Thursday, October 26, 2017

100% of American biologists accept evolution without supernatural magic. Only 19% of Americans agree with the biologists. The stupid, it burns.

In America some religious scum realized they can't throw out evolution because that made them look like anti-science idiots. Unfortunately for these superstitious Christians they knew evolution totally kills their ridiculous god fantasy.

How to fix the problem? They decided to stick their Magic Man into biology. The idea is natural processes can't work without supernatural magic. Another idea is invoke their fairy's magical powers to invent evolution, as if natural processes would not exist without being magically created.

They called their idiotic fantasy "theistic evolution" which is bullshit. There is nothing theistic in any branch of science. The theistic bullshit was an excuse to pretend to accept evolution while polluting it with god-did-it.

In Idiot America there are millions of idiots who call themselves "theistic evolutionists". A more accurate name for them would be "uneducated morons". Evolution requires no adjectives. Evolution is called "evolution".

The most recent Idiot America Gallup Poll shows that 19% of Americans accept evolution as a natural process, no god fairies required. Only 19% is disgraceful but better than 9% in 1981. Compare this to the 100% of American biologists who accept evolution without magic.

38% of American morons say their fairy guided evolution as if natural selection doesn't always work.

38% of American dipshits throw out all of evolution and replace this science with bible bullshit. Their brain damage can't be fixed.

19% + 38% + 38% = 95%. This means 5% of Americans said "Duh, duh, I don't know, duh."

In Muslim theocracies the problem is worse than it is here. They have been more successful than Americans at suppressing science education which is quite a feat. Here in Idiot America most biology teachers know virtually nothing about evolution. The competent teachers are constantly being harassed by Christian assholes.

Always the problem is religion. Religion is brain damage. The Magic Man fantasy was the human race's greatest mistake. The god fairy needs to be thrown out.

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