Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Venus is one my favorite planets but I wouldn't want to live there.

Venus is closer to us than any other planet which is why it's the 2nd most bright thing in the night sky. Only our moon is brighter. I frequently see Venus just before sunrise.

Three years ago Neil deGrasse Tyson was the host of a television series about science called Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. I watched the whole thing. It was fantastic. My favorite show was about evolution. Mr. Tyson explained evolution and he explained why magical intelligent design creationism is bullshit. This made Christian morons cry.

One of the most interesting things I learned from Mr. Tyson is there could have been life on Venus before it had a global warming problem which made it a "scorching hot, dried-out furnace" according to When I saw Venus this morning I remembered what Tyson said and I decided to look it up and I found this: Was Venus Alive? 'The Signs are Probably There'

According to the article "The first great transition in the history of Venus was the loss of the oceans. We don't know that Venus had oceans, but there's every reason to believe it did. All the mechanisms that supplied Earth with its initial water supply also should have worked on Venus, whether it came in with the original rocks that formed the planet, or whether it came later with comets. Venus should not have escaped whatever it was that gave Earth its water."

As our solar system was developing more than 4 billion years ago thousands of comets smashed into Earth so it makes sense the same thing happened to Venus. Water from comets could have made it possible for Venus to have life.

We might not ever know if there was life on Venus but we know life got a foothold on Earth because this planet is teeming with life today, for example the tiny little flying insects that try to share my dinner in bug infested Florida.

Interesting fact: When I kill an insect I'm killing a distant cousin. We share an ancestor with all life including trees and I think that's very interesting.

How did the first simple living cells develop on Earth? Wikipedia - Abiogenesis explains it. This will always be a research opportunity but of course there are not any scientists in this branch of science who think it was a magical event. Magic is not real.

Science is interesting. Also interesting are the millions of American bible thumpers who want to throw out science so they can have a hiding place for their Magic Man of the gaps. They always say life could never have started without the magical powers of their god fairy's magic wand. They never use the word magic because they don't want to admit how childish they are. Christians are extremely dense. I never met a Christian who wasn't an uneducated moron.

Some or perhaps most Christians think only this planet has life even though there are countless trillions of planets in this vast universe. Why do they think Earth is a big fucking deal? Their problem is they're just plain fucking stupid.

My favorite quote from Richard Feynman: "Look at what’s out there!"

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