Thursday, January 24, 2019

What two people wrote about the extreme Christian stupid in Idiot America.

Brenda Rezk
5/28/2017 1:55 PM CDT

Noah's ark is one of the best illustrations of the illogic of this religion. Somehow two of every creature on the earth made it all the way to this little desert across vast distances and across oceans, mountains, and deserts. Somehow no one noticed the miracles of these migrations either. Then, they somehow all fit inside this one boat and apparently didn't eat for 40 days. Somehow, there was enough rain to cover the Earth's tallest peaks. Where did this water come from and where did it go? Then, somehow, there were still plants and habitat for these creatures to return to back across the oceans and mountains. I don't know what the carnivores ate...nothing until the herbivores had reproduced over many generations to repopulate their homes? Also, two of every creature was enough to somehow resupply genetic diversity? All of the offspring would have interbred with their parents or siblings. The same goes for Noah's family to repopulate the humans. Oh, and the sea creatures didn't die in the fresh water either. And, there were apparently dinosaurs on the ark. And since the Earth is only 6000 years old, all of this happened pretty recently, I guess.


5/26/2017 1:23 AM CDT

The whole world is flooded - trees and plants die under the water - animals walk from all parts of the world to get on this ark. All of mankind is killed, with only 4 humans left alive. The average American actually believes this? You try to teach it as fact? There is no evidence for a worldwide flood anywhere, many races were alive during the so called flood and they failed to document it or mention it. Where did all of the water go? How did all of the many races and ethnic groups regenerate from 4 humans? How did all of the animals get back home? What happened to the sea fish - all of the water would have diluted the salt content and many would have died. Where is the evidence of a mass worldwide extinction - you know a mass worldwide grave, a layer of fossils so deep. No evidence. It did not happen, Noah just like Jesus and the rest is just a story - a stupid story that is dragging America backwards by teaching kids to ignore science and stop thinking for themselves. What next? The flat earth museum?


Some more Christian bullshit:

Washington Post - A giant ark is just the start. These creationists have a bigger plan for recruiting new believers.

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