Monday, September 17, 2018

Fear, Trump In The White House by Bob Woodward

I recently finished reading The Shadow President, The Truth About Mike Pence

This morning, Monday September 17, 2018, UPS delivered "Fear, Trump In The White House" by Bob Woodward.

President Fucktard Trump probably will not read it. He doesn't like to read. He just likes to watch TV all day.


This is one of the Amazon customer reviews:

4.0 out of 5 stars"Fear" Displays Why Pres. Trump FRIGHTENS Many of Us...

September 14, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

No president has been written of by more writers during his first two years as President than has the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Neither has any topped Donald Trump in his ability to polarize a nation. I, myself, find Mr. Trump a repugnant specimen of human nature. Yet, even as I curse him for his apparent lack of empathy for other human beings, I do occasionally find his approach to politics refreshing. Why?

In search of an answer for that last question, I have read most every book about the guy. Woodward’s “Fear” is probably the greatest insight we ever shall have into the psyche of America’s closest approximation to Adolph Hitler.

Because of “Fear,” I understand better as to why Donald J. Trump is the greatest threat to our republic. It is not because the man is evil or due to his radical conservative politics. It is because the man runs his operation in a manner most similar to how Jeff Bezos seems to run Amazon, I said ‘seems’ to. The difference is, Amazon is run as a controlled dynamic response to the demands of the marketplace. At any given moment, decisions are made according to a logical algorithm, at Amazon. In Trumplandia, it is according to the instinct of Donald Trump — only.

BLUSH FACTOR: There are profanities of most every sort. Still, since this is nonfiction, I hope every American reads “Fear.”

And please remember to vote in November. Whether or not you support Trump, our country needs to deal with the emotions now being stirred.

The writing in “Fear” is thought-provoking and uneven. Because of Woodward’s dependence on Deep Background, I cannot rate it five stars. I WANT to know who said what, precisely.

Still, this is the one great insight into Donald J. Trump that history will most appreciate, provided the world does survive.

Woodward has done immense research and, with greater or less success, has crammed that research into a readable narrative to help us understand the mindset of the people working closest with President Trump.


I just finished reading the Prologue. I always thought Trump is a moron but now I realize his stupidity problem is much worse than I imagined possible. He is extremely dense. He can't understand simple things. He's definitely not qualified to be president.

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