Tuesday, March 10, 2015

ERVs are one of the strongest evidences for evolution.

One of the strongest evidences for our close evolutionary relationship with chimpanzees is the ERVs found in identical locations in the chromosomes of people and chimps. The existence of these ERVs can only be explained by the obvious fact these ERVs were inherited from a common ancestor (an ancient ape species). Anyone who understands this evidence would not be able to deny evolution. And it's easy to understand. I encourage the creationists to use google and look it up. Education is a wonderful thing.

Important to suck up to this fucking idiot because he could get my account deleted.

Consider the following carefully:

Sir, before I explain why your Bible website made at least two mistakes about ERVS, I would like to respectfully suggest that most people, when they want to learn about the Bible, they visit Bible websites, but if they want to learn something about science, they visit science websites. The problem with getting science information from a Bible website is these people are being paid to invent any excuse to deny scientific discoveries, while never discovering anything themselves. Their point is, if science conflicts with the Bible, then the science must be wrong. The Bible is never wrong because the Bible is "The Word of God". So they either intentionally lie about the evidence, or perhaps they are unable to understand the evidence.

At least two things the Bible website wrote about ERVs are wrong and I will explain why. For more information, please consider the advantage of getting your science information from honest competent scientists. The thing is you don't have to trust these scientists because the evidence they provide is obviously correct (obvious to anyone who has studied science).

"Additional evidence has suggested that ERVs may in fact have functions."
It does not matter if these ERVs have functions or not. The point is the same ERVs have been found in the exact same locations in both people and chimps. If for some reason they're actually good for something, it doesn't matter. How do we explain these ERVs winding up in the exact same location in two or more species? Since the odds of this happening by chance is virtually zero, the only possible logical explanation is these ERVs were inherited from the common ancestor of these two or more species.

"Yet the same ERV in exactly the same position would imply that humans and orangutans had the more recent common ancestor."

I can't imagine why they wrote that unless they were intentionally trying to mislead their customers. People and orangutans share an ancestor. However we are more closely related to chimpanzees. And if what I wrote is true, then scientists should be able to discover more of these ERVs found in both people and chimps than they find in more distant relatives like orangutans. And that is exactly what the research shows. The more closely two species are related, the more ERVs they have that are in the same locations on their chromosomes. This is the kind of information you can find at real science websites written by real scientists.

Please understand sir, there is no debate about these ERVs and why they are undeniable evidence for evolution. It's impossible to find any competent biologist (biologists who actually made important contributions to biology) who deny the obvious truth about these ERVs.
Instead of complaining about what I wrote, I recommend avoiding the deniers, and look for what the best scientists in the world say about it. Their explanations are so well done, it's not necessary to trust them, because what they have found makes sense to everyone who is able to understand these easy to understand facts.

But please do what you want. I can only recommend things. You have to decide for yourself whether or not you want to learn something that strongly conflicts with everything you believed your entire life.

Many thanks for this opportunity to write about something I'm interested in.

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