This is from another website, written by someone with the internet name "3Ja98DMAk":
Christians are a far cry from what they once were. They have no more real power and are forced to live in a civilization that we secular people have built up around them. From corporations to government we have all the major cards.
Christians have no more serious power, all they can do now is appeal to emotion and hope there is enough gullible people to lay down on the tracks. However no matter what they do we will keep chugging along. Whether they agree or not it does not matter. This is our world now, our will is spreading to countries that 30 years ago you wouldn't dream of the populace chasing secular freedoms.
It's a New World Order.
They actually lost about a hundred or so years ago, you see this is just the fallout. In a century or maybe a little more than that, we will see the major world religions all but disappear. Any remnants will be just marginalized groups like West Borough Baptist Church, groups like that who hold no sway in the day to day lives of even just thousands.
We win. Novus Ordo Seclorum
Eat it.
"Darwin was the first to use data from nature to convince people that evolution is true, and his idea of natural selection was truly novel. It testifies to his genius that the concept of natural theology, accepted by most educated Westerners before 1859, was vanquished within only a few years by a single five-hundred-page book. On the Origin of Species turned the mysteries of life's diversity from mythology into genuine science." -- Jerry Coyne
Friday, August 30, 2013
When there's a problem in the world that needs fixing the United States of America fixes it.
Recently I watched on BBC News babies in Syria dying from poisonous gas. Last night I watched children at a school in Syria dying after their government dropped a napalm bomb on them. Both experiences were horrible.
Should we say "Not to worry Mr. Dictator of Syria, you can commit any atrocity you want. We don't care."
That's what every country in the world is saying except for of course America. We will fix the problem.
We have four warships in the Mediterranean and a fifth warship is on the way there now. All five destroyers have dozens of missiles (which cost American taxpayers 1.5 million dollars each).
The parliament in the UK voted against helping us out. That's OK, British people, you will always be America's best friend no matter what. We will fix the problem without your help.
President Obama, you usually suck but today you make me proud to be an American. Let's teach that asshole dictator a lesson he will never forget.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
-- Edmund Burke
Should we say "Not to worry Mr. Dictator of Syria, you can commit any atrocity you want. We don't care."
That's what every country in the world is saying except for of course America. We will fix the problem.
We have four warships in the Mediterranean and a fifth warship is on the way there now. All five destroyers have dozens of missiles (which cost American taxpayers 1.5 million dollars each).
The parliament in the UK voted against helping us out. That's OK, British people, you will always be America's best friend no matter what. We will fix the problem without your help.
President Obama, you usually suck but today you make me proud to be an American. Let's teach that asshole dictator a lesson he will never forget.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
-- Edmund Burke
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
The incurable disease
This post is about American Christians.
I'm not going to waste my time writing about Muslim scum because they are not humans. They pray to Allah five times a day, the women dress like idiots, they blow themselves up, fly airplanes into buildings, cut off heads, bury women up to their necks and then throw rocks at their head, throw acid into the eyes of little girls, and now they're using poisonous gas to murder babies. Muslims have long ago lost their right to live on this planet. If you're interested in these subhumans you can visit
Many American Christians are not very religious. They go to church only a few times a year. They never read their bible. They never pray. They're only a little bit insane.
Unfortunately millions of American Christians are batshit crazy. They pray almost as often as the Muslim scum. They have read their moronic bible several times and they can find anything they want in that disgusting book almost instantly.
Of course they are evolution deniers. They believe (and I'm not making this up, I'm not exaggerating) the entire universe (including trillions of galaxies and every creature on Earth) was magically created out of nothing 6,000 years ago. One Christian fucktard told me the entire universe is 20,000 years old, as if I was suppose to be impressed by his figuring out 6,000 years is a bit too extreme.
These Christian extremists (there really are millions of them in Idiot America) deny evolution, they deny global warming, and they deny humans are responsible for the extinction of species. They teach their children to not trust their biology teachers. They teach their children to be stupid.
When Christians are not brainwashing their children they are harassing and threatening their children's science teachers. I'm not making this up. If you're interested in this disgusting problem please see These cowardly Christian assholes harassed, threatened, and yelled at an elderly female biology teacher.
For these totally insane Christians religion is a major part of their lives. They constantly talk about their bible which they believe is the "Word of God" or "The Word". Their "Word of God" is why they will never escape from the everything-is-magic fantasy world they live in.
These extremely stupid people think there are miracles every day. One Christian couple told me about people in a car who drove across a bridge that for some reason (I forget the details of the story) was missing the last 50 yards or something like that. But instead of the car falling into the river below the broken bridge the car magically flew to the other side safely landing on the road across the river. They were not joking. They really believed this magical bullshit and they called it a miracle. I was trying to be nice so I didn't say "Are you fucking insane?" but it would not have done any good to say that because these Christian nutjobs really believed it.
These Christians are victims of intense religious indoctrination and their children (and all future and past generations) have the same experience which is relentless brainwashing starting at age two. When these victims are students in a biology class their brain damage prevents them from learning anything about evolution.
Fortunately, partly thanks to the internet, some of these victims are eventually able to figure out their parents are idiots but usually the children's brain damage is incurable.
I'm not going to waste my time writing about Muslim scum because they are not humans. They pray to Allah five times a day, the women dress like idiots, they blow themselves up, fly airplanes into buildings, cut off heads, bury women up to their necks and then throw rocks at their head, throw acid into the eyes of little girls, and now they're using poisonous gas to murder babies. Muslims have long ago lost their right to live on this planet. If you're interested in these subhumans you can visit
Many American Christians are not very religious. They go to church only a few times a year. They never read their bible. They never pray. They're only a little bit insane.
