Saturday, October 28, 2017

An anti-science moron for Jeebus answered someone else's question about evolution. I wrote a few things about what the asshole wrote. I try to be nice to people but I have zero tolerance for know-nothing science deniers.

"You have failed to distinguish between Old Earth Creationists and Young Earth Creationists. Read Darwin s Doubt by Stephen Meyer to become familiar with all the problems with the neo-Darwinian synthesis which is still passed off as science."

"You have also failed to distinguish between evolution and Darwinism. I, for one, refuse to play the game in which debaters point to finches when arguing with us and then try to lump the phyla together when our backs are turned. The fossil record does not support the claim of universal common descent. Our various discoveries in the field of genetics do not support species change by natural selection. Deal with it."

This is what I wrote:

Meyer is a crackpot. You are a crackpot. Grow up and educate yourself.

Meyer works for the Christian Creationist Discovery Institute which has never discovered anything. Biologists call this anti-science organization "Crackpot Central". You of course are a know-nothing uneducated moron.

How fucking hard is it to look things up and ignore the crackpots?

How fucking hard is it to read Why Evolution Is True" by Jerry Coyne?

I shouldn't tell morons they're morons but I have extreme contempt for you science deniers. This is the 21st century FFS. We know things these days. You know nothing and you always will know nothing.

You wrote "Deal with it." In other words deal with your breathtaking stupidity. I already did that.

Your Crackpot Central exists to spread lies about science and scientists. They're liars for Jeebus and they know it. Not one of these stupid assholes has ever contributed anything important to biology.

"You have also failed to distinguish between evolution and Darwinism." Only a moron like you would write this. Evolution is called "evolution" you stupid piece of sh!t. Biologists never use the word Darwinism.

Every time some new evidence for evolution is found, your crackpots write it up and lie about it. And you suck up to these dipshits.

"debaters" There is no debate. Evolution has been accepted as fact for more than a century. If you think there's a debate that doesn't mean there's a debate. It only means you're know-nothing science denier.
Much better and more civilized comments were written by a young woman:

I see no reason to distinguish between Old Earth Creationists and Young Earth Creationists.
Darwin's Doubt by Stephen Meyer is an example of quote mining.

Some creationists seem to labor under the impression that evolutionary biologists are obligated to worship Darwin's discoveries. They are not.

If Darwin had never published anything, if Darwin had never observed any finches, the science of evolution would still be what it is today. Darwin did not invent evolution. The physical process is a fact of nature, like gravity or heat. People have been trying to understand evolution for centuries.

It's YOU who's failed to distinguish between the science of evolution and Darwinism of the 1800s.

The fossil record DOES support common descent. Genetics does support species change by natural selection. You have been duped by misinformation.

Evolution is backed by overwhelming evidence—multiple lines of evidence—from all areas of science. To date, every bit of evidence gathered from every field of science (bacteriology, botany, entomology, genetics, geology, medicine, paleontology, zoology, etc.) fully supports the theory of evolution.

Further, each line of evidence corroborates the others (e.g., the DNA evidence corroborates the fossil evidence and vice versa).

Deal with it.

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