Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The gullible idiots of Idiot America are willing to believe in any bullshit that makes them feel good.

The talking snake fantasy - Wikipedia: Satan is traditionally identified as the serpent who tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Satan is the Devil in Christianity. Some religious groups teach that he originated as an angel, or something of the like, who used to possess great piety and beauty, but fell because of hubris, seducing humanity into the ways of falsehood and sin, and has power in the fallen world.

The people who believe in the god fairy are insane. The people who believe in Satan are way beyond insane.

Majority of Americans believe in the devil.

A survey found that 57 percent of respondents believe that the devil exists. In other words 57% of Americans are batshit crazy.

65 percent of Republicans think the devil is real. I'm not surprised.

63% of people with a high school education said they believe in the evil spirit compared to 48 percent of college graduates.

Regionally, most believers live in the South (
It's called the Bible Belt.). 64% of Southerners fear Satan compared to 56 percent in the Midwest, 52 percent in the West and 48 percent in the Northeast.

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