Unfortunately millions of American Christians are batshit crazy. They pray almost as often as the Muslim scum. They have read their moronic bible several times and they can find anything they want in that disgusting book almost instantly.
Of course they are evolution deniers. They believe (and I'm not making this up, I'm not exaggerating) the entire universe (including trillions of galaxies and every creature on Earth) was magically created out of nothing 6,000 years ago. One Christian fucktard told me the entire universe is 20,000 years old, as if I was suppose to be impressed by his figuring out 6,000 years is a bit too extreme.
These Christian extremists (there really are millions of them in Idiot America) deny evolution, they deny global warming, and they deny humans are responsible for the extinction of species. They teach their children to not trust their biology teachers. They teach their children to be stupid.
When Christians are not brainwashing their children they are harassing and threatening their children's science teachers. I'm not making this up. If you're interested in this disgusting problem please see These cowardly Christian assholes harassed, threatened, and yelled at an elderly female biology teacher.
For these totally insane Christians religion is a major part of their lives. They constantly talk about their bible which they believe is the "Word of God" or "The Word". Their "Word of God" is why they will never escape from the everything-is-magic fantasy world they live in.
These extremely stupid people think there are miracles every day. One Christian couple told me about people in a car who drove across a bridge that for some reason (I forget the details of the story) was missing the last 50 yards or something like that. But instead of the car falling into the river below the broken bridge the car magically flew to the other side safely landing on the road across the river. They were not joking. They really believed this magical bullshit and they called it a miracle. I was trying to be nice so I didn't say "Are you fucking insane?" but it would not have done any good to say that because these Christian nutjobs really believed it.
These Christians are victims of intense religious indoctrination and their children (and all future and past generations) have the same experience which is relentless brainwashing starting at age two. When these victims are students in a biology class their brain damage prevents them from learning anything about evolution.
Fortunately, partly thanks to the internet, some of these victims are eventually able to figure out their parents are idiots but usually the children's brain damage is incurable.
Where did religions come from?
Where did religions come from?
After the magic god fairy was invented then any nonsense became possible. People started pretending what this god fairy looked like and what it liked and disliked and after several centuries of pretending we now have lots of religions and each religion has lots of branches.
Of course it's all bullshit. The world does not need bulllshit. We also don't need all the violence and stupidity that religion makes possible.
After the magic god fairy was invented then any nonsense became possible. People started pretending what this god fairy looked like and what it liked and disliked and after several centuries of pretending we now have lots of religions and each religion has lots of branches.
Of course it's all bullshit. The world does not need bulllshit. We also don't need all the violence and stupidity that religion makes possible.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
"Evolution is a Lie from The Pit of Hell."
"Evolution is a Lie from the Pit of Hell."
The airhead who wrote this ridiculous bullshit wasn't joking. Her brain damage is incurable.
What's interesting is not her insanity. What's interesting is she is a typical American. About half of Idiot America's population completely agrees with her.
Most of the other half are not much better because they can't accept evolution without sticking their dead Jeebus into it.
The airhead who wrote this ridiculous bullshit wasn't joking. Her brain damage is incurable.
What's interesting is not her insanity. What's interesting is she is a typical American. About half of Idiot America's population completely agrees with her.
Most of the other half are not much better because they can't accept evolution without sticking their dead Jeebus into it.
Fucking cowards who love censorship
Some fucking wimpy asshole at another website deleted this obvious truth: "Muslim scum need to be completely eradicated from this planet."
What a fucking crybaby.
Meanwhile Muslim assholes are using poisonous gas to murder babies.
Hey Muslim scum and the retards who suck up to Muslim scum, get the fuck off my planet you worthless piece of crap.
What a fucking crybaby.
Meanwhile Muslim assholes are using poisonous gas to murder babies.
Hey Muslim scum and the retards who suck up to Muslim scum, get the fuck off my planet you worthless piece of crap.
Monday, August 26, 2013
The fucking idiots of Biologos
I found some god-soaked Christian scum who pretend they are not science deniers at
Here is some their bullshit:
We believe that God created humans in biological continuity with all life on earth, but also as spiritual beings. God established a unique relationship with humanity by endowing us with his image and calling us to an elevated position within the created order.
What is Evolutionary Creation? The view that all life on earth came about by the God-ordained process of evolution with common descent. Evolution is a means by which God providentially achieves his purposes in creation.
What a bunch of fucking bullshit. According to these Christian assholes who think the human ape species is a big fucking deal, evolution was used by the magical master of the entire fucking universe to create people that looked just like him, including the male sex organs.
Sticking a god's magic wand into evolution is not accepting evolution. It's polluting evolution with bullshit.
These fucking idiots are of course Americans. Only Americans are capable of being this insane.
Do you fucking morons have any evidence for any of your god bullshit? No, of course not. You just believe it. You believe in it even though it's bullshit because like the bible thumpers who have thrown out all of science you people are just plain stupid.
Here is some their bullshit:
We believe that God created humans in biological continuity with all life on earth, but also as spiritual beings. God established a unique relationship with humanity by endowing us with his image and calling us to an elevated position within the created order.
What is Evolutionary Creation? The view that all life on earth came about by the God-ordained process of evolution with common descent. Evolution is a means by which God providentially achieves his purposes in creation.
What a bunch of fucking bullshit. According to these Christian assholes who think the human ape species is a big fucking deal, evolution was used by the magical master of the entire fucking universe to create people that looked just like him, including the male sex organs.
Sticking a god's magic wand into evolution is not accepting evolution. It's polluting evolution with bullshit.
These fucking idiots are of course Americans. Only Americans are capable of being this insane.
Do you fucking morons have any evidence for any of your god bullshit? No, of course not. You just believe it. You believe in it even though it's bullshit because like the bible thumpers who have thrown out all of science you people are just plain stupid.
