Sunday, June 3, 2012

A May 2012 Gallup poll shows that Americans are a bit more stupid than they were in 2010.

Please see In U.S., 46% Hold Creationist View of Human Origins, Highly religious Americans most likely to believe in creationism.

In 2010 40% of Americans believed in magical creationism. It's now 46%. It's fair to say these people are insane.

32% of Americans believe that people evolved, but with their god fairy's guidance. That is down from 36% in 2010. These god-guided morons are of course evolution deniers because evolution is a natural process.

15% of Americans say modern human apes evolved from ancient apes and a god fairy's magic wand had nothing to do with it. This percentage is down from 16% in 2010.  Since this is the only correct answer it's fair to say 85% of Americans are uneducated morons.

There's something very interesting about the Christian war against science education. Christian assholes are winning their war. Their harassment of biology teachers is working.

Perhaps it's about time for normal people (also known as atheists) to stop being nice. Christians are destroying this country so they must be kept under control. I suggest ridicule and contempt because being a suck-up isn't working.

The value of scientific literacy

Astrophysicist and TV host Neil deGrasse Tyson says Texas evolution critics are a threat to economy

A ray of hope about acceptance of evolution?

Colbert interviews a fucking idiot. (I recommend skipping the disgusting video. What's interesting is the comments.)

Creation and evolution in public education

Creation and evolution in public education in the United States

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