Monday, November 27, 2017

What is an agnostic? I looked it up.

agnostic: a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of the Easter Bunny or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in the Easter Bunny.

Replace the words "Easter Bunny" with leprechauns or god or Magic Man, it's still ridiculous.

Agnostics have these things in common:

They are full of bullshit.

They're extremely dense.

They're stupid fucking assholes.

They're part of the religious stupidity and religious violence problems.

They can't grow up and make a fucking decision.

Is the Easter Bunny real or not?

Agnostic retard: "Duh, duh, I don't know, duh."

The stupid, it burns.

A person is either 100% certain the Magic Man is not real or a person is a fucking idiot.

Does this mean the vast majority of the human apes on this planet are fucking idiots?


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