Monday, September 17, 2018

In the book I started reading today, "Fear, Trump In The White House", I found something very interesting about Vice President Fucktard Pence.

Everyone except brain-dead Trump knows Pence wrote the anonymous anti-Trump editorial in the New York Times.

In the book "Fear" I found something equally interesting about Pence. This happened a few weeks before the 2016 election for President of the United States. Here it is. I'm betting it's true.

"Stories circulated that Pence had given Bannon a sealed letter urging Trump to drop off the ticket."

Pence's idea was he could be the candidate for President instead of Trump. Pence always sucks up to Trump and he always agrees with everything Trump says no matter how ridiculous it is. He is trying to hide the obvious fact Pence wants to get rid of Trump so he can have the job.

"Fear, Trump In The White House" by Bob Woodward was well done. I recommend it.

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