a deity who uses its unlimited magical powers to create millions of species out of nothing.
You said the same thing about magical creationism. What's different about magical intelligent design creationism?
Magical creationism and magical intelligent design creationism are identical fantasies. The only difference is the two words "intelligent design" which were invented in a pathetic attempt to make their childish fantasy look like a scientific idea.
Did they get away with their dishonest bullshit?
No. Everyone knew immediately these creationists are dishonest fucking assholes.
Why would even the most retarded idiot believe in something as ridiculous as magical creation out of nothing?
I don't know. Perhaps it's because they have a cowardly fear of reality so they invent fantasies that let them pretend reality will go away by just wishing it will go away. Obviously these people are severely mentally disturbed.
Are there really millions of these fucking idiots in America?
It's really true. Polls show that about 150 million Americans, half the population, believe a god waved its magic wand to create every single species in the world, and it did this only 10,000 years ago.
Wow. 50% of Americans are reality deniers. That's amazing. At least the other half are normal.
Not really. Most of the other 50% of Americans who accept evolution think supernatural magic is one of the mechanisms of evolution. So it's fair to say the vast majority of Americans are infected with the magical creationism disease.
What percent of Americans accept evolution as a completely natural process?
Only 16% of Americans accept evolution without invoking a magical god to invent, guide, or use evolution.
Do Americans (who pollute evolution with god bullshit) invoke their fairy for any other natural processes?
No. Only evolution gets the "god guided" fantasy.
Do Americans who completely deny evolution deny any other natural processes?
Yes. For example some of these tards invoke their fairy for everything but they are mostly afraid of evolution. When they complain about science education it's always the teaching of evolution that they're worried about.
How do they expect biology teachers to teach biology without teaching the foundation of biology?
They want this dumbing down of science education because they're fucking morons, and because they want their children (and everyone else's children) to be fucking morons.
Why do creationists attack only the teaching of evolution and not other branches of science?
Probably because evolution threatens the brainwashing that
taught them they are special magical creations of a loving god. They
believe the entire universe was magically created just for them, and
their fairy made them in its own image. They believe their magical
master of the entire universe looks like a male human ape.
Americans are more batshit crazy than I could have imagined possible.
It's still worse than you think. I didn't tell you about the angels, the devils, the magical life after death, and the resurrection of a preacher man (the magic Jeebus) into a zombie.
Is America a country or the world's largest insane asylum?
Thursday, April 26, 2012
It's impossible to be more retarded than a Christian science denier.
I wrote this comment at http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/bresciani/120426:
Human Ape · Margate, Florida
Human Ape · Margate, Florida
generational long effort to remove all allusion to intelligent design
in our academics does not seem to be working, even as more evidence for
special creation is discovered daily."
Mr. Bresciani, I'm an economic conservative and I am disgusted with you god-soaked science deniers who infest my Republican Party.
There's evidence for your childish idiotic magical creation fantasy?
Let's have it moron.
"There is probably no other notion in any field of science that has been as extensively tested and as thoroughly corroborated as the evolutionary origin of living organisms."
-- Encyclopedia Britannica
I wrote a comment for another fucking idiot at http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/322956:
Human Ape · Margate, Florida
"He should perhaps take note that another great mind, that of the late Professor Antony Flew, a lifelong atheist, converted to theism towards the end of his life."
Everyone knows Flew was senile, and most certainly he was never a scientist. Is that the best you can do?
Even if the most brilliant scientist in the world decided a magic god fairy is real, that wouldn't mean fairies are real.
What I would like to see from you religious tards is just one piece of evidence for your supernatural magic. Of course you have nothing but your stupidity, your wild guessing, and your wishful thinking. That's why you invoke senile old men to justify your insane childish fantasies.
Mr. Bresciani, I'm an economic conservative and I am disgusted with you god-soaked science deniers who infest my Republican Party.
There's evidence for your childish idiotic magical creation fantasy?
Let's have it moron.
"There is probably no other notion in any field of science that has been as extensively tested and as thoroughly corroborated as the evolutionary origin of living organisms."
-- Encyclopedia Britannica
I wrote a comment for another fucking idiot at http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/322956:
Human Ape · Margate, Florida
"He should perhaps take note that another great mind, that of the late Professor Antony Flew, a lifelong atheist, converted to theism towards the end of his life."
Everyone knows Flew was senile, and most certainly he was never a scientist. Is that the best you can do?
Even if the most brilliant scientist in the world decided a magic god fairy is real, that wouldn't mean fairies are real.
What I would like to see from you religious tards is just one piece of evidence for your supernatural magic. Of course you have nothing but your stupidity, your wild guessing, and your wishful thinking. That's why you invoke senile old men to justify your insane childish fantasies.