John Stuart Mill once observed "I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative."
John Stuart Mill once observed "I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative."
Absolutely correct. America's idiots, and there's millions of them, belong to the conservative Republican Party. They are science deniers and theocrats. Their stupidity is breathtaking.
But guess what. I belong to the Republican Party. I know the god fantasy is bullshit. I know evolution is an established truth. I most certainly don't want to make America a theocracy. I'm a fiscal conservative. But sometimes the Republican politician is so retarded I have to vote for the liberal which is why I had to vote for Obama in 2008 (but I voted for Romney in 2012).
Christian scum have destroyed the Republican Party and for that they have my complete contempt.
Please see Barry Goldwater, the 1964 Republican candidate for President of the United States, predicted Christian assholes would destroy the Republican Party, and he was right.
Absolutely correct. America's idiots, and there's millions of them, belong to the conservative Republican Party. They are science deniers and theocrats. Their stupidity is breathtaking.
But guess what. I belong to the Republican Party. I know the god fantasy is bullshit. I know evolution is an established truth. I most certainly don't want to make America a theocracy. I'm a fiscal conservative. But sometimes the Republican politician is so retarded I have to vote for the liberal which is why I had to vote for Obama in 2008 (but I voted for Romney in 2012).
Christian scum have destroyed the Republican Party and for that they have my complete contempt.
Please see Barry Goldwater, the 1964 Republican candidate for President of the United States, predicted Christian assholes would destroy the Republican Party, and he was right.
There are millions of Christian assholes in America who want the foundation of biology (evolution) completely removed from biology education. I'm not making this up. American Christians are fucking retards.
There is a Christian war against science education in Idiot America. We have Christian scum on our state school boards and Christian assholes in our state governments who have been trying to dumb down science education to accommodate their Magic Jeebus Man.
We have Christian thugs (parents of students) who have been repeatedly harassing, threatening, and trying to intimidate biology teachers who teach evolution (which should be part of every single fucking lesson because nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution but Christian assholes want it thrown out).
Fuck off and die Christian assholes. You fucking retards will never be allowed to get away with anything.
Look at what this drooling moron wrote:
There is an attempt to BRAINWASH into evolution, because the subject IS ...FORCED....forced on people, and not just one year, but it entwines all through biology. Evolution should be REMOVED from the curriculum.
No shit retard. Evolution does entwine all through biology because biology is evolution.
We have Christian thugs (parents of students) who have been repeatedly harassing, threatening, and trying to intimidate biology teachers who teach evolution (which should be part of every single fucking lesson because nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution but Christian assholes want it thrown out).
Fuck off and die Christian assholes. You fucking retards will never be allowed to get away with anything.
Look at what this drooling moron wrote:
There is an attempt to BRAINWASH into evolution, because the subject IS ...FORCED....forced on people, and not just one year, but it entwines all through biology. Evolution should be REMOVED from the curriculum.
No shit retard. Evolution does entwine all through biology because biology is evolution.
Please notice that the fucktard calls science education "brainwashing".
Christian scum need to be completely eradicated from this planet.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
"To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today." - Isaac Asimov
For every scientific problem (real or imaginary) Christian scum always stick their god of the gaps in there, while dishonestly saying they don't believe in a god of the gaps. Christians are so fucking dishonest they even lie about their own fantasies.
The Isaac Asimov quote is from WRITERS ON RELIGION.
The Isaac Asimov quote is from WRITERS ON RELIGION.
"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." - The Magic Jeebus Man, Mark 16:16
Apparently Jeebus was a fucking asshole. And the Christian scum who worship the dead Jeebus are fucking idiots.
Why can't Christians grow up and face facts, instead of pretending their childish heaven fantasy is real?
It's because Christian crybabies are cowardly gullible morons.
If you believe in a god you're a fucking idiot.
Can you imagine how much stupidity is required to believe there's a supernatural creature with unlimited magical powers hiding somewhere in the universe? It's the most ridiculous fantasy ever invented but morons believe in it anyway.
Today's religious news: U.S. defense officials told The Associated Press that the Navy had sent a fourth warship armed with ballistic missiles into the eastern Mediterranean Sea but without immediate orders for any missile launch into Syria.
Religion recently has been killing babies with poisonous gas.
What does religion contribute to the human race besides stupidity and violence?
Absolutely nothing.
Those missiles are expensive and thanks to religion we will probably launch those missiles to kill some Muslim scum. More taxpayer money down the drain thanks to religion.
Does President Obama have any choice? Should he let religious assholes murder all the babies they want to murder?
I'm not sure what should be done or if anything should be done, but despite my contempt for President Fucktard Obama I will respect his decision. If he does order an attack I hope one of the missiles kills Bashar al-Assad.
A real scientist who writes about creationists except he always calls them idiots.
Please see How IDiots Would Activate the GULOP Pseudogene.
The enzyme L-glucono-γ-lactone oxidase is required for the synthesis of vitamin C. Humans cannot make this enzyme because the gene for this enzyme is defective [see Human GULOP Pseudogene]. The GenBank entry for this pseudogene is GeneID=2989. GULOP is located on chromosome 8 at p21.1 in a region that is rich in genes.
Why is the gene for the synthesis of vitamin C defective in human apes? It's because our ancient ape ancestors lived in an environment where there was plenty of fruit to eat. So when mutations made this gene defective that was no problem. The creature didn't die because it could get vitamin C from its diet. Natural selection did not have to select for this gene being functional.
This is another example of millions of examples for why nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.
