Friday, January 25, 2019

More quotes for my list of favorite quotes.

These were the best answers for a question I asked: "When scientists can't figure something out they do more research. Christians give up and say God did it. Who is right?"


"I see no reason why a book of myths, thousands of years old, cannot contain all the knowledge and science needed in this modern world."
-- Nathan


Seems pretty clear...doesn't it.

The whole Scientific Method is based upon
"never be satisfied. Always question, always test, always retest,
always challenge prior results...keep moving forward."

Cult belief like christianity is all about "never question anything in the BuyBull.
If you don't like what it says, change the meanings of its words until you can swallow them.
if you don't know the answer, never look for it, never think. just accept that GOD DID IT.
Don't move forward, don't look forward. Live in the dark ages and brainwash your kids."

-- Jeff


The more religious you are, the less you seem willing to keep trying to figure out how things actually work. Religions don't tend to encourage questioning. Religions tend to be restrictive, scolding, punitive. Also, someone being a bit religious while also managing to do scientific research or working in a science field does not erase the very vocal sorts that scream about creationism or that all science is bad, just listen to them. This person was also a Catholic priest, who happened to do whatever, doesn't excuse or erase that a lot of other Christians try to pass off creationism as actual science.

-- John

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