Idiots destroy 100 eggs from an endangered leatherback sea turtle. They belong in prison.
Leatherback turtle makes rare daytime appearance in Pompano Beach
I live a bit west of Pompano Beach on south Florida's east coast. All sea turtles are endangered but the leatherback turtles are most at risk of going extinct. When they enter a beach to lay 100 eggs these Florida residents who should know better came within ten feet of this turtle and made lots of noise. They are suppose to stay at least 50 yards away and shut the fuck up. The turtle noticed the harassment and left without laying her eggs. The photo shows the priceless turtle leaving the beach as the stupid assholes who are responsible for the massacre of her eggs take pictures.
The news article said "Not to worry the turtle will lay her eggs elsewhere." but according to a biologist I talked to that's not what happens. After being chased away from the beach by dozens of fucking morons the turtle lays her 100 eggs in the ocean and they all die. Remember this irreplaceable species is threatened with extinction, but these worthless apes apparently don't care. A member of the Broward County Sea Turtle Conservation Program was there and she had the authority to tell the retards to shut up and back off 50 yards but apparently she did nothing. Amazing stupidity.
This is genocide. These murderers should be hung from a rope.
Please see my other post about threatened sea turtles at Every human ape has the moral responsibility to do everything possible to save species threatened with extinction.
I live a bit west of Pompano Beach on south Florida's east coast. All sea turtles are endangered but the leatherback turtles are most at risk of going extinct. When they enter a beach to lay 100 eggs these Florida residents who should know better came within ten feet of this turtle and made lots of noise. They are suppose to stay at least 50 yards away and shut the fuck up. The turtle noticed the harassment and left without laying her eggs. The photo shows the priceless turtle leaving the beach as the stupid assholes who are responsible for the massacre of her eggs take pictures.
The news article said "Not to worry the turtle will lay her eggs elsewhere." but according to a biologist I talked to that's not what happens. After being chased away from the beach by dozens of fucking morons the turtle lays her 100 eggs in the ocean and they all die. Remember this irreplaceable species is threatened with extinction, but these worthless apes apparently don't care. A member of the Broward County Sea Turtle Conservation Program was there and she had the authority to tell the retards to shut up and back off 50 yards but apparently she did nothing. Amazing stupidity.
This is genocide. These murderers should be hung from a rope.
Please see my other post about threatened sea turtles at Every human ape has the moral responsibility to do everything possible to save species threatened with extinction.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Excellent definition of natural selection, from National Geographic Magazine
National Geographic Magazine defined natural selection at http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0411/feature1/fulltext.html:
The gist of the concept is that small, random, heritable differences among individuals result in different chances of survival and reproduction—success for some, death without offspring for others—and that this natural culling leads to significant changes in shape, size, strength, armament, color, biochemistry, and behavior among the descendants. Excess population growth drives the competitive struggle. Because less successful competitors produce fewer surviving offspring, the useless or negative variations tend to disappear, whereas the useful variations tend to be perpetuated and gradually magnified throughout a population.
National Geographic also defined speciation:
Genetic changes sometimes accumulate within an isolated segment of a species, but not throughout the whole, as that isolated population adapts to its local conditions. Gradually it goes its own way, seizing a new ecological niche. At a certain point it becomes irreversibly distinct—that is, so different that its members can't interbreed with the rest. Two species now exist where formerly there was one. Darwin called that splitting-and-specializing phenomenon the "principle of divergence." It was an important part of his theory, explaining the overall diversity of life as well as the adaptation of individual species.
The gist of the concept is that small, random, heritable differences among individuals result in different chances of survival and reproduction—success for some, death without offspring for others—and that this natural culling leads to significant changes in shape, size, strength, armament, color, biochemistry, and behavior among the descendants. Excess population growth drives the competitive struggle. Because less successful competitors produce fewer surviving offspring, the useless or negative variations tend to disappear, whereas the useful variations tend to be perpetuated and gradually magnified throughout a population.
National Geographic also defined speciation:
Genetic changes sometimes accumulate within an isolated segment of a species, but not throughout the whole, as that isolated population adapts to its local conditions. Gradually it goes its own way, seizing a new ecological niche. At a certain point it becomes irreversibly distinct—that is, so different that its members can't interbreed with the rest. Two species now exist where formerly there was one. Darwin called that splitting-and-specializing phenomenon the "principle of divergence." It was an important part of his theory, explaining the overall diversity of life as well as the adaptation of individual species.
All theists and all agnostics are insane, but not one of them knows it.
If you believe in a god with magical powers or if you don't want to completely rule out the existence of a god, then you're a nut job. I would say the same thing about idiots who believe in a Easter Bunny or who say "we can't be certain there are no Easter Bunnies."
