Friday, October 27, 2017

Typical Christian asshole: "I don't know anything about science therefore the Magic Man did it."

A retard at the Wall Street Journal wrote this anti-science comment. The moron for Jeebus also wrote about the magical resurrection of a decomposing corpse. Here it is:

How to know there is a God/God of the Bible

1. The creation of the universe from nothing requires a creator God. You can't get something from nothing otherwise. Physics and Philosophy. Only the bible claimed the universe was created from nothing. The Days in Genesis 1 are long periods of time and the Universe is about 13.8 BY old

2. What science has figured out about the development of the Earth looks a lot like Genesis 1. This can be seen in History Channel documentary on How the Earth Was Made. Requires Divine Revelation for the bible to get it correct

3. There is no explanation for the origin of life and it only happened once – therefore it’s a miracle that requires God

4. The historical evidence for Christ and the resurrection is beyond a doubt. Multiple atheist authors have investigated. See Case for Christ – Lee Stroebel

God created us to find out who wants to be with Him. If you don’t want to be with God, you’re in luck. If you do want to be with God, just ask Him.


My reply:

"There is no explanation for the origin of life and it only happened once – therefore it’s a miracle that requires God"

Scientists who are working in that branch of science would disagree with you sir. It's still a research opportunity but they know enough to know it was not a magical event.

"You can't get something from nothing otherwise."

Again the scientists working in this branch of science disagree with you. This will always be a research opportunity but none of these scientists think the Magic Man did it.

Scientists understand invoking God is giving up. For them it's better to figure out what really happened.

If a religion depends on a god of the gaps then that religion can't last forever. Religion is permanently stuck in the Dark Ages while scientific progress never ends. Science always wins because it works.

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