Saturday, January 12, 2019

List of Killings in the Name of Islam: Last 30 Days. During this time period, there were 94 Islamic attacks in 23 countries, in which 429 people were killed and 384 injured.

2019.01.12 SyriaRaqaa12An ISIS booby-trap claims a civilian. 
2019.01.12 AfghanistanHerat54Civilians and police are killed during a Taliban assault. 
2019.01.12 PakistanLoralai14A man loses his life to gunmen on motorcycles in a suspected sectarian attack. 
2019.01.12 IraqManbij21Former caliphate members kill two security personnel with a roadside bomb. 
2019.01.11 IraqQaim223A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out two patrons at a market. 
2019.01.11 Burkina FasoGasseliki122A dozen villagers are massacred by Muslim terrorists. 
2019.01.10 CARBambari230Muslim 'rebels' fire into a crowd, killing at least two. 
2019.01.10 SyriaIdlib10A Syrian is crudely beheaded by a Sharia scholar. 
2019.01.10 IraqHaramat10A village chief is assassinated by the Islamic State. 
2019.01.10 YemenAden620Ansar Allah fly a bomb-laden drone into a military parade, killing at least six. 
2019.01.10 ThailandPattani40Four guards at a school are cut down in cold blood by Muslim 'insurgents.' 
2019.01.10 AfghanistanKhwaja Ghar76Seven cops are murdered at their station by religious radicals. 
2019.01.10 AfghanistanHusainhil96Nine police are shot to death by the Taliban. 
2019.01.10 AfghanistanQala-e-Zaal1011Ten Afghans are laid out by fundamentalist gunmen. 
2019.01.10 AfghanistanBadghes160Sixteen Afghans are murdered by the Taliban. 
2019.01.09 IraqQabra380Thirty-eight women are discovered in a mass grave following ISIS executions. 
2019.01.09 NigeriaMwuaga10A farmer is shot dead in his field by Miyetti Allah. 
2019.01.09 SyriaIdlib11A suicide bomber kills a civilian. 
2019.01.09 DRCBeni72Seven civilians are purged by ADF Islamists. 
2019.01.09 IraqHaftaghar12ISIS bombers take out a villager. 
2019.01.08 ThailandSongkhla12A retired teacher is hanged by Barisan Revolusi Nasional members. 
2019.01.08 SyriaTal Maraga35Three civilians are cut down by ISIS shrapnel. 
2019.01.08 AustriaAmstetten10A woman is stabbed to death in front of her children over leaving home without a burqa. 
2019.01.08 AfghanistanKabul Addah220Two civilians are disassembled by an Islamic bomb planted on a motorcycle. 
2019.01.08 YemenMahfad212Two civilians are shredded by al-Qaeda shrapnel. 
2019.01.08 AfghanistanKhost226A Sunni bomb lays out two civilians and injures twenty-six others. 
2019.01.08 SyriaRaqqa13A suicide car bomber takes out a bystander. 
2019.01.08 IraqTikrit34Terrorists detonate a bomb at a checkpoint during morning commute, killing three. 
2019.01.08 ThailandYarang02A 12-year-old girl is severely injured by a Muslim bomb blast at her school. 
2019.01.07 SyriaRaqqa48Four civilians are racked up by a Shahid suicide bomber. 
2019.01.07 DRCMalvivi101Children are among ten hacked to death by ADF Islamists. 
2019.01.07 NigeriaSajeri30Sharia activists shoot a rival cleric in the head and hack two other civilians to death. 
2019.01.07 SomaliaElasha Biyaha20An al-Shabaab bomb targeting an AU vehicle leaves two dead. 
