Tuesday, November 21, 2017

What I found at another website called "God is imaginary". This post has 50 links to that website.

It is easy to prove to yourself that it is easy to prove to yourself that God is imaginary. The evidence is all around you. Here are 50 simple proofs:
  1. Try praying
  2. Statistically analyze prayer
  3. Look at all historical gods
  4. Think about science
  5. Read the Bible
  6. Ponder God's plan
  7. Understand religious delusion
  8. Think about Near Death Experiences
  9. Understand ambiguity
  10. Watch the offering plate
  11. Notice that there is no scientific evidence
  12. See the magic
  13. Take a look at slavery
  14. Examine Jesus' miracles
  15. Examine Jesus' resurrection
  16. Contemplate the contradictions
  17. Think about Leprechauns
  18. Imagine heaven
  19. Notice that you ignore Jesus
  20. Notice your church
  21. Understand Jesus' core message
  22. Count all the people God wants to murder
  23. Listen to the Doxology
  24. Ask why religion causes so many problems
  25. Understand evolution and abiogenesis
  26. Notice that the Bible's author is not "all-knowing"
  27. Think about life after death
  28. Notice how many gods you reject
  29. Think about communion
  30. Examine God's sexism
  31. Understand that religion is superstition
  32. Talk to a theologian
  33. Contemplate the crucifixion
  34. Examine your health insurance policy
  35. Notice Jesus' myopia
  36. Realize that God is impossible
  37. Think about DNA
  38. Contemplate the divorce rate among Christians
  39. Realize that Jesus was a jerk
  40. Understand Christian motivations
  41. Flip a coin
  42. Listen when "God talks"
  43. Realize that a "hidden God" is impossible
  44. Think about a Christian housewife
  45. Consider Noah's Ark
  46. Ponder Pascal's Wager
  47. Contemplate Creation
  48. Compare prayer to a lucky horseshoe
  49. Look at who speaks for God
  50. Ask Jesus to appear

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