Sunday, January 13, 2013

A fucking idiot wrote "You can trust God’s Word."

Idiot America is infested with millions of idiots. The stupidity is overwhelming. This is from Advent Voice:

Do not let the intellectuals (who have strayed from Jesus) in your local church cause you to weaken your belief in what the Bible says about a literal six-day creation and the world-wide flood.  You can trust God’s Word.

It's impossible to be more retarded than an American Christian asshole.

More bullshit from the same Christian website:

Praise God for Church and school leaders who are advancing the theological and scientific truth about creation.

Christians often fight their war against science by calling their fantasies scientific truth as if there's something scientific about magic.

Advent Voice is your online resource for “fair and balanced” Adventist news and articles that address the real issues affecting our Church in these last days.

Notice the "last days" fantasy. The world is coming to an end in our lifetimes. That's when the Magic Jeebus Man does his thing whatever that is. This is insane but a few million American tards believe it. This might explain why Christian assholes don't have a problem with destroying the environment. Why save this planet for future generations if the world is going to end soon?

Last days is also known as the End Time. From wikipedia:

In Christianity, end time is depicted as a time of tribulation that precedes the second coming of Christ, who will face the emergence of the Antichrist and usher in the Kingdom of God.

Not all Christians believe this bullshit but they all belong to a branch of theism that sells it. Muslims have an equally insane idea:

In Islam, the Yawm al-Qiyāmah or Yawm ad-Din, the Day of Judgement, is preceded by the appearance of al-Mahdi atop a white stallion. With the help of Isa, Mahdi will then triumph over Masih ad-Dajjal.

I have no idea what that's about and I don't want to know.

All religious fantasies and all gods ever invented need to be completely eradicated from this planet.

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