Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The stupidity problem in Idiot America is much worse than what I thought was possible.

A 2007 Gallup poll of American morons:

Next, we'd like to ask about your views on two different explanations for the origin and development of life on earth. Do you think -- creationism, that is, the idea that God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years is definitely true, probably true, probably false, or definitely false?

Definitely true: 39%
Probably true: 27%
Probably false: 16%
Definitely false: 15%
No opinion: 3%

(In other words only 15% of Americans are certain magical creationism is wrong. And 66% of Americans think magical creationism is true or probably true. If you think this much stupidity is impossible take your complaints to Gallup.)

(This is 11 years later so these polls are not perfectly accurate. However the stupidity of Americans is still overwhelming.)

A 2005 Gallup poll of American fucktards:

Gallup asked Americans whether they would be upset if public schools in their communities taught the theory of creationism -- "the idea that human beings were created by God in their present form and did not evolve from other species of animals." A majority, 76%, say they would not be upset if creationism were taught in their schools, while 22% say they would be upset.

By way of comparison, Gallup also asked respondents whether they would be upset if the theory of evolution -- "the idea that human beings evolved from other species of animals" -- were taught in their local schools. A smaller majority, 63%, would not be upset if evolution were taught in schools, while roughly a third (34%) say they would be upset.


I asked Christians this question: In a biology classroom should only evolution be taught, both evolution & creationism, only creationism, or none of the above?

Of course the only correct answer is teach only evolution because magical creationism is not science and because creationism is bullshit. Bullshit should not be taught anywhere because it's child abuse.

The answers were typical for Idiot America. Here are three examples, edited to correct numerous spelling and grammar errors.


None should be taught. If the teacher is an atheist, he shouldn't brainwash religious, if the teacher is religious what religion? The truth is there is a God, and you shouldn't fight against free speech and government has no right to force religion philosphy or science interpretation, nor should they print books that are obviously fallacious.

However, the government did print biblically based textbooks and George Washington said you need a biblical education, the founding father's said this nation can't last without religious morality, something like that.


The evidence for and against the theory of evolution would be best. Instead of indoctrination as is being done now.


In public schools, neither one. Religion is taught at home, in various assemblies - and some private schools. Evolution is pure science fiction.

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