2019.01.07 AfghanistanJani Khel1013A Taliban bomb claims ten civilians at a bazaar, including two children. 
2019.01.06 AfghanistanAb Kamari79Seven Afghans are shot to death by a group fighting for Sharia. 
2019.01.06 MozambiqueMpundanhar77Seven civilians are hacked to death with machetes by suspected Jihadists. 
2019.01.06 IraqDibis16Terrorists kill a civilian in a targeted bomb attack. 
2019.01.06 AfghanistanQadis140An attack by a Sunni group leaves fourteen dead. 
2019.01.06 AfghanistanFarah210Two civilians are killed by the Taliban. 
2019.01.06 AfghanistanKilagi10A highway guard is murdered by the Taliban. 
2019.01.05 YemenTaiz216An elderly woman and a child are reduced to rubble by an Ansar Allah mortar round. 
2019.01.05 YemenMudiya20An al-Qaeda attack leaves two dead. 
2019.01.05 EgyptNasr City12A bomb left outside a church kills a police officer. 
2019.01.05 PakistanMehmoodabad13A group of radicals attack rivals at a mosque, killing one. 
2019.01.04 AfghanistanNawa70Seven border guards are cut down by Taliban gunmen. 
2019.01.04 IndiaTral10A Sikh minority is shot to death by suspected Muslim militants. 
2019.01.04 SomaliaHamar Bile10A man driving through a village is shot in his car by al-Shabaab. 
2019.01.03 IraqMosul30Three brothers are murdered in cold blood by the Islamic State. 
2019.01.03 AfghanistanBaghlan82Eight Afghan police manning a checkpoint are machine-gunned by Sunni fundamentalists. 
2019.01.03 PhilippinesBasilan41A Muslim gunmen takes down four civilians. 
2019.01.03 TunisiaJilma00Two suicide bombers manage to kill only themselves. 
2019.01.03 NigeriaBanki27Boko Haram open fire on a group of traders, killing two guards. 
2019.01.03 SyriaDaraa20Two civilians are taken apart by Sunni shrapnel. 
2019.01.02 NigeriaKwata60A half-dozen villagers are slaughtered by gunmen shouting praises to Allah. 
2019.01.02 LibyaSabha31Three Libyans are killed by two sucide bombers. 
2019.01.02 AfghanistanMaiwand52Religious radicals tunnel into a local barracks and kill five soldiers. 
2019.01.02 NigeriaDamasak50Five aboard a helicopter are killed when it is fired on by Boko Haram. 
2019.01.01 AfghanistanKabul10A toddler dies from horrific injuries suffered during a Taliban roadside attack. 
2019.01.01 AfghanistanChemtal67Sunni fundamentalists attack a police post, killing six officers. 
2019.01.01 IndiaPulwama10A police officer is assassinated at his home by Islamic 'separatists'. 
2019.01.01 PakistanLoralai42A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a security camp, killing four members. 
2018.12.31 SomaliaWabari10A man is shot to death by al-Shabaab. 
2018.12.31 EnglandManchester03A man shouts praises to Allah as he stabs bystanders at a rail station. 
2018.12.31 PakistanSharana25Terrorists kill two passersby with a bomb planted on a motorcycle. 
2018.12.31 AfghanistanSar-e-Pul2125The Taliban successfully kill fifteen Afghans in two attacks. 
2018.12.31 IngushetiaNazran10Islamic extremists assassinate a moderate Sufi cleric by spraying his car with bullets. 
2018.12.31 IraqDiyala70ISIS snipers pick off seven Iraqis over an extended period. 
2018.12.31 AfghanistanSayad78A Taliban attack leaves seven dead. 
