Friday, July 27, 2018

Why do Christian assholes like President Fucktard Trump?

Why do Christian assholes like President Fucktard Trump (also known as the celebrity clown)?

As usual with Christian scum it's a stupidity problem.

Trump was not religious at all.

Then he decided to win the Republican nomination for president. He didn't want the job and he knew he wasn't qualified, he just wanted to get some publicity for future TV shows. He was surprised and disappointed when he defeated Clinton despite the odds. These days he is doing all he can to lose in 2020 and that's why he is trying to destroy the planet and the global economy. He also repeatedly makes a fool out of himself and he is dishonest about everything. But that might be because he's a idiot.

To win the nomination he sucked up to Christian morons. He said all the right things, for example abortions should be illegal even though he used to respect the Supreme Court's decision about it.

Christians want to stick their nose into other people's private lives. They never learned how to mind their own fucking business.

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