Sunday, November 26, 2017

Bible Belt stupidity. Christian assholes want to throw out the Establishment Clause of our Bill of Rights so they can stick their Christian death cult into public schools. I never met a Christian who wasn't a stupid fucking asshole.

In Georgia, a bible thumping state, a high school football coach would pray with the players which violates our Establishment Clause. After the FFRF told the coach he can't do that the dense students prayed without him as did hundreds of other students there to see the game. This is show-off praying. "Everyone look at how holy I am." The stupid, it burns in Idiot America.
The Magic Jeebus Man said "Pray in your closet." America's Christian assholes didn't get the memo.
By the way this is American football which is completely different from the football played in the rest of the world. American football is very violent but these people wear helmets and other stuff to make it almost safe.
The newspaper article:
A Georgia high school football team, joined by supportive students and fans, banded together after an out-of-state atheist group objected to coaches praying with players.
The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) notified East Coweta County High School about coach John Small praying with players.
"Coach Small's conduct is unconstitutional because he endorses and promotes his religion when acting in his official capacity as a school district employee," the organization wrote.
The school board then announced that coaches could not "join hands, bow their heads, take a knee or commit another act that otherwise manifests approval with the students' religious experience."
In response, the players joined hundreds of students and fans at their final game in an even bigger prayer than usual. 
Small told Ainsley Earhardt that he's proud of his players for standing up for what they believe. He emphasized that the pregame prayers are always student-led, not led by the coaches.

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