Friday, March 9, 2018

Wimpy atheist wimps are worse than the religious scum they suck up to.

An atheist wimp wrote this disgusting gibberish at the god-soaked Wall Street Journal.

"I too am an atheist, but I see no reason to denigrate individuals who do believe in a deity and try to live good and moral lives. I am happy to live in a country where my essential rights are purported to be granted by God and so are inalienable, and not be at the mercy of some government or individual."

This is what I wrote for the wimpy asshole:

"I too am an atheist, but I see no reason to denigrate individuals who do believe in a deity and try to live good and moral lives. "

I did not "denigrate individuals". I criticized their ridiculous fantasies. You are trying to suppress my freedom of speech.

"good and moral lives."

They brainwash children. You're OK with this child abuse.

"I am happy to live in a country where my essential rights are purported to be granted by God and so are inalienable"

If you're really an atheist then I'm the pope.

In her book Ayaan Hirsi Ali described in great detail the pain she had to endure when her body was mutilated for religious reasons. But you're OK with it because you don't want to denigrate individuals.

Fine with me. Nobody cares. Just don't give people are hard time because they have zero tolerance for child abuse.

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