Saturday, January 12, 2019

What Sam Harris said about atheist wimps.

Dishonest atheist wimps in Idiot America tell Christian fucktards they can accept evolution and still worship their Magic Man. That's what this Sam Harris quote is about.

"The first thing to notice is that Mooney and Kirshenbaum are confused about the nature of the problem. The goal is not to get more Americans to merely accept the truth of evolution (or any other scientific theory); the goal is to get them to value the principles of reasoning and educated discourse that now make a belief in evolution obligatory. Doubt about evolution is merely a symptom of an underlying problem; the problem is faith itself—conviction without sufficient reason, hope mistaken for knowledge, bad ideas protected from good ones, good ideas occluded by bad ones, wishful thinking elevated to a principle of salvation, etc. Mooney and Kirshenbaum seem to imagine that we can get people to value intellectual honesty by lying to them."
-- Sam Harris


There are several more of my favorite quotes at Several tons of quotes from numerous scientists, other people, books, and websites.

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