The blog is called Sandwalk. It is one of the best science blogs on the internet and it's many times more interesting than this blog.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
What a cowardly way to waste an entire life -- to wish for something as ridiculous as the magical heaven fantasy, as if magic is real.
Most Americans believe they have magical souls that magically fly to a magical paradise after they drop dead. I can't even imagine how much cowardly stupidity is required to believe that bullshit. They are so terrified of reality they are willing to believe any idiocy if it makes them feel good.
We exist only once so it makes sense to not waste it. A good place to start would be to throw out the god bullshit.
I like what scientists do with their lives. Their discoveries add to human knowledge and make the world a better place.
What do religious scum contribute? Nothing except stupidity and violence.
We exist only once so it makes sense to not waste it. A good place to start would be to throw out the god bullshit.
I like what scientists do with their lives. Their discoveries add to human knowledge and make the world a better place.
What do religious scum contribute? Nothing except stupidity and violence.
2013/03 MARCH,
Christian retards,
Idiot America
Lots of science at PBS NOVA EVOLUTION
Are We Still Evolving?
Ten Great Advances in Evolution
Gigantism & Dwarfism on Islands
Australia: First 4 Billion Years
Of all the continents on Earth, none preserves a more spectacular story of our planet's origins than Australia. NOVA's four-part "Australia's First 4 Billion Years" takes viewers on a rollicking adventure from the birth of the Earth to the emergence of the world we know today. With help from host and scientist Richard Smith, we meet titanic dinosaurs and giant kangaroos, sea monsters and prehistoric crustaceans, disappearing mountains and deadly asteroids. Epic in scope, intimate in nature, this is the untold story of the land "down under," the one island continent that has got it all. Join NOVA on the ultimate Outback road trip, an exploration of the history of the planet as seen through the window of the Australian continent.
Are We Still Evolving?
Ten Great Advances in Evolution
Gigantism & Dwarfism on Islands
Australia: First 4 Billion Years
Of all the continents on Earth, none preserves a more spectacular story of our planet's origins than Australia. NOVA's four-part "Australia's First 4 Billion Years" takes viewers on a rollicking adventure from the birth of the Earth to the emergence of the world we know today. With help from host and scientist Richard Smith, we meet titanic dinosaurs and giant kangaroos, sea monsters and prehistoric crustaceans, disappearing mountains and deadly asteroids. Epic in scope, intimate in nature, this is the untold story of the land "down under," the one island continent that has got it all. Join NOVA on the ultimate Outback road trip, an exploration of the history of the planet as seen through the window of the Australian continent.
Some extreme stupidity from a typical Christian in Idiot America
I'm going to cut and paste some extremely idiotic stuff from an American Christian moron. People from normal countries, please understand this is a typical Christian in Idiot America. These assholes are everywhere. There's millions of them.
The retard wrote his bullshit to respond to this question:
46% of Americans are creationists but exactly 0% of biologists at American universities are creationists. Why? Is it because universities don't hire science deniers, or is there some other reason for this huge difference, 46% and 0%?
Of course the correct answer would be universities don't hire fucking idiots.
Please notice that the Christian who wrote the bullshit complained about public school students not being forced to pray to the Magic Jeebus Man. Incredibly many years ago this was normal in American public schools until the Supreme Court threw it out because it violated the Establishment Clause of our Bill of Rights.
Here is the whole pathetic thing including invoking Satan and the insane Bible:
Satan's influence, Eph. 2:2, Rev. 13. What should we expect? They've taken prayer out of school, the Ten Commandments, you can be removed by police for speaking about Jesus Christ from most any where now. Proverbs The rich ruleth over the poor. Take a long hard look at society, Christians 1st Ammendment rights to freedom of speech, and freedom of religion, severely hindered by big money marketers, I've been banned from MANY places, for simply talking about Jesus Christ/The Holy Bible. Persecution.
The retard wrote his bullshit to respond to this question:
46% of Americans are creationists but exactly 0% of biologists at American universities are creationists. Why? Is it because universities don't hire science deniers, or is there some other reason for this huge difference, 46% and 0%?
Of course the correct answer would be universities don't hire fucking idiots.
Please notice that the Christian who wrote the bullshit complained about public school students not being forced to pray to the Magic Jeebus Man. Incredibly many years ago this was normal in American public schools until the Supreme Court threw it out because it violated the Establishment Clause of our Bill of Rights.
Here is the whole pathetic thing including invoking Satan and the insane Bible:
Satan's influence, Eph. 2:2, Rev. 13. What should we expect? They've taken prayer out of school, the Ten Commandments, you can be removed by police for speaking about Jesus Christ from most any where now. Proverbs The rich ruleth over the poor. Take a long hard look at society, Christians 1st Ammendment rights to freedom of speech, and freedom of religion, severely hindered by big money marketers, I've been banned from MANY places, for simply talking about Jesus Christ/The Holy Bible. Persecution.
Today's religious news: A cleric cut his wife into pieces on Wednesday for refusing to wear a veil and sending their children to school, police said.
A cleric in Multan, Pakistan cut his wife into ten pieces. Why? Because while she agreed to cover her entire body when leaving their house, she refused to cover her face. Even worse, she thought their children should be allowed to go to a real school instead of a religious seminary.
Most certainly the killer's wife had it coming. What choice did her husband have? He didn't want to be responsible for her sins so he had to cut her into several pieces.
You can read the whole thing at Cut into pieces: ‘She challenged God’s orders’.
A website everyone must see wrote about this atrocity at Islam is the only religion in which a cleric can cut his wife into a half dozen pieces without really surprising anyone.
What is really strange is not this disgusting news story about a lunatic (aka typical Muslim). What is strange is there are still wimpy people on this planet who suck up to Muslim scum.
