Wednesday, January 16, 2019

What someone else wrote about the religious implications of evolution.

I asked this question:

Christian creationists refuse to study evolution because they have no curiosity, they are lazy, they are stupid, or all of the above?

The best answer was very well done. It was written by a normal person (aka atheist) who used to be a know-nothing creationist fucktard. I disagree with just one thing he wrote: "I know some creationists who are incredibly intelligent." OK, maybe that's possible, but throwing out all of reality here in the 21st century, that's extreme stupidity.

Here it is. Very good explanation for why Idiot America is infested with cowardly stupid fucking assholes who want to throw out two centuries of scientific progress, and even worse they want to force their moronic fantasies into our science classrooms. For that they should be put in prison.


(Internet name: Dane)

I know of Creationists and Atheists who are both curious and not, lazy and not, and stupid and not. Yes I, an ex-creationist Atheist admitting I know some creationists who are incredibly intelligent. I think the problem goes deeper than that. I think it has more to do with the need for purpose and hope, for our suffering to be meaningful, etc. If their God isn't real then they lose everything they lived their life for. Their mind goes into a fight or flight mode in order to preserve what is to their mind survival itself. If the stories in their book are not perfect then neither is their God. If the Genesis account is false then Jesus died for nothing and their whole life is wasted on this delusion. This is pretty strong compulsion to try to make everything fit the narrative you endorse.

When all the evidence points to a 4.54 billion-year-old earth and you have to try and find parts that if skewed in the right light might not make sense to you, or if you have to try to find something that might possibly also be correct if interpreted as younger if you make a ton of excuses and jump through enough mental gymnastics, if you need to develop multiple theories for countless different subjects that try and discredit that all these different subjects point to the same conclusion that you happen to disagree with. If you have to suspend the laws of physics and everything we know about reality to make it seem almost plausible in order to preserve your faith in a book written by men who clearly didn't have an adequate understanding of the nature of things. Then it is obvious to me just how desperate they are to preserve their faith.

You cannot speak reason to that. It cannot hear it.

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