2018.12.31 Burkina FasoYirgou70A half-dozen villagers are massacred by Jihadists on motorbikes. 
2018.12.31 IraqNineveh10A woman is shot to death by suspected ISIS. 
2018.12.31 PhilippinesCotabato City230Two people are killed when a Muslim groups sets off a bomb at a shopping mall. 
2018.12.30 NigeriaDorong20A woman is among two villagers cut down by Miyetti Allah. 
2018.12.30 NigeriaNding50Fulani terrorists are suspected of an attack on a group returning from a church event. 
2018.12.30 IndonesiaSalubose10Ali Kalora Islamists are thought responsible for a beheading. 
2018.12.30 ThailandPattani10A Muslim group is thought to be behind the assassination of a local official. 
2018.12.29 IraqWajihiya10A woman is abducted and tortured to death by suspected militants. 
2018.12.29 SomaliaGofgadud Burey80Heavily-armed Islamic militants kill eight local soldiers in an attack on their base. 
2018.12.29 AfghanistanGanji61The lives of four women and two children are cut tragically short by religious extremists. 
2018.12.29 PakistanDera-Allah Yar20Consenting adults are shot to death by the woman's brother-in-law. 
2018.12.29 ThailandPattani10A woman is shot to death by Muslim 'insurgents.' 
2018.12.29 SyriaSuwaidiyah11An ISIS booby-trap claims a civilian. 
2018.12.28 IraqHalwan Bridge20Two local cops are murdered by the Islamic State. 
2018.12.28 PakistanPeshawar40Four members of a family are 'honor-killed' on orders of a village council. 
2018.12.28 EgyptCairo411Fundamentalists bomb a bus, murdering three tourists and their driver. 
2018.12.28 PakistanJarobi Dara21Two members of a bomb disposal unit succumb to Taliban shrapnel. 
2018.12.28 SyriaDeir Ezzor95Nine members of a civilian defense militia are attacked and killed by Islamic State operatives. 
2018.12.28 IraqDowr20Two innocents are kidnapped and murdered by Mujahideen. 
2018.12.27 IraqGhazlani30Three local cops are kidnapped and murdered by Islamic militants. 
2018.12.27 IraqHazar25Two Iraqis are laid out by Mujahideen bomb blasts. 
2018.12.27 Burkina FasoToéni103A Jama'at Nasr al-Islam wa al-Muslimin ambush leaves ten dead. 
2018.12.27 SyriaAjaj10ISIS shrapnel sends a civilian to Allah. 
2018.12.26 NigeriaRawuru52Muslim militants a group celebrating Christmas, killing five. 
2018.12.26 KenyaMandera24Two Kenyans are aerated by Sunni shrapnel. 
2018.12.26 NigeriaBaga100Ten people lose their lives to a Boko Haram attack at a fishing town. 
2018.12.25 LibyaTripoli321A suicide bomber takes out three unfortunates. 
2018.12.25 SomaliaBaidao213Islamists target a celebration with a bomb, killing two youth. 
2018.12.25 AfghanistanKandahar60A half dozen people in a wealthy neighborhood are cut to pieces by a suicide bomber disguised as a beggar. 
2018.12.25 NigeriaBolakia420Four villagers are sent to Allah by Boko Haram. 
2018.12.25 AfghanistanAino Mina23A Fedayeen suicide attack leaves two others dead. 
2018.12.24 IraqMosul10A policeman is abducted and tortured to death by Islamic militants. 
2018.12.24 NigeriaKukareta 150Fifteen security personnel are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram terrorists. 