Most certainly the killer's wife had it coming. What choice did her husband have? He didn't want to be responsible for her sins so he had to cut her into several pieces.
You can read the whole thing at Cut into pieces: ‘She challenged God’s orders’.
A website everyone must see wrote about this atrocity at Islam is the only religion in which a cleric can cut his wife into a half dozen pieces without really surprising anyone.
What is really strange is not this disgusting news story about a lunatic (aka typical Muslim). What is strange is there are still wimpy people on this planet who suck up to Muslim scum.
2013/03 MARCH,
Muslim scum,
religious violence
Friday, August 23, 2013
A Christian science denier asked this question about evolution: "Can all of this really have happened by chance?"
The short answer is NO. The diversity of life could not have happened by chance. But that's not how natural selection works you uneducated moron.
"Chance alone cannot explain the marvelous fit between individuals and their environment. And it doesn't. True, the raw materials for evolution--the variations between individuals--are indeed produced by chance mutations. These mutations occur willy-nilly, regardless of whether they are good or bad for the individual. But it is the filtering of that variation by natural selection that produces adaptations, and natural selection is manifestly not random. It is a powerful molding force, accumulating genes that have a greater chance of being passed on to others, and in so doing making individuals even better able to cope with their environment. It is, then, the unique combination of mutation and selection--chance and lawfulness--that tells us how organisms become adapted."
-- Jerry Coyne, University of Chicago biologist, author of Why Evolution is True
"Chance alone cannot explain the marvelous fit between individuals and their environment. And it doesn't. True, the raw materials for evolution--the variations between individuals--are indeed produced by chance mutations. These mutations occur willy-nilly, regardless of whether they are good or bad for the individual. But it is the filtering of that variation by natural selection that produces adaptations, and natural selection is manifestly not random. It is a powerful molding force, accumulating genes that have a greater chance of being passed on to others, and in so doing making individuals even better able to cope with their environment. It is, then, the unique combination of mutation and selection--chance and lawfulness--that tells us how organisms become adapted."
-- Jerry Coyne, University of Chicago biologist, author of Why Evolution is True
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Some definitions
theist: a fucking idiot who believes a supernatural creature with unlimited magical powers is hiding in some other galaxy. Their brain damage is usually incurable.
agnostic: a full-of-shit moron who can't grow up and make a decision. Is magic real or not? An agnostic retard doesn't know. Agnostic scum are part of the religious insanity problem. They are equal to bible thumpers and terrorists, equally stupid. Full-of-shit agnostics think philosophy is a real subject instead of the bullshit it really is.
atheist: a normal person who is 100% for sure certain the magic god fairy fantasy is the most ridiculous bullshit ever invented.
a real atheist: "There are no fucking gods and if you think there is a god or there might be a god then you're a fucking moron."
atheist wimp: a wimpy person who sucks up to religious retards.
atheist liberal: a retard who sucks up to Muslim scum.
Christian: a fucking asshole who brainwashes children to believe the Magic Jeebus Man, after decomposing for three days, became a stinking zombie who later flew up to the clouds.
Jews: the god fairy's chosen assholes.
Muslims: lunatics who fly airplanes into buildings, or blow themselves up, or pretend their death cult is a religion of peace. Like every other religion they become muslims before they are born. If they want to later throw out Islam they risk being murdered if they talk about it.
Islam: the world's largest terrorist organization. Islam must be completely eradicated. Muslim scum must be wiped off this planet.
Catholicism: a cult where priests fuck little boys.
Heaven: magical souls magically fly to a magical heaven when bible thumpers and terrorists drop dead. It's a religious fantasy and like every other fantasy invented by religion, a magical heaven is 100% pure bullshit. Bullshit that makes terrorism possible, bullshit that cowards love because they're terrified of reality.
Charles Darwin: the most important person who ever lived, the father of modern biology, and the man who killed the god fantasy.
Evolution by Natural Selection: the strongest fact of science, the most interesting fact of science, a scientific fact that makes the Magic Jeebus Man cry because evolution has killed every religious fantasy ever invented.
Humans: an ape species. Many human apes think their species is a big fucking deal but they are wrong. Human apes, also known as people, are just one small twig on the vast evolutionary tree of life. The evolution of human apes was a disaster for the planet Earth because they are destroying the habitat of all other creatures. I would suggest eradicating this ape species except that would have to include me. Perhaps a better solution would be to eradicate just the stupid assholes.
agnostic: a full-of-shit moron who can't grow up and make a decision. Is magic real or not? An agnostic retard doesn't know. Agnostic scum are part of the religious insanity problem. They are equal to bible thumpers and terrorists, equally stupid. Full-of-shit agnostics think philosophy is a real subject instead of the bullshit it really is.
atheist: a normal person who is 100% for sure certain the magic god fairy fantasy is the most ridiculous bullshit ever invented.
a real atheist: "There are no fucking gods and if you think there is a god or there might be a god then you're a fucking moron."
atheist wimp: a wimpy person who sucks up to religious retards.
atheist liberal: a retard who sucks up to Muslim scum.
Christian: a fucking asshole who brainwashes children to believe the Magic Jeebus Man, after decomposing for three days, became a stinking zombie who later flew up to the clouds.
Jews: the god fairy's chosen assholes.
Muslims: lunatics who fly airplanes into buildings, or blow themselves up, or pretend their death cult is a religion of peace. Like every other religion they become muslims before they are born. If they want to later throw out Islam they risk being murdered if they talk about it.
Islam: the world's largest terrorist organization. Islam must be completely eradicated. Muslim scum must be wiped off this planet.
Catholicism: a cult where priests fuck little boys.
