Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Someone with the internet name "Methane Mama" wrote some stuff about creationist retards. This is excellent.

Creationists don't have to care about evidence. They have "faith."

"Faith" is the superpower that allows even the most stupid among the God garbage followers to be smarter than everyone else on the planet and renders all of their beliefs to be absolutely true and everyone else wrong at the same time. That is some powerful juju, there.

"Faith" brings a level of certitude unmatched by mere evidence. For example, science does not have enough evidence to declare how the Universe came into existence. But, the God garbage followers need no logic, no reason, no rationality, no evidence, and no effort on their part, whatsoever, to know, for certain, that THEIR God thingy did it. And, no one on the planet can convince them, otherwise. Why? Because, they have FAITH.

That's the power of faith, and they will tell you so - just not in those words. And, all they have to do is decide to exercise it. That's it - they just decide that they know the truth. Isn't that easy? Isn't that convenient? And, doesn't it make sense that it would appeal to both the lazy and the stupid?

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