Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Christianity is brain damage.

"If people in Heaven are invisible, how do they see each other?"

God-soaked morons just make stuff up and then they call their bullshit a fact.

Reality: Dead people don't go anywhere after they drop dead because they're fucking dead.


"The Kingdom of Heaven is within each one of us."

What evidence do you have for your childish bullshit?


What makes a religion false?

Religions require a magic god fairy but that's impossible. There is no magic in the universe. Therefore all religions are bullshit.


"How do we know for sure what God wants? I'm so tired of fellow Christians judging me and telling I'm not a Christian because I don't believe everything in the bible. I feel like it's impossible to know for sure what God wants because the bible was written so long ago. How do we know that the ideas in the bible are actually from God?"

You're a Christian? Christians usually call their moronic disgusting bible the "Word of the Magic Man".

If you really are a Christian you might want to consider the advantages of accepting reality, aka atheism. There are millions of ex-Christians who have thrown out the magic god fairy. It's not hard to do. Just throw the bullshit in the garbage where it belongs.


Something I wrote 8 years ago about know-nothing creationist fucktards:


Something I wrote 8 years ago, a list of what's wrong with Christian assholes:

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