Heaven: magical souls magically fly to a magical heaven when bible thumpers and terrorists drop dead. It's a religious fantasy and like every other fantasy invented by religion, a magical heaven is 100% pure bullshit. Bullshit that makes terrorism possible, bullshit that cowards love because they're terrified of reality.
Charles Darwin: the most important person who ever lived, the father of modern biology, and the man who killed the god fantasy.
Evolution by Natural Selection: the strongest fact of science, the most interesting fact of science, a scientific fact that makes the Magic Jeebus Man cry because evolution has killed every religious fantasy ever invented.
Humans: an ape species. Many human apes think their species is a big fucking deal but they are wrong. Human apes, also known as people, are just one small twig on the vast evolutionary tree of life. The evolution of human apes was a disaster for the planet Earth because they are destroying the habitat of all other creatures. I would suggest eradicating this ape species except that would have to include me. Perhaps a better solution would be to eradicate just the stupid assholes.
2013/03 MARCH,
agnostics are idiots,
atheist wimps,
Catholic scum,
Christian retards,
Muslim scum,
religious implications of evolution,
religious indoctrination,
religious stupidity
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Christian assholes are constantly spreading lies about Charles Darwin to defend their insane magical creation out of nothing fantasy.
I never met a Christian who wasn't a fucktard. They are constantly lying about everything. Apparently Christian assholes think they have to be dishonest to defend their Dark Ages fantasies in the 21st century. Their death cult is going extinct and they know it.
A fucking moron dishonestly wrote "This is why the whole 'we evolved from apes' statement became such an embarrassment. Scientists (even Darwin himself who originally stated it) knew we probably didn't evolve from apes."
What the fuck is this retard talking about? Every educated person in the world knows everything the fucking idiot wrote is completely wrong. Darwin correctly predicated human apes evolved from ancient apes in Africa, and he never changed his mind about any of it. These are basic facts of science which have been repeatedly shown to be correct from fossils and DNA sequencing. And this asshole says scientists have thrown this fact out. As if scientists are science deniers. How fucking stupid can you Christian scum get.
This dishonesty is typical for Christians. Virtually all of them are liars. The rare Christians who don't lie about everything should be more angry about this out of control dishonesty than anyone else because it's their religion which is being disgraced, but it seems like they never complain, which makes them part of the problem.
If you're a Christian asshole (you're all assholes) fuck off and die you stupid fucking piece of crap.
A fucking moron dishonestly wrote "This is why the whole 'we evolved from apes' statement became such an embarrassment. Scientists (even Darwin himself who originally stated it) knew we probably didn't evolve from apes."
What the fuck is this retard talking about? Every educated person in the world knows everything the fucking idiot wrote is completely wrong. Darwin correctly predicated human apes evolved from ancient apes in Africa, and he never changed his mind about any of it. These are basic facts of science which have been repeatedly shown to be correct from fossils and DNA sequencing. And this asshole says scientists have thrown this fact out. As if scientists are science deniers. How fucking stupid can you Christian scum get.
This dishonesty is typical for Christians. Virtually all of them are liars. The rare Christians who don't lie about everything should be more angry about this out of control dishonesty than anyone else because it's their religion which is being disgraced, but it seems like they never complain, which makes them part of the problem.
If you're a Christian asshole (you're all assholes) fuck off and die you stupid fucking piece of crap.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Christian scum and Muslim terrorists must be terrified of reality to believe the magical heaven bullshit.
Christians and Muslims have to be gullible, stupid, insane, and most important of all they have to be cowards.
In Idiot America where I live it seems like almost everyone believes their magical soul will magically fly to a magical paradise after they drop dead. I live in a nation infested with cowardly gullible morons.
They never consider what made the 9/11 religious atrocities possible. Those Muslim assholes would never have destroyed New York City's two tallest buildings if not for their magical heaven fantasy. Our Christian cowards don't care. They will not throw out their heaven fantasy for anything.
Imagine being stupid enough to believe in the heaven bullshit. Personally I can't imagine it. I mean how can these people call themselves human if they have a brain equal to monkeys? Actually monkeys are way more intelligent than our Christian retards. I never met any non-human who believed in magical bullshit.
All Muslims believe in their magical paradise. And if they blow themselves up they believe they get in a very special place there. And if they fly an airplane into a building they get to sit next to the Allah Fairy.
If you believe in heaven please do the world a favor and go there now. Jump off a cliff or blow yourself up, I don't care. Just get off my planet.
In Idiot America where I live it seems like almost everyone believes their magical soul will magically fly to a magical paradise after they drop dead. I live in a nation infested with cowardly gullible morons.
They never consider what made the 9/11 religious atrocities possible. Those Muslim assholes would never have destroyed New York City's two tallest buildings if not for their magical heaven fantasy. Our Christian cowards don't care. They will not throw out their heaven fantasy for anything.
Imagine being stupid enough to believe in the heaven bullshit. Personally I can't imagine it. I mean how can these people call themselves human if they have a brain equal to monkeys? Actually monkeys are way more intelligent than our Christian retards. I never met any non-human who believed in magical bullshit.
All Muslims believe in their magical paradise. And if they blow themselves up they believe they get in a very special place there. And if they fly an airplane into a building they get to sit next to the Allah Fairy.
If you believe in heaven please do the world a favor and go there now. Jump off a cliff or blow yourself up, I don't care. Just get off my planet.
Islam: The belief that you can attain a personal relationship with god through blowing yourself up.
If you see an ugly Muslim woman on an airplane you should kill her before it's too late.
Women suicide bombers hide explosives in their BREAST IMPLANTS as terror experts fear al-Qaida will target flights out of Heathrow
I can't repeat this often enough. All Muslim scum must be completely eradicated from this planet. We can't have lunatics in our airplanes blowing themselves up for the fun of it.
