Saturday, September 1, 2018

I have been reading "The Shadow President, The Truth of Mike Pence". Fucktard Pence is the Vice president who will be president next year when Fucktard Thump is impeached.

I have been reading "The Shadow President, The Truth of Mike Pence". Fucktard Pence is the Vice President who will be president next year in 2019 when Fucktard Trump is impeached.

An interesting fact: Why is everyone in the entire Trump administration an evolution denier and global warming denier? It's because Fucktard Pence chose these people. Trump just said OK. He lets Pence make these decisions. Pence is famous for giving a speech in Congress about his love for magical creationism and his total ignorance of evolution.

Pence expects to be president and he's probably right. Trump is going to get thrown out because he's batshit crazy.

Fucktard Pence, besides being a know-nothing science denier, is a theocratic asshole. He wants to make America a Christian theocracy. I'm not making this up. I recommend the book which is excellent, well written, very interesting, and very disgusting.

Pence is a stupid fucking asshole. Fortunately he won't be president for very long. The voters will throw him out in 2020.

I made some predictions in this post and I'm betting I'm right. We will see what happens.


A customer review:

An Important Book For All--- Shows How Pence Trumps Trump!
By gerald t. slevin on August 28, 2018
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

Thanks to two well respected investigative reporters, we now have a clear, comprehensive, readable and detailed biography of Mike Pence. We now know more than enough about Pence, thanks to Michael D'Antonio and Peter Eisner, and to their thorough, focused and insightful investigation, in my view as an experienced Harvard trained lawyer.

Real news here, not fake news, to be sure! The authors offer many detailed descriptions of events about Pence and his hypocrisy that I thought I already knew a lot about as a retired observer who tries to follow politics closely. Not so!

Many times I learned a lot reading this book about what I had missed, much of which was important. There is even some humor, for example, as you follow Pence zig-zagging verbally as he tries to support Trump's often inconsistent statements --- made in the same day at times.

We now know from this important book why it is very unlikely that Pence will ever be able to clean up Donald Trump's mess. We also can understand much better why Trump recently predicted that stock markets would crash if he were impeached. Not too great an endorsement of Pence, his successor, by a reckless and incompetent boss who has now witnessed up close the non-stop cheerleading of "Shadow Trump", i.e., Mike Pence, for almost two years now.

These skilled authors have superbly woven a very plausible, fascinating, informative and fact based narrative, with helpful footnotes, covering much --- from before Pence's birth to his recent Vice Presidential actions (and inactions).

Under Pence, Trump's MAGA motto would likely stand for "Make America Godfearing Again"!, with Pence's repressive fundamentalist "God" reigning supreme as interpreted by Pence and his complicit fellow zealots, of course, with some nods to the Koch Brothers.

This superb book highlights Pence's hypocrisy, which is deceptively different in style from Trump's hypocrisy. Trump constantly dissembles to his needy and gullible base, promising what he knows he will not deliver, while Pence just smiles his "approval" of his unprecedented boss.

Meanwhile, Pence seeks behind the scenes to advance his repressive fundamentalist Christian remaking of American society, including through administration and judicial appointments and adoption of fundamentalist social policies. Significantly, these policies mostly benefit in the end the already "uberrich" top 0.01% of Americans at the expense of the 99.99 %--- how Christian is that?

This is scary stuff for a religiously diverse nation with constitutional safeguards of religious freedom that were extremely important for good reason to our Founding Fathers. They rejected theocracy as well as monarchy ! Pence must have cut his constitutional law classes often.

By providing a brisk and insightful history of Pence's personal and political journey, we are able with this book to see behind Pence's perpetual smile and smooth style. It is not a very pretty picture.

Indeed, unintentionally perhaps, this fast reading book may make the only possible case for not impeaching Trump. Pence hides behind a smokescreen of religious platitudes, while Trump, in effect, tweets daily devilish nonsense. Pence may be even more dangerous than Trump, if that is possible!

All, even Trump supporters should read this book to understand better the threat Pence poses even for Trump. After the midterm elections, the "uberrich" will know they can fulfill all their remaining political and economic dreams through Pence, without having to put up any longer with Trump's inconsistent and at times almost innane policies and behavior. By mid-November, Trump will need Pence more than Pence will need Trump.

The book raises a very ironic possibility in my mind. If Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report, after the midterm elections in November, indicates that Trump and Pence were both implicated in Russian election collusion and/or in the subsequent cover-up, both of them could be removed from office or worse by a Congress forced by public outrage to act on Mueller's report. Nixon's base even abandoned him once the true facts were widely known.

Pence often played a key role in the 2016 campaign, as well as during the two years since. Who knows what he said and did in secret? Who knows if Pence was recorded by Amarosa, an evangelical pastor, or Michael Cohen, a "tell all" third rate lawyer. I suspect that by now, Mueller knows!

If that happens, Nancy Pelosi could succeed to the presidency as Speaker of the House. So much then for the great Trump/Pence strategy.

The book makes very clear why Pence is to be feared, perhaps even more than Trump. The "god" of Trump is Trump --- in that sense, he is obvious and usually predictable. Pence's "god" is much darker and more dangerous, as well as unpredictable, as this book has confirmed for me. It may be that a needy and greedy Trump is a safer bet than a surreptitious and smiling religious zealot, Pence.

Pence legitimated Trump with the important and united fundamentalist voter base. Who will legitimate Pence? This book suggests "good" fundamentalists should now vote against Pence if they ever find their Christian moorings again!

Pence appears determined to advance a repressive fundamentalist evangelical theocracy, even though most Americans, including most Christians, have no interest in a theocracy, Christian or otherwise. Our Founding Fathers were well aware of the brutal post-Reformation religious wars that many of their not too distant relatives had fled Europe to avoid.

I have learned much of value from this well written and enjoyable book. It has alerted me to many significant matters I now realize I knew too little of. I am glad I read it. Buy it and read it. You will be glad too!

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