Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Some extreme stupid in Florida (where I used to live). Republican assholes are continuing their never ending Christian war against science education.

Florida bill would have students learn alternatives to climate change, evolution

A bill that would allow school districts to teach Florida students alternatives to concepts deemed “controversial theories” — such as human-caused climate change and evolution — has been filed in the state Legislature.


Click the link if you want to see the rest of the bullshit.

The reason for this bullshit is to let incompetent science teachers teach magical creationism, as if there is something scientific about a childish religious fantasy.

For some reason evolution deniers (Republican assholes) are also global warming deniers. They want to throw out two basic scientific facts. Why? The only possible explanation is extreme stupidity.

The students who want to actually learn something are not going to learn anything. This is child abuse.

Christianity is the problem. I never met a Christian who wasn't a stupid fucking asshole.


One more thing. I recommend click the link to see the comments which were written by uneducated morons and people who have a brain. The morons are getting the ridicule they deserve.

For example this:

Creationism isn't a scientific alternative to evolution for one very simple reason: Creationism doesn't even exist in science. Creationism doesn't exist in geology, creationism doesn't exist in astronomy or astrophysics, creationism doesn't exist in paleontology, it doesn't exist in biology, and it doesn't exist in archaeology. It doesn't exist in any other field of science at all. That's because creationism is religious beliefs in certain religious doctrines based on a religious myth in a religious book. Creationism is religion, not science.

So when people like the Florida Citizens Alliance and Dennis Baxley try to pretend there's an "alternative" to evolutionary science, the alternative they're pushing is religion-based pseudoscience, not science. They know this too - they know, just as much as we do, that they can't find what they're talking about in the actual professional science literature of biology and paleontology, and climate studies. Which is why they're playing corrupt word games to pass laws to force their snake oil pseudoscience views into public school science classes, precisely because they know that in the court of science they already lost. These are the charlatans we're dealing with.

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