Women suicide bombers hide explosives in their BREAST IMPLANTS as terror experts fear al-Qaida will target flights out of Heathrow
I can't repeat this often enough. All Muslim scum must be completely eradicated from this planet. We can't have lunatics in our airplanes blowing themselves up for the fun of it.
The Christian Death Cult will go extinct eventually because bullshit can't last forever.
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For the same reason all 21st century religions will go extinct eventually.
There are not any Christian fantasies less ridiculous than Zeus. The whole thing is 100% pure bullshit. The magic jeebus man, the magical heaven fantasy, the magical resurrection of jeebus into a zombie, it's all bullshit. How anyone can still believe any of it is amazing, but perhaps not so amazing when considering the incurable stupidity of Christian scum.
The jewish cult is a special case because for some reason when jews throw out their religious fantasies many of them still call themselves jews. It's like a club for assholes.
The Muslim Death Cult is a very special case. Muslim scum are responsible for virtually all 21st century violence. And it's out of control with for example the religious civil war in Syria. In Egypt their army is trying to destroy the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Organization. I wish them luck because the army is saving that country.
I imagine there could be thousands or millions of atheists who were Muslims. They keep quiet about it because they could be murdered by Muslim lunatics. A brainwashed Muslim child in the Middle East could grow up thinking all Muslims never throw out the bullshit because ex-Muslim atheists don't want to be killed and so they never announce they threw Islam out. And this is why Islam will be the last religion to get thrown in the garbage where it belongs.
Islam has to go. We can't let fucking idiots who fly airplanes into buildings and blow themselves up every single day to live on this planet. They have to be eradicated.
Thank you Mr. Charles Darwin for killing the idiotic god fantasy. Now we have to wait for the world's retards to get the memo.
2013/03 MARCH,
Christian retards,
Muslim scum
Sunday, August 18, 2013
This blog has more than 100 posts about the evidence for evolution.
I love evolution. I love how it works. And I love the evidence for it. I love how biologists are constantly making predictions which must be correct or else evolution is wrong. Always the predictions are spectacularly correct in extreme detail. A good example is described at my post Human chromosome 2 and chimpanzee chromosomes 2p & 2q.
I can't imagine anything more interesting than the four billion year history of life. The science deniers (also known as Christian retards and Muslim terrorists) don't know what they're missing.
Here's another example of my evolution evidence posts which includes information from one of the best museums in the world at A whole bunch of fucking evidence for evolution.
An interesting thing about Idiot America where I live are the millions of evolution deniers who infest this country. Their breathtaking insanity is almost as interesting as the science they can't understand.
More than once I have worked at a place where I was the only person in my group of about a dozen people who was not an evolution denier. Their stupidity burns.
The reasons for this problem is America's science education sucks and the Christian death cult makes idiots even more stupid.
Christians are brainwashed starting at age two to believe people are completely separate from the rest of nature. They believe there are animals and there are people, as if human apes are not animals. The brainwashing is intense and most of the victims never recover from it. The brain damage is incurable before the victims learn anything about science.
America's science education is a disgrace. Of course there are some excellent biology teachers but they are a minority. Most students get stuck with a teacher who knows nothing about evolution or are so intimidated by Christian assholes they just throw out evolution to avoid the harassment and threats.
I never met a Christian who wasn't a stupid fucking asshole and they're everywhere in Idiot America.
I can't imagine anything more interesting than the four billion year history of life. The science deniers (also known as Christian retards and Muslim terrorists) don't know what they're missing.
Here's another example of my evolution evidence posts which includes information from one of the best museums in the world at A whole bunch of fucking evidence for evolution.
An interesting thing about Idiot America where I live are the millions of evolution deniers who infest this country. Their breathtaking insanity is almost as interesting as the science they can't understand.
More than once I have worked at a place where I was the only person in my group of about a dozen people who was not an evolution denier. Their stupidity burns.
The reasons for this problem is America's science education sucks and the Christian death cult makes idiots even more stupid.
Christians are brainwashed starting at age two to believe people are completely separate from the rest of nature. They believe there are animals and there are people, as if human apes are not animals. The brainwashing is intense and most of the victims never recover from it. The brain damage is incurable before the victims learn anything about science.
America's science education is a disgrace. Of course there are some excellent biology teachers but they are a minority. Most students get stuck with a teacher who knows nothing about evolution or are so intimidated by Christian assholes they just throw out evolution to avoid the harassment and threats.
I never met a Christian who wasn't a stupid fucking asshole and they're everywhere in Idiot America.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
A god-soaked fucktard asked "Can you give evidence proving the Theory of Evolution true and doesn't require me to have faith? Some poor examples would be anything that requires me to look back millions of year ago, before mankind or any 'intelligent life' was around to document what you would have me believe."
I gave the uneducated moron this answer (as if a Christian retard is able to understand anything):
I have exactly what you're looking for. All you got to do is find a dead human fetus to see this evidence for evolution for yourself.
It's best for you to get it straight from biologist so please excuse this copy and paste job:
One of my favorite cases of embryological evidence for evolution is the furry human fetus.We are famously known as "naked apes" because, unlike other primates, we don't have a thick coat of hair. But in fact for one brief period we do--as embryos. Around sixth months after conception, we become completely covered with a fine, downy coat of hair called lanugo. Lanugo is usually shed about a month before birth, when it's replaced by the more sparsely distributed hair with which we're born. (Premature infants, however, are sometimes born with lanugo, which soon falls off.) Now, there's no need for a human embryo to have a transitory coat of hair. After all, it's a cozy 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit in the womb. Lanugo can be explained only as a remnant of our primate ancestry: fetal monkeys also develop a coat of hair at about the same stage of development. Their hair, however, doesn't fall out, but hangs on to become the adult coat. And, like humans, fetal whales also have lanugo, a remnant of when their ancestors lived on land.
