Friday, March 23, 2018

At the Wall Street Journal there's an article about Catholic assholes who want to make abortions against the law. Somebody wrote a comment which I'm going to add to my list of favorite quotes.

On my list of favorite quotes: "Superstition, fairy tales, and ridiculous rules made by men wearing silly clothes are no basis on which to model your life."

This is the whole thing he wrote:

A lot of militant anti-abortion Catholics here. Is it required for an adherent of a religion to practice blind obedience to every church dictate? Should the Catholic church excommunicate every member who uses condoms or a birth control pill? Who eats a cheeseburger on a Friday during Lent? Who has premarital sex? Who gets divorced or marries a divorced person?

Membership in the Catholic church in the developed world is plummeting. No wonder.

I was born and raised Catholic - baptized and had First Communion. But since about age 16 I have wanted absolutely nothing to do with the insidious institution known as the Catholic Church, or organized religion in general for that matter. Superstition, fairy tales, and ridiculous rules made by men wearing silly clothes are no basis on which to model your life.

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