Saturday, January 12, 2019

I answered a question about the victims of religious brainwashing.

"When a person has been fully indoctrinated into Christianity. Where does their common sense go?"

Their common sense disappears. Their ability to think disappears. Their curiosity is sucked out of them.

Christianity (the world's most ridiculous cult) is a mental illness. The only cure is for the victims to realize how sick they are.


Someone else wrote this:

Religions like to use repetition and other brainwashing techniques to dull a person's ability to think critically, logically, or to use deductive reasoning.

They are trained to believe that Science is made up, that Evolution is a lie, that every word of the Bible is true, and that "God" takes a personal interest in their lives (but can't be bothered to stop things like hurricanes, tsunamis, wildfires, earthquakes, diseases, etc.)

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