I've written this several dozen times before but it's important so here it is again. God equals magic. Magic is bullshit. Therefore god is bullshit.
It's not necessary to write a book about the non-existence of magic god fairies for the same reason it's not necessary to write a book about the non-existence of tooth fairies. Both fantasies are equally childish, ridiculous, and impossible, and only one of these two idiotic ideas has any evidence (the tooth fairy who leaves cash under a child's pillow).
Before you theists/agnostics can recover from your disease you need to admit you're sick. Then you should get psychiatric help or you could read this blog.
Today on a news website there is a letter from someone who is pro-science (accepts evolution) but he wrote "evolution is not a theory" as if there's something wrong with strong scientific theories that explain basic facts. I can understand why Christians don't know what a scientific theory is. They don't know anything. That's why they're Christians. They're as stupid and uneducated as the magic Jeebus man they worship. But apparently even some people who should know better don't know something as basic as the definition of a scientific theory.
THEORY: In science, a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses. The contention that evolution should be taught as a "theory, not as a fact" confuses the common use of these words with the scientific use. In science, theories do not turn into facts through the accumulation of evidence. Rather, theories are the end points of science. They are understandings that develop from extensive observation, experimentation, and creative reflection. They incorporate a large body of scientific facts, laws, tested hypotheses, and logical inferences. In this sense, evolution is one of the strongest and most useful scientific theories we have.
-- National Academy of Sciences
To avoid misunderstandings, I usually don't call the theory of evolution "the theory of evolution" because there's always some Christian imbecile who will read that and say "evolution is ONLY a theory". So I call evolution exactly what it is, the strongest fact of science and the foundation of biology.
Then I tell Christian assholes (they're all assholes) "If you don't like evolution then tell me why you think you know more about science than the brilliant scientists who write for the best encyclopedia in the world. Then I give the fucking morons this:
and this:
There is probably no other notion in any field of science that has been as extensively tested and as thoroughly corroborated as the evolutionary origin of living organisms.
-- Encyclopedia Britannica
Of course they still don't understand so instead of wasting my time I just write "You retard, you're equal to a terrorist and the world will be better off when brain-dead scum like you drop dead."
Some visitors might wonder why this blog doesn't allow comments. It's a good question. When I visit other blogs I like to write comments, but I don't allow it here. Why?
I used to allow comments. When a comment was published I would automatically get an email with the comment on it. When I would get home from work I would often find out some deranged Christian asshole polluted several posts with stupid idiotic things. It made me disgusted to read it.
The problem is there's seven billion human apes on this planet and at least six billion of them are assholes. I don't want to waste time dealing with assholes. So I no longer allow comments. And now I don't dread checking my email. It just wasn't worth it.
So sorry about the no comment policy. If that's a problem for you, I recommend PZ's blog where you can write all the comments you want. Just be nice to the liberal loons there because they easily become upset and then they cry like babies. Type "PZ" in the google search box then click the I'm Feeling Lucky button.
By the way, an easy way to find my blog is type "darwin killed god" in the google search box then click the I'm Feeling Lucky button.
I've written this several dozen times before but it's important so here it is again. God equals magic. Magic is bullshit. Therefore god is bullshit.
It's not necessary to write a book about the non-existence of magic god fairies for the same reason it's not necessary to write a book about the non-existence of tooth fairies. Both fantasies are equally childish, ridiculous, and impossible, and only one of these two idiotic ideas has any evidence (the tooth fairy who leaves cash under a child's pillow).
Before you theists/agnostics can recover from your disease you need to admit you're sick. Then you should get psychiatric help or you could read this blog.
Today on a news website there is a letter from someone who is pro-science (accepts evolution) but he wrote "evolution is not a theory" as if there's something wrong with strong scientific theories that explain basic facts. I can understand why Christians don't know what a scientific theory is. They don't know anything. That's why they're Christians. They're as stupid and uneducated as the magic Jeebus man they worship. But apparently even some people who should know better don't know something as basic as the definition of a scientific theory.
THEORY: In science, a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses. The contention that evolution should be taught as a "theory, not as a fact" confuses the common use of these words with the scientific use. In science, theories do not turn into facts through the accumulation of evidence. Rather, theories are the end points of science. They are understandings that develop from extensive observation, experimentation, and creative reflection. They incorporate a large body of scientific facts, laws, tested hypotheses, and logical inferences. In this sense, evolution is one of the strongest and most useful scientific theories we have.
-- National Academy of Sciences
To avoid misunderstandings, I usually don't call the theory of evolution "the theory of evolution" because there's always some Christian imbecile who will read that and say "evolution is ONLY a theory". So I call evolution exactly what it is, the strongest fact of science and the foundation of biology.
