Friday, November 24, 2017

Catholic biologist Ken Miller is part of the religious stupidity problem.

“We cannot sit by and allow people to take the position that science is antithetical to faith,” Miller said. “The burden is on us to speak up in the public square, and to make the argument” for why science and faith are complementary.

Miller's idea, "science and faith are complementary", is bullshit.

The Catholics invoke their Magic Man to magically create a magical invisible soul and magically stick the magical soul into the 7 billion human apes on this planet. Science and magic are most definitely not complementary.

How many of the best biologists are god-soaked? Almost zero. Miller is one of the very rare exceptions. There's a reason for it. Biologists have no use for magical bullshit. Ken Miller is in love with supernatural magic. He disgraces his profession.

What about the magical resurrection of the Magic Jeebus Man? If Miller believes this bullshit he's insane. If he doesn't believe it he's not a real Catholic because it's a required fantasy for every branch of the Christian death cult including Catholicism (aka the world's largest sexual child abuse organization).

Miller, you should be ashamed of yourself. You are pretending to be a Catholic. That's dishonest. Or even worse you're batshit crazy and you really believe in the Jeebus zombie bullshit.

I found Ken Miller's love for bullshit at

One more thing Ken Miller. Your dead Magic Jeebus Man was a creationist and you know it. Explain that Mr. "science and faith are complementary". Explain why your dead Jeebus (aka the son of the Magic Man) was an uneducated moron.

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