Friday, March 16, 2018

The stupid, the burning out of control stupid.

I wrote this question for some Christian fucktards:

"Two people die every second. Every second Mr. God has to decide where to send these dead people, heaven or hell. How does he do it?"

One of the morons for Jeebus said the magic god fairy delegates this task. It lets angels take care of it. Lots of angels.

In other words the magic god fairy magically created magical angels who decide where to magically send every corpse, a magical eternal 2nd life in a magical paradise or a magical eternal 2nd life being tortured by a loving god.

No evidence provided for any of this bullshit. Assholes for Jeebus just make stuff up and then call it fact.

Another Christian fucktard wrote "By that point it has already been decided by the way those two people lived their lives and the choices they made. If they go to hell, they can blame themselves. God through His word has told us how we can avoid going to hell. If we choose to ignore or reject the opportunity for salvation, it's not God's fault."

The stupidity is breathtaking.

This was the best answer:

"He just sorts them all into hell. That reduces the time he needs for the decision and the resources he needs to sustain the people in heaven."

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