Then I tell Christian assholes (they're all assholes) "If you don't like evolution then tell me why you think you know more about science than the brilliant scientists who write for the best encyclopedia in the world. Then I give the fucking morons this:
and this:
There is probably no other notion in any field of science that has been as extensively tested and as thoroughly corroborated as the evolutionary origin of living organisms.
-- Encyclopedia Britannica
Of course they still don't understand so instead of wasting my time I just write "You retard, you're equal to a terrorist and the world will be better off when brain-dead scum like you drop dead."
Some visitors might wonder why this blog doesn't allow comments. It's a good question. When I visit other blogs I like to write comments, but I don't allow it here. Why?
I used to allow comments. When a comment was published I would automatically get an email with the comment on it. When I would get home from work I would often find out some deranged Christian asshole polluted several posts with stupid idiotic things. It made me disgusted to read it.
The problem is there's seven billion human apes on this planet and at least six billion of them are assholes. I don't want to waste time dealing with assholes. So I no longer allow comments. And now I don't dread checking my email. It just wasn't worth it.
So sorry about the no comment policy. If that's a problem for you, I recommend PZ's blog where you can write all the comments you want. Just be nice to the liberal loons there because they easily become upset and then they cry like babies. Type "PZ" in the google search box then click the I'm Feeling Lucky button.
By the way, an easy way to find my blog is type "darwin killed god" in the google search box then click the I'm Feeling Lucky button.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
At last gleams of light have come, & I am almost convinced (quite contrary to opinion I started with) that species are not (it is like confessing a murder) immutable.
The quote in the title came from Charles Darwin in 1844, 15 years before he published his 1859 masterpiece, On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. He knew he was going to permanently change everything. He knew the world's religious idiots would complain about it. I wonder if he thought there would still be religious tards complaining about evolution in 2012.
The permanent change Darwin made in 1859 was it became impossible for an intelligent person to invoke a magical god for anything. Darwin didn't eliminate every gap for the god of the gaps, but he did kill the most important hiding place for every god ever invented, which is the explanation for the diversity of life. With one brilliant idea which he had spent his life finding evidence for, natural selection, he killed god.
More than 150 years later there are still people who didn't get the darwin killed god memo, but their children or grandchildren or more future generations will figure it out. It's pointless to believe in a god who never had anything to do, and Darwin demonstrated this beyond any doubt. Thousands of scientists who came after Darwin have been busy pounding nails into god's coffin. God is dead, dead, dead. Good riddance.
Darwin to Hooker, J. D. [11 Jan 1844]
Charles Darwin: Writing Origin 'like confessing a murder'
Evolution is God's redundancy notice, his pink slip.
This post at another blog is about the theocratic idiots who didn't get the darwin killed god memo:
Teaching Creationism is a Form of Terrorism and of Child Abuse.
Charles Darwin: Writing Origin 'like confessing a murder'
Evolution is God's redundancy notice, his pink slip.
This post at another blog is about the theocratic idiots who didn't get the darwin killed god memo:
Teaching Creationism is a Form of Terrorism and of Child Abuse.
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April 28, 2012 at 1:02 pm
April 28, 2012 at 1:20 pm
– Encyclopedia Britannica
Ask any real biologist about Dembski, and by “real” I mean biologists who don’t invoke magic like you do, and by “real” I mean biologists who have contributed something important to biology. They all say, every single one of them who has heard about Dembski, he is a pathological liar for the Magic Jeebus Man. Even the extremely rare religious biologists call Dembski an idiot. Look it up.
Look it mister. I’m going to be honest. You, sir, are an uneducated moron. You spend so much time denying evolution you have never bothered to understand what it is you’re denying. You’re dishonest about science, and even more amazing you’re dishonest about your own childish idiotic fantasies.
At least the Bible thumpers, as stupid as they are, are honest about their magical creationism. You, however, dishonestly call your magic fantasy “design”. That makes you as stupid as the thumpers but you’re dishonest about it. If you can’t grow up, educate yourself, and face facts (and it’s obvious you can’t do that) at least try to stop lying about your own fantasies.
“You should know that God loves you and He has demonstrated that love by providing salvation for you through Jesus Christ. (John 3:16) and that there is no other way to receive salvation accept through Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12).”
Good grief, you are a bible thumper. Amazing. You’re a dishonest Bible thumper. You even invoke the Magic Jeebus Man. And you believe in salvation, also known as a magical heaven. You’re so terrified of reality you wish for a life after death as do the suicide bombers.
I’m done here. Get psychiatric help mister. You’re not just stupid. You’re not just uneducated. You’re batshit crazy.