2018.12.24 ThailandNarathiwat15One person is left dead after a Muslim bombing and shooting attack. 
2018.12.24 AfghanistanKabul4325A suicide assault on a government building serving disabled persons leaves thirty dead. 
2018.12.24 IraqTal Afar312Three bystanders at a Shiite market are put down by a suicide car bomber. 
2018.12.24 NigeriaGwol50Fundamentalists are suspected of shooting five people at a hotel selling alcohol. 
2018.12.23 NigeriaSulima Kalama20Boko Haram burn homes and kill two villagers. 
2018.12.23 AfghanistanChartoot34Three local cops are ambushed and murdered by a group fighting for Sharia. 
2018.12.23 SomaliaBosaso22An al-Qaeda-linked bomb attack claims two souls. 
2018.12.23 AfghanistanNawa32Children are among the casualties of a Sunni bomb blast. 
2018.12.23 AfghanistanDeh Yak70Seven women and children are sent to Allah by fundamentalist bombers. 
2018.12.22 SyriaIdlib11Hayat Tahrir al-Sham fire on a bus, killing a civilian. 
2018.12.22 DRCBeni58ADF Islamists shoot up a village, killing five residents. 
2018.12.22 SomaliaMogadishu2230At least twenty bystanders are reduced to rubble by a suicide bomber. 
2018.12.22 Burkina FasoKompienbiga43An Islamist roadside bomb claims four lives. 
2018.12.21 PakistanLotar40Two couples are shot to death by the women's cousins for alleged sexual relations. 
2018.12.21 MyanmarMaungtaw10A border guard is murdered by Muslim "rebels." 
2018.12.21 NigeriaTse- Dzungwe40Four farmers are massacred by Miyetti Allah. 
2018.12.21 YemenShahr120A child dies from splinter injuries from a grenade hurled by al-Qaeda members. 
2018.12.21 SomaliaYarkut240At least two-dozen Ethiopians are blown to bits by al-Shabaab bombers. 
2018.12.20 MyanmarOhn Chaung20Two Buddhist fishermen are found with their throats slit. 
2018.12.20 YemenMahfid21Jihadis set off a bomb near a market, killing two patrons. 
2018.12.20 Burkina FasoOudalan32Muslim terrorists shoot three villagers to death. 
2018.12.20 YemenMahfad21A suspected al-Qaeda bombing leaves two dead. 
2018.12.19 MaliD'Abanguilou60Six civilians are murdered by the Islamic State. 
2018.12.19 SyriaQaryatayn10A civilian loses his life to an ISIS booby-trap. 
2018.12.19 MaliBoni66Four women and a baby are among six killed in a landmine attack by 'radicalized' Muslims. 
2018.12.19 AfghanistanPul-e-Khumri20Two local cops are killed in a senseless attack by the Taliban. 
2018.12.18 SyriaAzaz10A suicide bomber takes a civilian with him. 
2018.12.18 IraqObour30Three civilians are abducted and slaughtered by Islamic extremists. 
2018.12.17 EgyptRafah26A bomb planted by fundamentalists kills two cops. 
2018.12.17 NigeriaMairari11A Jihadist shooting attack leaves one other person dead. 
2018.12.17 MoroccoImlil20Two female backpackers, Danish and Norwegian, are beheaded by Muslim militants. 
2018.12.16 MyanmarThit Taw10A 13-year-old Buddhist girl's throat is slit by Rohingya terrorists. 
2018.12.16 NigeriaGwandara1524Miyetti Allah members fire into a village, putting down fifteen innocents. 
2018.12.16 IraqBasra21Two children are taken apart by an Islamic bomb blast. 
2018.12.16 SyriaBustan20Sunni bombers pick off two civilians outside a small village. 
2018.12.16 NigeriaGudumbali1212A dozen local security personnel are laid out by Muslim terrorists. 
2018.12.16 AfghanistanShorabak165A group fighting for Sharia attacks a local police post, killing sixteen. 
2018.12.15 NigeriaLogomani21A Boko Haram roadside bomb claims two lives. 
2018.12.15 AfghanistanGardez34Two children and a woman are disassembled by a rocket blamed on the Taliban. 
2018.12.15 IraqRamadi30ISIS operatives hit a police patrol with an IED, killing three members. 
2018.12.14 NigerGarin Gawai33Three civilians are pulled from their cars and riddled with bullets by Jihadists. 
2018.12.14 TunisiaKasserine10Jund al-Khilafah gun down a man inside his own home. 
2018.12.14 AfghanistanSancharak10One person is shot to death by the Taliban. 
2018.12.14 SyriaIbtaa10A terrorist IED takes down a civilian. 
2018.12.14 AfghanistanBalkh49Fundamentalists are suspected of firing on a funeral, killing four. 
2018.12.13 IsraelOfra22Two Israelis are killed, two seriously wounded, by a Palestinian gunman on a highway. 
2018.12.13 SyriaAfrin34A suicide bomber purges three civilians. 
2018.12.13 SyriaSheikh Hilal20Two civilians are shredded by an ISIS booby-tra

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