-- Jerry Coyne, University of Chicago biologist
• Lanugo. This little-known developmental phenomenon is an important clue to our mammalian past. Lanugo is a coat of fine, downy hair that fetuses grow while in the womb, covering the entire body except for the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands. Typically, lanugo is shed by the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy, although premature infants may retain it for several weeks after birth. The question is why we grow it at all, and the theory of evolution can easily explain this as a vestigial characteristic retained from our furry ancestors.
-- From a science website
For every evidence for evolution there is a professional liar who lies about it. However while they can pretend this evidence is not evidence for anything they have never once been able to explain the existence of lanugo on human fetuses and whale fetuses.
I have exactly what you're looking for. All you got to do is find a dead human fetus to see this evidence for evolution for yourself.
It's best for you to get it straight from biologist so please excuse this copy and paste job:
One of my favorite cases of embryological evidence for evolution is the furry human fetus.We are famously known as "naked apes" because, unlike other primates, we don't have a thick coat of hair. But in fact for one brief period we do--as embryos. Around sixth months after conception, we become completely covered with a fine, downy coat of hair called lanugo. Lanugo is usually shed about a month before birth, when it's replaced by the more sparsely distributed hair with which we're born. (Premature infants, however, are sometimes born with lanugo, which soon falls off.) Now, there's no need for a human embryo to have a transitory coat of hair. After all, it's a cozy 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit in the womb. Lanugo can be explained only as a remnant of our primate ancestry: fetal monkeys also develop a coat of hair at about the same stage of development. Their hair, however, doesn't fall out, but hangs on to become the adult coat. And, like humans, fetal whales also have lanugo, a remnant of when their ancestors lived on land.
-- Jerry Coyne, University of Chicago biologist
• Lanugo. This little-known developmental phenomenon is an important clue to our mammalian past. Lanugo is a coat of fine, downy hair that fetuses grow while in the womb, covering the entire body except for the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands. Typically, lanugo is shed by the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy, although premature infants may retain it for several weeks after birth. The question is why we grow it at all, and the theory of evolution can easily explain this as a vestigial characteristic retained from our furry ancestors.
-- From a science website
For every evidence for evolution there is a professional liar who lies about it. However while they can pretend this evidence is not evidence for anything they have never once been able to explain the existence of lanugo on human fetuses and whale fetuses.
2013/03 MARCH,
evidence for evolution,
Jerry Coyne
Old people might remember this American TV show about an idiot and his family.
In this video the idiot demonstrates the breathtaking stupidity of bible thumping science deniers.
2013/03 MARCH,
Christian retards,
My favorite videos
Friday, August 16, 2013
If you love genocide as much as the bible god loves genocide, then this stock market investment is for you.
When you can sell a product that people willingly buy even though they know it will eventually kill them, then you got a business that can't fail.
Philip Morris International Inc. (stock symbol PM) manufactures a product that kills more than a million of their customers every year. So of course it's an excellent investment that pays a nice quarterly dividend that grows annually.
Please see Philip Morris International Inc. (PM): Insider Buys 120K Shares.
Also please see my post about this subject (making money without having to actually earn it) at How to be wealthy.
Do you have a problem with genocide? Then you should see the three posts I wrote at
The perfect stock market investment for people who have no moral values
Is it morally wrong to profit from stupid people?
Is it immoral to invest in corporations that manufacture and sell products that kill their customers?
Philip Morris International Inc. (stock symbol PM) manufactures a product that kills more than a million of their customers every year. So of course it's an excellent investment that pays a nice quarterly dividend that grows annually.
Please see Philip Morris International Inc. (PM): Insider Buys 120K Shares.
Also please see my post about this subject (making money without having to actually earn it) at How to be wealthy.
Do you have a problem with genocide? Then you should see the three posts I wrote at
The perfect stock market investment for people who have no moral values
Is it morally wrong to profit from stupid people?
Is it immoral to invest in corporations that manufacture and sell products that kill their customers?
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
"Islam has become synonymous with terror and the target of justifiable and global contempt."
Two young British women, Muslim scum threw acid into their faces, while they were in a Muslim country to help Muslims.
Do "moderate" Muslims complain? Of course not. There's nothing moderate about being a Muslim retard.
Please see I Indict My Religion which was written by a Muslim.
There is a ton of information about Muslim assholes at
Who is worse than a Muslim fucktard? The liberal morons who suck up to Muslims, a problem I wrote about at Why do American liberals suck up to Muslim scum?
Do "moderate" Muslims complain? Of course not. There's nothing moderate about being a Muslim retard.
Please see I Indict My Religion which was written by a Muslim.
There is a ton of information about Muslim assholes at
Who is worse than a Muslim fucktard? The liberal morons who suck up to Muslims, a problem I wrote about at Why do American liberals suck up to Muslim scum?
The Army and Police of Egypt are killing Muslim fucktards and that's a good thing.
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Egyptian security forces pictured clearing out the protest camps, August 14, 2013
Morsi was trying to make Egypt a theocracy. In other words he was trying to completely destroy Egypt. The Army saved Egypt when they threw him out.
I've been watching these assholes on TV. They have beards and they pray to Allah a lot. The women wear the usual Muslim cover-up-everything clothes which is probably a good idea for them because they look like dogs.
Everywhere Muslim scum (and Christian scum) stick their god fairy something gets destroyed, including entire countries. Religious assholes cause virtually all the world's problems and when they are killed that can only be a good thing.
Pro-Morsi protesters torch three churches after comrades were killed as police broke up camps in Cairo
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