Thursday, November 30, 2017

An interesting fact: In 2012 Jerry Coyne provided a link to my blog.

Evolution deniers can't explain why human babies have lanugo (a coat of hair) before they are born.

In 2012 at - Evidence for evolution: development of our kidneys Jerry Coyne provided a link to my blog at - Lanugo makes Jeebus cry. which was a copy & paste job from his book "Why Evolution Is True" 
in 2010.

What Jerry Coyne wrote at his website:

This ordering of developmental events that mimic those of our ancestors is not unique to the kidney: it also occurs, for example, in the way our blood vessels form, and Darwin gives other examples. One of my favorite examples, which I’ll also teach about today, is the lanugo, the coat of hair that all human embryos develop and then shed about a month before birth (see my explanation here). The lanugo forms because we carry the genes for a full coat of hair, inherited from our primate ancestors. We briefly express those genes in utero, and at about the same relative time of development as do embryonic chimps (who don’t lose the hair). Here’s the lanugo on a premature infant. It’s shed soon after birth.

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